There should be a way to backup your plot.

Discussion in 'Creative' started by DankifiedDog, Apr 22, 2019.

  1. DankifiedDog


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    While resetting the creative plots every now and then can be a great thing, some people (including myself) put a lot of hard work and have a lot of memories on the plots they've made. It really sucks to see all of that vanish. There are many benefits that come with being able to backup your plot. It allows people to save their hard work.
    It will only reset the inactive plots (which most of them just take up space anyway since a lot of the inactive ones are made by players who went on once and have never been seen since). The plots that get saved will most likely look nice, and be fun to explore for those who just like to browse their fellow player's creations.
    I'm not sure exactly how this will work, maybe there should be a 30 day warning before plots get reset and in those 30 days, players will be able to do /plot backup or something? Maybe the sooner you back up your plot, the closer it will be to the spawn area? Maybe if the plot has a certain amount of blocks placed it automatically gets backed up so that complex creations made by inactive players can still be explored? I'm not sure how this would work but I personally think it would be a great feature and maybe with enough people thinking about it we can come up with a solution.
    Let me know how you guys feel about this. Thanks.
  2. pvpcatsbestfaction

    pvpcatsbestfaction Donator

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    The plot world was released as a download before it reset
    You can go download it
    All you have to do is write down ur coords
  3. DankifiedDog


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    Yeah I mean that's great and all but it would be cool to see the plot world get more and more filled with better and better creations over the years.
  4. GravyBoat_


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    I am a bit confused on how to download the plot. I have looked all over the forums and have not seen anything that may suggest downloading your old plots back to the server. Can someone please help me and point me in the right direction on how to download my old plot.
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