[TUTORIAL] How To Build A Cave (Part 2)

Discussion in 'Creative' started by AIkidoRenshi, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. AIkidoRenshi

    AIkidoRenshi Imaginary luthier and amp-builder

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    How To Build A Cave (Part 1)


    > > > Optional Step: - Add Plants < < <

    If you want a more natural cave you can add plants. But not all plants fits into each area and to each other.


    So I made plant-setups for different biomes. It's just an example which plants will fit into the landscape-scheme. Like always count: Experimenting with blocks and colours:





    Uhm... pretty dark here, isn't it? ^^ focus onto the signs into this screenshots to figure out on which places mushrooms feels happy:


    Mushrooms have a very fast population, so you wouldn't see them often alone:


    And in small places they are save from animals and humans they could trample on it or eat them:


    Would you build a forest? It's similar to building a cave in point of using different blocks and plants:


    So, now I think we played the gardener long enough and we are happy with our work:


    Optional Step: -Make A Lake-
    I'm a fan of underwater-caves with diving paths. You too? Then I'll show you here how to make a lake or river into your cave.
    As first we need any
    blokc we can differentiate from the other blocks we have used to build our cave.
    I decided myself to use white wool to build the floor
    one block layer below the layer where the lake/river layer should begin...


    ...and filled out the layer
    beyond the wool-blocks with water:


    Now I have a
    plain surface with still Water. You know, still waters are deep...
    So the water will
    flow down and fill out the cave below:


    Some pits
    wouldn't get flooded by the Water, if there is a block beyond them. In this case you can fix this trough place water in each pit:



    How To Build A Cave (Part 1)

    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015