Who needs a $10 bill anyway? Amirite?

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by Yomc, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. Yomc

    Yomc ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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    This thread is for the American peeps out there.
    If you haven't already heard, the mint is changing the dollar bill from Alexander Hamilton's face into a famous woman from American History, in order to gain respect for women. This decision is set in stone, and the woman will be announced later this year.
    This is a massive change - bills don't change easily. So for you guys, I have two questions:
    1. Do you agree or disagree?/Do you have any other opinions about it?
    2. Who do you think they'll put on the bill?

    Personally, I prefer the air disagree. It's breaking a massive precendent. Hamilton, being the first U.S. Secretary of Treasury, deserves a spot on the bill. He created integral economic plans that greatly aided our country's growth, some of which still have an effect today (or, like the Bank of the U.S., have created immense controversy at the time). He was our first moneymaker; why take him off? Instead, I think this is a ploy by the Democratic Party - making people more sympathetic to women in order to increase the chances of Hillary Clinton being elected in 2016. I'm not saying that people shouldn't be sympathetic to the rights of women, I'm just saying that it would make sense as trying to set a precedent. They're trying to make it seem like if you disagree with either this decision or with Clinton, you're a misogynist and shouldn't be taken seriously. It's a very underhanded move, and it drastically decreases my confidence in the Democratic Party.

    As for the second question, I would expect Amelia Earhart, Rosa Parks, or heck, even Rosie the Riveter - there aren't many other choices. Susan B. Anthony also wouldn't be surprising, and it would reinforce my earlier statement.

    What do you guys think?