Found some links searching on the forum that are still online: Original SkyBlocks: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: SkyBlock Season 2: Creative 1: Apparently the original J&H world from 2012? Although not sure if it works: Had these on my computer and uploaded them: Creative 2: Creative 3:
if anyone is interested, also found some old lobbies from 2015-2016 (aka before world downloader was banned). These are just the lobbies, so no I haven't actually got a full download of factions season 2 (for example). If you can't find the spawn, try doing /kill, or alternatively I can send through coords if you still can't find it. Exact dates for each snapshot are in the WorldDownloader.txt file. Here's the folder:
I noticed that the download links for the older skyblock downloads are down. Does anyone happen to have these? I had a skyblock that i build between 2013 and 2018, would love to have it on my pc. Thanks in advance
How do I find my friend's old plots? There was a plot finder on the other thread posted 2 years ago which doesn't work anymore. Is there still a method of finding it?
@Huesan has a plot finder which is still online, but it seems to be not returning the plots at the moment
@TheDiamondPicks do you know where i can find the download to the original skyblock, before the first reset This is the only foto i have of it
I just found Microsoft has removed the username history API for player safety. I changed how this tool works; you will have to type the username you had at the time you created your plot.
been trying to find the plot of someone who's never changed their name but it doesn't appear to find anything? is there any other method? (edit) nvm! made a teency program to search through my minecraft logs and find wherever the username was mentioned which pretty quickly led me to the coordinates. appreciate the tool though!! helped me find some other people as well
It looks all the Skyblock worlds are unfortunately no longer online, does anyone still have any backups by chance? Would love to visit my old skyblock island! :)