[OFFICIAL] Creative Suggestions Thread

Discussion in 'Creative' started by AIkidoRenshi, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. AIkidoRenshi

    AIkidoRenshi Imaginary luthier and amp-builder

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    As I flyed around the Creative servers I saw many plots with simple buildings.
    So I think we need more Tutorials and Guides here to help each other with building.

    Here I made a list of Tutorials and Guides:


    > > > BUILDINGS < < <

    [TUTORIAL] How To Bild A Medival Building
    [TUTORIAL] How To Build A Modern Building
    [TUTORIAL] How To Build A Antiquity Building

    > > > LANDSCAPES < < <

    [TUTORIAL] How To Build A Cave - AikidoRenshi
    [TUTORIAL] How To Build Mountains
    [TUTORIAL] How To Build A Giant Tree
    [TUTORIAL] How To Build A Forest

    > > > OTHER BUILDINGS < < <

    [TUTORIAL] How To Build Organics
    [TUTORIAL] How To Build A Pixelart
    [TUTORIAL] How To Build A Sphere
    [TUTORIAL] How To Make A Song With Noteblocks
    [COLLECTION] Redstone-Circuits
    [TUTORIAL] How To NOT Build


    [TUTORIAL] How To Make A Headshop/How Does A Headshop Work?
    [TUTORIAL] How To Build A Parcour


    [TUTORIAL] How To Color A Book - TheBlackHamood
    [GUIDE] A RP (RolePlay) Guide - xX0Sven0Xx
    [INTRODUCTION] Modifications and Plugins for Building
    [TUTORIAL] How To Become Ideas For Building

    If you want to do a tutorial or a guide or you already made one
    note me into this Thread and I'll link your Thread and Name on the list.

    If you have more suggestions for Tutorials and Guides you can post
    your ideas here and I'll add it on this Thread if I like the Ideas.

    I'll also try to make tutorials from this list and post them here into the Creative Sub-Forums.