Someone Has to Say It

Discussion in 'Server Discussion' started by Joseph10003, Jun 3, 2015.

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  1. Joseph10003

    Joseph10003 hi. Donator

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    I feel as though the server has no real "fun" factor to it anymore. The minigames are alright, but the real problem involves the people of the J&H community. The people that state their opinions on here anger me. I do not like what people normally post and I feel like the way people portray their opinions can sometimes be insulting. People forget that when they post something rude on a thread or someone’s profile, it hurts a real person.

    The other thing that irritates me is attention seekers. Like if you feel the need to post every time you are inactive, you need to realize that people do not care. If you post on peoples profiles constantly and harass them, you need to stop. If you spam on threads with the same derpy comments, you need to stop. If you have a different persona that is not what you are actually like in real life, you need to stop. Be yourself and don't act like someone that you're not.

    The other problem is the staff. I hate to talk about staff, but I feel like if I don't say anything, no one will. I hope that whatever I say is not taken in a rude manner. I mean everything I say in an honest and respectable manner. Some staff irritate me. Some staff do not do their job correctly. Some staff just don't act like they care. I hate to be negative like this, but we all know it is the honest truth. We all know that not all the staff are respectable of others. Some people even change once they get staff. To me, this is really saddening and I wish that all the staff were nice, but sadly there are those very few staff members that aren’t. Also, the staff needs to branch out to other people. The staff, in my opinion, need to choose new and different people. We need new staff that are funny, strict (at times), and outgoing. I'm not saying that the staff we have now aren't like this, I am just saying that right now the staff amount is small and we need a bit more "personality."

    Another thing that I would like to cover are the rules of the server. The rules started out strict, but it seems like the rules aren’t enforced as much as they used to be. For example, the rule for god items was strict. God items were not allowed, but now they are allowed? Some staff get rid of them and some do not. I feel like we need to elaborate on the rules a bit more because the way the rules are right now are not fair to everyone. Some people get in trouble for things that others do not get in trouble for and that has got to change.

    The other thing that makes me mad is me (and maybe even some others) feel like they can’t post what they actually feel. If I want to be mad at something, I feel like I can’t or I will get warned. If I want to call a staff member out for something they did wrong, I feel like I can’t without getting warned. If I want to act a certain way to show my emotions towards something, I feel like I can’t without getting warned. I like to be nice for the most part, but if I can’t state my opinions (which I am entitled to) without getting in trouble for them, then this server is messed up and needs to set some fine boundaries.

    People need to stop acting like they are special. We play on a MINECRAFT SERVER, you are not a superstar. Everyone needs to calm down and staff need to be nicer. People need to stop posting rude things on others profiles and show more respect. This includes me, the community, and the staff. Just because you're staff doesn’t mean you can treat others poorly and not even do your job correctly. If you are staff and don’t even get on the server, then what’s the point in being staff?

    If you hate me for posting this, you need to realize that all this information is in fact true and the server has got to change for the better.

    Bye guys.

    - Joseph
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
  2. tothemoon

    tothemoon Donator

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    Thanks for stating this, I agree with everything you have stated, it's about time someone stood up around this community, way to go Joseph.
    blok, ObviouslyJenna and Joseph10003 like this.
  3. Devin610

    Devin610 Donator

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    I could say a lot of things in respect of the staff part but I rather not as I would get in trouble. A lot of people don't like the truth to be said out loud but whatever.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
  4. Dest

    Dest Mod+ | Twitch Streamer | Perler Beads Artist Staff Member Mod+

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    Unfortunately, this can't be prevented. There will always be people who are mean and try to bring down other to make themselves feel better. You can do 2 things. Ignore it (probably the best option) or be mad about it, which is not needed. You can be mad, but what does it help? People will keep doing it, if you get mad at it or not. It is hard, but we just have to accept that some people won't change and state their opinions in a bad way. This is how some people are, unfortunately. Of course I disagree with these people being rude, but I can't prevent or stop it.
  5. Joseph10003

    Joseph10003 hi. Donator

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    The parts that confuse me are the bolded parts. You said that I could ignore it, well you know what, I don't want to anymore. I have ignored it for the longest of time. I and some other players are sick of the people that make this server depressing. Also, I never said that I was mad. This thread was not made out of anger. This thread was made because I am sick of some people on the server/forums. I don't know if you meant what you said in the way that I took it, but I am not mad and I don't really feel like ignoring these issues anymore.
    Miner likes this.
  6. Dest

    Dest Mod+ | Twitch Streamer | Perler Beads Artist Staff Member Mod+

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    Well, you can choose to not ignore it, but would it really make any difference? People will keep doing it anyway. We can't really stop it...
    And I meant 'being mad' in general. Mad, annoyed, any feelings you have because of those people.
  7. Joseph10003

    Joseph10003 hi. Donator

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    Oh okay, I get what you meant. Sorry for taking it the wrong way.
    One thing though... the people that are rude and immature and who state their opinion in a rude manner can just easily be warned. The only problem with this idea is that not everyone around the forums/server gets warned fairly. You have some people barely doing anything wrong who get warned, but then you have others who cause major drama and who are just completely rude who are not even given a warning. To stop others from acting this way, the server has to step up on the whole "warning system" because right now it is completely messed up and unfair.
  8. Dest

    Dest Mod+ | Twitch Streamer | Perler Beads Artist Staff Member Mod+

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    It's ok. I am sure staff will look at the situation before they warn. I don't want to start an argument about the whole warn system. I don't feel like I have the right to do that, so I will leave that up for staff. I get what you mean, though.
    Joseph10003 likes this.
  9. MC_Scout

    MC_Scout Fearless Leader Staff Member Manager

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    And the point of this is?
    This is another false reality that everything needs perfect. There will always be problems. Welcome to the real world, you wont like everyone you have ever met.

    Warning system: You dont like how staff do there job. Report it. Its a thing called time and place. When ever I have a problem with staff Ill message an admin about it. If its bad enough I will report it in the staff section. What I wont do is call them out in public. Not the time, not the place.
    TL;DR: Nothing will ever be perfect, and compared to other server this place is way closer to that then others.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
    Jakesync and Ninjaman like this.
  10. cingle

    cingle Donator

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    I don't think you see the point of this thread.
    He states all the problems so that they'll get fixed.
    The first line was #SaveTheServer.
    He's not complaining, he's asking for them to be fixed. Maybe after seeing this thread, people won't make a thread every time they get a stomach ache. Maybe some people will stop being so spammy.
  11. Wolf


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    To take care of this directly - the God Item rule was changed, and we aren't seeking them out actively. Also, we're not required to remove them - it's kinda left up to the staff member's direction.
    Other than that, I personally think the rules are relatively clear, but vague when they need to be.
    When I left, we were working on better rules - but I don't know how that's coming along.

    Deal with it.
    Welcome to real life - it's full of people you'll hate.
    And life is a community you can't leave or change.

    Who cares about personality when they do their job?
    Again, in real life, you won't be able to choose your boss's personality.
    Get used to dealing with people who you don't like.
    It's a part of life.

    Staff Abuse section.
    Message NES, Xenon, or Willy.

    Welcome to real life.
    People can be assholes.
    And you have to deal with them.

    Sorry if you're not fond of the answers.
  12. Devin610

    Devin610 Donator

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    This thread is going in a lot of ways, I would hate to close it. Let's just keep calm and not lose our temper for once.
    Netherr, SSAce, cingle and 2 others like this.
  13. Joseph10003

    Joseph10003 hi. Donator

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    I will bold everything wrong with your post. Okay?
    First off, I never said things have to be perfect. I know that not everyone and everything can be perfect. This is not the point in this thread. The point is that people need to be less rude and not be so immature. I'm sick of the way certain people act on here. I never mentioned anything about others being "perfect." The second bolded part is basically common sense. I know in the real world, you won't like others. Again though, I never mentioned not liking a specific person. I was saying that there are people that I don't particularly like the way they act and treat others.

    The third bolded sentence makes no sense. I know that I am not staff on a server of this scale, but I still feel like I should get respect on here. I'm sure others do to. Okay I get it, their staff, but it doesn't mean they are better than everyone else and that they can treat anyone how they please. Plus, you are acting like the staff on here have an actual "job." Yes it is a job for the server, but it's not a real life paying job.

    Again, I never said I didn't like how staff do their job. I said, I don't like how some staff never get on and how some staff treat others. Also, I feel like if I ever had to report a staff member, I wouldn't. You know why? Because word will get around and rumors and drama would start.

    Finally, did I call out any specific staff member? I said "some" staff. I didn't say any staff members names at all. Plus, what do you mean not the time or place. If I didn't do it now when would I and who would? Who would finally step up and state honest and true facts about this community. I thought about it long before I posted it. I knew that it would bring me some hate, but I did it because I really feel this way.

    I get your point, but what I am saying is, the people that cause so much annoyance to others and even the staff, should get warned or at least verbally warned.

    Good point, but I feel like the situation is a bit different on here than in real life. The higher up staff pick the new staff and if they pick a staff member that is stuck up and shallow, we as the community should be able to have a say. I should have included this in my post, but honestly the community should get a say in staff. If staff have a good personality, it is easier for people to respect them. I respect staff because they are staff, but if some staff weren't staff, I would not respect them because they are not nice people.

    Again, my point was not meant to be taken in a bad way. The point in this thread was to tell people about how I feel and to express my thoughts and ideas. I know people can be assholes but when it comes to staff, if they are not nice and treat people poorly, they shouldn't be staff. If staff do not do their job, they should not be staff. So the whole "you have to deal with it" comment does not make sense. I am tired of dealing with rude staff and players. We should be able to have a say in who becomes staff and the people that are immature and annoying to others should have some form of punishment.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2015
  14. MC_Scout

    MC_Scout Fearless Leader Staff Member Manager

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    It comes down to this:
    Its two diffrent prospectives.
    My prospective is that of Wolf's: Deal with it.
    Your prospective is that there are problems. I dont think anyone is denying there is a problem, however there a problems every where.
    True, I probaly did not word my response very well. So in you defense its a little out of line.
    However your missing the big point:
    I use the word job figuratively. Im not actulay saying that they get paid. I could of said let staff do there thing, same difference.
    Im refering to the warning system comment you made. Not this thread. Which plays into this:
    If its done correctly, no it wont. Ive reported a few staff members before, and to this day no one knows it happend, no one knows who, it was solved in a respectful manor.

    Your opinion is 100% valid.
    However mine is the same. And as I said its all about prospective. Mine is way diffrent then yours, neither one is worng, but neither one is right.
    EDIT: Some of your opinion I agree with. (ie how new staff members act sometimes) however I keep to my self about it, it wont change.
    If someone wants to make a thread about it who cares? If it makes them happy, let them do it. Does it get old? Absolutely. Its a trend, and just like every other trend it dies. Remember last summer with the fake alts? Ya those went away, give it some time and these will too.
    Lastly the whole save the server thing?
    You think the server is falling apart. I think changing is a better word. Old people leave, new people join, the enviroment.
    Take todays soceity. You parents acted way diffrently as kids then we do? Same thing hear.
    Younger people join, with it comes immaturity. Who know what keeps the server alive? The young people. They are here to stay for a while. The older people most likely wont be here as long.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
    Jakesync likes this.
  15. Joseph10003

    Joseph10003 hi. Donator

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    So if I used your idea of dealing with issues, things would never get fixed.
    If I "just dealt with it" the server would never change. Things would stay the same. People would continue to treat others poorly and the same staff would continue to treat others poorly. So I don't like the whole "deal with it" idea because it doesn't solve anything nor will it ever in the future. I think by me making this thread, it will give people a different perspective of the server/forums and how unfair it is at times.
  16. ItsJerry

    ItsJerry DEAD SERVER!!! LMAO!!! Staff Member Owner

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    Attention seekers and negative people

    What can you do about this? People are people. It's not just the forums, but life in general. Wherever you go, there will always be people you like and people you don't like: You simply have to deal with it. Welcome to the real world.

    We're already doing our best to get rid of bullies and rude people, but you can't expect a perfect mature community. After all, this community is mostly children. If you feel like a bully is not being handled by staff, just report them. Don't expect staff to read every single post by every person.

    No freedom of speech
    As far as I'm concerned, you can say whatever you want, as long as you keep it formal. If you don't start insulting people or throwing F-bombs, you can express your opinion. If you disagree, please let me know; but give examples to support your arguments.

    Rude staff
    This is something we can work on... Maybe I'm oblivious to my surroundings or staff just happens to be nice every time I'm around, but from my point of view the staff is doing their job fine. If you disagree or want to talk about specific staff members, tell me in a private conversation.

    Rules aren't strict enough
    You only gave one example though, which is God items. You can't even get god items anymore, they're only being passed around now. It's not against the rules to have god items, but they are discouraged. Hence if we find god items, we'll remove them, but you won't get banned for having one. Unless you give some other examples to support your argument, I'm just gonna discard it. It's not something that "has to be said", it's just a random small thing that you added on the side.

    Actually, this one's kinda contradicting the previous two points. You can't say what you want because you're afraid to get warned, and staff are apparently rude (maybe they're just doing their job), yet the rules aren't strict enough? Seems kind of inconsistent, doesn't it?
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
  17. ZakMuir

    ZakMuir Veteran Donator

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    No one would care if their friends went inactive hmm

    TBH Your saying people aren't allowed to state their opinions but you can? lmao I can state my opinion all I want, and you say if you call a sdtaff member out in public you will get a warning? If you called anyone out rudely, you would probably get a warning...
    Jakesync likes this.
  18. Joseph10003

    Joseph10003 hi. Donator

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    What are you even talking about? I never said I could state my opinion and others couldn't. I said:
    Please quote where I said "I can state my opinions, but others can't."

    I never said I would call out staff either. I said I feel like I can't state my opinion on staff that I don't particularly think do their job right. Also, I never even mentioned calling out people at all. I said I feel scared to state my opinions on certain people, not call them out.
    MC_Scout likes this.
  19. MC_Scout

    MC_Scout Fearless Leader Staff Member Manager

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    I admire you wanting to change. However I dont think change will happen. Its someting you live with.
    the real world is full of people being rude and disrespectful. Its the unfortunate reality. It wont change, its just something you have to deal with.
    Does it suck? yes. Is it not right? Yes. Can you change it? Not really.
    Dont mind me asking but:
    Have you have you not gotten in trouble for "calling out" staff in public. If you have never tried it, you making an assumption.

    I will also say that if you really wanted to change I encourage you to make go to uncharted terrority. The amount of times Ive had second thoughts on posting somehting is more then a few. However It usealy comes back with praise.
    Its okay to get your hands dirty. A warning is exactly that: a warning. There is reason why its takes three of them to get banned.
    Jakesync likes this.
  20. Joseph10003

    Joseph10003 hi. Donator

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    I'm not making any assumptions. I have had people express their opinion before and get in trouble for them.
    Also, I know it takes three warnings to get a ban, but my point was, you shouldn't get warned unfairly.
    sebastiann likes this.
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