
Discussion in 'Server Discussion' started by TwageTomato, Oct 9, 2017.

  1. TwageTomato

    TwageTomato Former Mod Donator

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    After all the threads about the recent resignation wave, I thought I'd share a word of encouragement for those currently in or wishing to join the staff team, as well as those who make it a point to help out in the community.

    Recently, I heard a story told on one of Markiplier's live streams, and I thought I'd share it here because the meaning carries over to many other places. The short story went something like this:

    "There once was a young boy living in a small house on a calm beach with his family and his old, cranky grandfather. Ever day after the boy came home from school, he would find hundreds of star fish washed up on the shore next to his house. If left there overnight, he knew the starfish would shrivel up and die. Wishing to do some good in the world, the boy would go around and pick up a dozen or so star fish every day before having to head inside to eat dinner and do homework. While out on the beach, he would reach down, scoop up a starfish, and toss it back into the water to give it another chance at life. Everyday, the boy would save a few lucky starfish among the hundreds that washed up and later died. After months of repetitively spending his time on this, the grandfather walked outside one day to question the boy as he worked. 'Why do you bother helping these starfish? Why save a few when there are hundreds dying anyways? What does it matter if one or two starfish of a dozen are saved when the rest will end up dead?' The boy looked solemnly at his grandfather, then stooped over to pick up a starfish like he had countless others. Holding the dry and sandy starfish in his hand, the boy turned to the water, and unceremoniously tossed it back into the sea. He then pointed to where the starfish had splashed into the sea, and turned his head to face his grandfather. He simply uttered: 'It mattered to that one.' The grandfather, taken aback by the child's profound reply, went back inside while the boy continued, and his grandfather never approached him about it again."

    I think that story speaks to the kind of work we do here in the staff team, helping out people both in handling reports, as well as trying to brighten someone's day. It may not mean much to the staff member handling the situation, or even to others watching us work, but to those people we help out, it can end up meaning the world. I have played here for years, and I have been working over the past few months to really make a change for the better in the J&H community, eventually leading me to seek a staff position. However, I feel like I did more useful work as a non-staff member working on my own accord than I do now. Anyone can help, and even a small act of kindness, whether it be a friendly word or encouraging statement, can be the difference between a person hating the people on our server and leaving, or that person becoming a kind and productive member of the community.

    I appreciate all of the work the rest of this team does and all the kind members of the community do, and on behalf of all the people whose days are made just a little bit happier, it means a lot. I am so glad to be here.

    EDIT: Why does no one ever reply to threads I make that are deep like this? Is there nothing to give feedback on? Does the impact of this just leave everyone speechless? Or am I dumb and this thread is locked?
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2017
    Stv, Golembyte, Netherr and 16 others like this.
  2. Zackery

    Zackery Donator

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    When I was staff a while back, I always helped the people. I never did it for myself, as there isn't any real contribution to my life while helping on the server.
    The biggest thing it gave me, was the smiles I knew I created, and the joy I give others. That was the biggest reason why I did what I did. The simplest thing can make the biggest difference for the person you're doing it for. You can't make everyone happy, but the few you do make happy, is better than making no one happy at all.

    The story is fantastic, I love it, and will probably use it forever for my niece and nephews, children and later on, grandchildren.
    Phoenix, TwageTomato, Radii and 3 others like this.
  3. Radii

    Radii Donator

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    I remember a player messaging me for help making friends because she was new, and while explicitly it's not a staff member's duty or a regular player's job to befriend anyone and everyone, I feel it's just implied that you should be friendly and give off a good vibe. Like you said, attitude can be the difference between a happy, staying player and an unpleased, short-lived one. I don't mean to speak on a high ground here, but I talked with her, played games with her, and at the end of the day, she told me J&H was her favorite server.

    I feel the main criticism to doing all of that, other than the fact that it's not exactly anyone's job to be welcoming, is that it's a waste of time. "She's just one player, and one player's opinion of the server doesn't amount to the majority." I disagree with this: one happy player has the ability to make other players happy, just like how more healthy and lively starfish can in turn produce more.

    That's why I feel the story is important, not just because it shows how impactful one act of kindness can be to someone or something, even if it's just one measly act, but because it's looking at the big picture wherein one small act can amplify something greater, whether that be a happier playerbase or a greater population of starfish in a given area
  4. Phoenix

    Phoenix Donator

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    Couldn't have said it better.
    TwageTomato likes this.
  5. MeatBoy0

    MeatBoy0 Donator

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    Good story I reply because I don't want to leave you hanging baby girl
    TwageTomato, RulerofMobs and aund like this.
  6. RulerofMobs

    RulerofMobs Fuck. Bye, survival. Donator

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    Good story, I still feel that people who aren't staff don't really know what goes into something, and why we need staff. Also, didn't want to leave you with 4 replies.
    TwageTomato likes this.
  7. Costellon

    Costellon professional Boy Donator

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    wow. makes you think doesnt it.
    TwageTomato likes this.
  8. left4lag

    left4lag Moderator Plus Staff Member Mod+

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    A lot of the time when I go on skyblock or creative to handle a report, more often than you'd think somebody messages me wanting to show me their island/plot. Though sometimes I'm too busy and I can't or I simply forget, when I do visit them it makes them happy to be able to show me around and show me what they've created.
    Also similar to @Radii's story, somebody randomly came up to me and asked if I wanted to play with them, I did and eventually I typed in chat and they were so shocked that I was a staff member. That alone made me happy because they started complimenting the whole staff team. That alone makes me happy because honestly who doesn't like to be appreciated. Afterwards they told me that j&h was one of their favorite servers and I just made it better for them.

    It might not seem like a big deal to others, but to me that means the world. It's amazing how a little act of kindness can make somebody's day.