I can get any girl watch. @kathrine0009 (Using u coz I was looking on your profile before this) If girls were boogers I'd pick you first ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) @ShowerCurtain
Honesty, I would go back to my schooling and make it a serious matter in a way that I will achieve my goals.
Not trying to be a douchebag nor get on bad terms with you but; "Schooling" is a term which signifys the verb of going to school. If you were educated enough you would.comprehend that its not a nerd term. And a "nerd" isnt a judgemenatal term, more a relatable term.
@Denisvenom9 @_ItsPhoenix , I love the opinions. Yeah, I have a special technique I developed myself called 'multitasking'. It helps me alot with my schooling, forums, basically everything I love to do. It even helps me through really tough work and even play Minecraft at the same time.