Summer Sale + Donation Goal

Discussion in 'News' started by ItsHarry, Jun 2, 2022.

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  1. sool

    sool ‎ ‎ Donator

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  2. MrEmreeK

    MrEmreeK Stop, what the hell are you talking about? Ha Donator

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    xKofteliEkmek likes this.
  3. Smg

    Smg Retired | Also known as 'Phaithful' Donator

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    This place opened up in 2013, right?

    That's almost ten years of the IJAH minecraft server. Nothing to be shabby about. Idk how much this donation goal is but it seems to be more of a message than anything else that, truthfully, the end might really, finally be near. I haven't been active for many years now but the vibe I've always got from the few times I've stopped by is that this was something people were aware of, a feeling we all had in the back of our minds, it's just we didn't know exactly when it'd happen.

    Granted, I'm biased in that I haven't really been that emotionally connected to this place in a while. But imo sometimes it's better to go out on top. Obviously this place isn't what it once was, but 9+ years of life, outlasting other MC server greats like the Hive, like that's nothing to be down about. It was fun, we all had a good time. I met some awresome people, sadly most of them I''ve lost connection with over the years. And my memories have faded with time. But it still grants me a good feeling just merely knowing I had so many hours of great fun in this place with the various people I could once call friends. And as the great MC Storymode Telltale game put it, nothing built lasts forever.

    Change is natural in life, yet it's completely healthy and natural in its own respect to fear it. Towards the end of 2020 I lost a loved one for the first time in my life, an event that shook me and forced me to really look at and consider the idea of morality in its grand entirety. Not just my own morality, but that of my other loved ones, my friends, even communities I've been a part of through my young life. It's healthy to mourn the loss of something we love or once loved.

    I think for when the time comes, there should be some event or something. But that's just my opinion; an opinion from someone who once thought of this place like a second home, and dedicated many hours to helping ensure others could have the same safe and fun experiences I had. Like, I still check in here every now and then - if y'all decided to put something together, like a big together for a final farewell, if it fits my IRL schedule I would totally mark it down somewhere in my calendar and try to attend.

    If this is the end, then it's been a hell of a run. Don't lowball it, this place, while never reaching the titanic numbers of other iconic servers, was special in its own right - something due to many people whom I can not all name.
  4. ItsJerry

    ItsJerry DEAD SERVER!!! LMAO!!! Staff Member Owner

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    10 years in 2 months. this is purely coincidence and not the reason for the donation goal
  5. tothemoon

    tothemoon Donator

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    ion know if we making our lil notes or not but i just wanted to leave my thoughts i respect this :thumbsup:

    when i was about 12 the thought that one day this place wouldn't around anymore absolutely terrified me lmao. next month i turn 20, and i've reached a point in my life where i look at things so much differently and maybe it's the gas, but i've really just been thinking about how i should've spent more time appreciating what i was getting to experience rather than desperate attempts for a reaction. all good things come to an end, but if we appreciate them while we can it won't hurt as bad when it ends . i spent a lot of my time here and i experienced some of the greatest times. this place provided me with the opportunity to completely be myself and distract myself from some of the trauma that life is. i met some of the coolest people so regardless of all of the bullshit thank you @ItsHarry and @ItsJerry for creating this place. this place is truly unique and no other minecraft community did it like this one did.

    also a big thank you to @ItsWilly and any other admin that saw potential within me and gave me the opportunity to be a helper (twice), as well as a moderator. i felt huge purpose here and its something that i appreciate with all of me.

    ya'll have a nice time :^)
    Ashie, left4lag, Krewlex and 3 others like this.
  6. Dest

    Dest Mod+ | Twitch Streamer | Perler Beads Artist Staff Member Mod+

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    I'm not going to write an entire essay, but I do want to leave a few thoughts.

    Even though I'm barely active anymore, it's been an amazing ride. I got into gaming thanks to this server (I started 'actual 'online gaming here first).
    This server was the sole reason for me buying Minecraft.

    This server is the reason I can speak/write/understand/etc. English fluently. I learned English better here than in school, no joke. Probably because I spent entire summers on here, every single day for 9-12 hours, back in 2014-2016.

    I've made many, many friends here who I created memories with. Most of those memories are captured in screenshots and videos, which I occasionally look/watch back on. Even though I don't have contact with most of those people anymore, a few of them actually stuck with me ( @BrakeCrake ) and our friendship has been going strong for a solid 6 years so far (we met in 2016).

    This server has had it's ups and downs. I'm glad I joined all the way back in 2014, because honestly, if this wasn't for this server, I may have never gotten that much into online gaming (or in a different way) and perhaps I wouldn't have met my husband then (we met through online gaming too). Who knows, maybe life would have gone a different path, you can never be certain.

    And yes, perhaps this server can stay up for longer than 2 months, who knows. I just want to give my thanks to Jerry and Harry in advance. Thank you for everything you've done for this server and the players, staff members and other people. All good things come to an end, but you 2 sure made my time / gaming experience enjoyable!
  7. ThiccTurtles

    ThiccTurtles Builder Donator

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    if this server ended with an event that would honestly be cool as fuck ngl
    i repeat this a lot but it's weird to think i started playing this server as a 10 year old kid back in 2012

    i spent every day on this server, from 2013 - 2018 and early 2019 (i was homeschooled so it was easy to just hop on after like an hour of work) but yet i wouldn't say i wasted all of my teenage years here, i'd honestly say shit got much worse after i left life and mental wise (but eventually i had to jump that hurdle anyways)

    i remember how excited my ass was to get offered staff and actually get promoted, when willy responded to my application and i was jumping around my room on christmas thinking how it was the best day ever, nearly having the same reaction with every single promotion up to admin

    the days working alongside jerry and harry building and working on new events was fun as fuck, i remember getting to test run PrisonMMO and shit on new years into 2018, working on the new kitpvp maps and just so much other shit that made life fun, even if it was on a small server in a game, it still had a huge impact on my life (which sounds pathetic but i'm sure others can agree)

    but yea, i honestly wouldn't mind building for this place again and working alongside people, just don't have the time or patience anymore for it!!!
    also weird to think in 2015 i met the baddest bitch @Bruhtrash here and 4 meetups later we're planning another one this month o/
    thankxs for reading
  8. Heatdude Da Waffle

    Heatdude Da Waffle Admin | Builds Things Staff Member Administrator

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    Guys, don't worry. If it comes to a point where we're about to hit 2 months in a row without meeting the goal, I'll gather up my money, even reach into my savings if necessary, and throw a farewell party.
    Ashie, Joeley020202020, Davey and 7 others like this.
  9. ThisIsJustPie


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    I'm just gonna write this now because I haven't been on the server in years.

    Note: Please excuse my bad grammar. If any grammar errors, please let me know and I'll fix them whenever I can.

    I remember finding out about Jerry and Harry's Youtube channel when I was 11 years old. The first video I've seen on their channel was called "If video games were in Minecraft". I remember just liking the video a lot and continued to watch them more. Eventually, I asked my parents if they could buy Minecraft for me on the PC so I could join the server. I join the server back when 1.5.2 came out for Minecraft PC and was beyond excited to join the server for the first time. I remember lots of things on the server; like the minigames, the community, and especially seeing Jerry and Harry on the server sometimes. I know that I wasn't known on the server much, but I remember the good memories I've had on it. I can remember the builds I've done on creative, always playing and raging on survival games, playing and not knowing what the hell I was doing on skyblock, and just enjoying the server itself. I was 12 years old when I joined the server. But now that I'm 21 and in college, I come on the server now and then to see what's up. But now seeing that the server may get shut down will be sad and to be honest, I might tear up a little; but the memories will always stay with me. Thank you, Jerry and Harry, for making all the memories I've had on the server amazing. Even though the server may be gone soon, the memories will never go away. :)
    dinoceros, ItsHarry, left4lag and 2 others like this.
  10. xKofteliEkmek

    xKofteliEkmek Moderator Staff Member Moderator

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    our hero heatdude!
    Heatdude Da Waffle likes this.
  11. John_0696

    John_0696 Donator

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    Well, I guess it's that time. I haven't been here since 2018 due to a lot of reasons, but now I feel it's time to say something one final time before the server possibly shuts down.

    This place has been around for 10 years, almost as long as I've been playing minecraft. I've had some fun times here (And some not so fun times...) but now that I am an adult, I've haven't had much time for games or drawing anymore. (Yes I still draw, more on that later) I've mainly been working on university.

    However, I won't lie I was an annoying little shithead on this server for a lot of the time I've been here, (Weren't we all?) I did some really questionable things and I wonder how much all of you put up with my shenanigans, But That was then, this is now. And I hope that applies for others here too. I may not be well liked in this community, I've known that for years, but the more you grow, the less you really care about things like social status, acceptance and fitting in, the 3 things I was obsessed with as a teen, Life's too short to give a crap about that anymore.

    But lastly, All I want to say is thanks, While I'm not coming back here anymore after this, this server will always bring some form of nostalgia from the time during high school, that and was one of the few places I could escape to from my abusive household at the time, We had an alright run and to be honest I wouldn't be where I am now within the internet sphere if it wasn't for this place.

    If any of you here want to keep in touch with me, Hit me up on Twitter, steam or wherever. I still do drawings, creations and other various things.

    See you all later and good luck in life, wherever you all are.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2022
  12. YassQueenYT


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    will if u shut down the server we better get are money back for are ranks
    dinoceros likes this.
  13. samm

    samm saint Donator

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    r u dumb
    dinoceros, xKofteliEkmek and ItsJerry like this.
  14. Trevor

    Trevor Donator

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    lets say you got a lemonade at a lemonade stand. you drank it, enjoyed it. the lemonade stand lasts about a week. when they take away the lemonade stand will they give you your money back? no
  15. Kobynt

    Kobynt KitPvP / Factions, Player. Donator

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    warriors in 6
  16. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    well said
    Nvlan likes this.
  17. Nvlan

    Nvlan Hop Off Donator

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  18. ItsJerry

    ItsJerry DEAD SERVER!!! LMAO!!! Staff Member Owner

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  19. Nvlan

    Nvlan Hop Off Donator

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    LOL!! You had your years of fame, now stay humble.
  20. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    please define "humble"
    ItsJerry likes this.
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