My 8th Story: The Eternal Shadow King

Discussion in 'Creation Showcase' started by IAMINACTIVEBYE, Oct 11, 2015.

  1. TheUndeadBrave

    TheUndeadBrave Life's too short, make the most of it!

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    *high five* Unexpected allies.
    CaptainJackValdy likes this.


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    Got a new laptop and it is so fast and smooth :)
    Enjoy ^-^

    Chapter 15 - A Lose
    I realised I wasn't armed with any weapons, so I couldn't fight back.
    Just in time, Twage came in and zapped his magic at Undead.
    I got up and turned and saw Undead unconscious against the wall.
    "Jeez Louise, what happened." Twage said seriously.
    "He almost killed me..." I sighed.
    I looked down, still thinking about what to do with him.
    Twage put his hand on my shoulder. I then looked at him.
    "I know what your thinking. You just can't let go of him. But... look what he just did. I think it is right to get him to leave." He explained calmly.
    I sighed again, admitting that I had to face the truth.
    Someone then threw something at my back that was quite soft.
    I turned around and I saw Kry.
    He noticed Undead and raised an eyebrow.
    "Oh. Thought you said he was leaving." Kry hissed.
    "He almost stabbed me with his dagger. He's still leaving." I explained.
    "He tried to kill you in the past AND present. Your still letting him try to kill you in the FUTURE? He knows out location Louise! He can tell the Shadow King where our location is, then wipe us out like ants. You gotta act serious!" Kry shouted.
    "Kry, back off. It is her decision." Twage shouted as he pushed Kry.
    I then saw a backpack on the ground.
    When I picked it up, I looked at Undead.
    I put the backpack on Undead's back then held him.
    "Where are you going to put him Louise?" Twage questioned.
    "Back at the shadow kingdom so Captain Jack can take care of him." I explained.
    "Captain Jack?" Twage questioned.
    I turned towards Twage and Kry.
    "The Shadow King's identity is Captain Jack." I sighed.
    Twage's eyes widened with disbelief.
    "I thought this Captain Jack was his assistant!" Twage gasped.
    "Or maybe HE is his assistant." Kry said as we stared hard at Undead.
    "But still, this is very bad. With Captain Jack still alive, then... this will be harder then we thought." Kry sighed.

    I then thought about Nala. She might die soon.
    It would be a risk to be in the Shadow Kingdom against to return Undead, but I had to protect Nala.
    "You guys stay here with Nala and take care of her. I'll go and bring Undead back to the Shadow Kingdom." I explained.
    "But what if you find that beast again... that Shadow Beast." Kry gasped.
    "Then I'll face it." I said in a serious voice.
    Twage took a couple of steps back with shock while Kry's eyebrows narrowed.
    "I heard about the Shadow Beast... some kind of Beast then can be formed with a bunch of Shadows. It is impossible to kill. No way!" Twage shouted.
    I was then about to exit the cave, until Twage grabbed my arm.
    "I don't want to loose a friend! No! With you gone, I'll only have this tomato in my pocket. And this tomato is very shy." Twage sobbed.
    "Twage, it is the bosses decision. Like you said. Go Louise. Leave us." Kry said.
    I nodded and walked away, leaving Twage and Kry with Nala.

    I made it to the Shadow Kingdom with like before, nothing there.
    I laid Undead on the ground.
    His eyes then slowly opened.
    When I saw his eyes open, I quickly walked away so I can hide my tears.
    As I ran, I quickly took one more peek at Undead.
    I saw him sit there, stare at me with disbelief eyes.
    I turned away as I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
    Before I opened the iron door, I heard some shouts of fear and worry.
    I wondered about Nala...
    The thought of Nala started to blow up in my mind, so I opened the door immediately.
    I saw Twage with his hands on his head with tears of sweat, flowing down his forehead.
    Kry had his hands on his forehead while his eyes started to widen.
    "What happened?" I shouted.
    They both noticed me.
    "We can't save her..." Twage whispered.
    "But... I thought you could revive her." I shouted.
    Twage then looked at Kry.
    "Undead knew had to cure her. I remember a while ago, he told me that if anyone is about to die, then tell him then he can fix them. But where did you put him?" Kry questioned while breathing heavily.
    That's when I started to feel horrified.
    Without any answer, I ran out of the cave, towards the Shadow Kingdom.

    Kry and Twage followed me, even though they didn't know where I was going.
    I didn't want to waste any breaths or time, so without a word I ran on.
    "Lou- *puff* Louise! What are you-"
    Then Kry bumped into to me as I stopped.
    "Seriously... what are you DOING?" He shouted.
    I kept starring in the distance.
    I walked forward, slowly and carefully.
    Something was on the ground.
    Two items were on the ground but it wasn't clear.
    I picked them up, and looked at them carefully.
    One was a potion while the other was some kind of needle.
    There was a piece of paper stuck to the potion saying 'Shadows' while on the needle it said 'Nala'.
    Such mysterious names with unknown meanings... hmm.
    "Maybe the Shadow potion does something to Shadows." Twage suggested.
    That theory could be true. But the needle...
    "Also another question: Who put these here?" Kry questioned.
    I then noticed a little paper on the ground as well.
    I picked it up and it read it.
    'Dear Louise. Hopefully it is you who is reading this. I had no choice but to work with Captain Jack and give him information about you. He would've killed me if I didn't obey his orders. Secretly, I tried to help you as best as I can, trying to help you on your adventures. But... it seems that the evidence was clear and no orders from me would be believed. I knew you know hate me. So I'll hate you too if that's what you want. Take my stuff. Goodbye.'
    A tear escaped my eye.
    "What did it say?" Twage questioned.
    "It's... it's from Undead..." I said as I handed the piece of paper to him.
    As Twage and Kry held the paper, I noticed something on the ground.
    A couple of metres away, a shadow lurked closer.
    It then stopped in front of me, not doing anything.

    When Twage and Kry finished reading the nose, they noticed the Shadow too.
    "Aww! Kill it!" Kry shouted.
    Before I could escape, I then looked at the potion in my hand.
    "Perhaps this is a good time to test the potion." I suggested.
    I carefully held out the potion on top of the Shadow.
    Slowly and gentled, I tilted the potion, making the black liquid poor on top of the Shadow.
    Black dust then bloomed on top of the Shadow.
    I fell back, accidently dropping the potion, making it smash with the liquid pouring down into the cracks of the ground.
    More black dust bloomed and exploded.
    Then, a body popped out of the dust and laid on the ground.
    I came closer with Kry and Twage behind me.
    "Hey, are you okay? Speak." I questioned as I examined the body.
    It then looked up and started shaking.
    "Ga... what... what happened. I... why am I so... so warm..." It gasped.
    It then sat there, shivered with sweat running down it's face and also twitched.
    "You don't look good at all." Kry commented.
    I noticed something strange about the guy... I looked closer.
    Kry and Twage also examined him too.
    Twage gasped with fright.
    It interrupted my concentrated, so I turned around at Twage.
    "This... this can't be!" He gasped.
    "What? What is it? Spit it out!" Kry shouted.

    "I believe this guy... this man..." Twage slowly said.
    I looked at the guy again, who was shivering and looked frightened.
    "It's Agent S." Twage gasped.
    I quickly turned around and looked at him.
    It was Agent S...
    To Be Continued...
    Remember to keep leaving your support below with comments, likes and any suggestions too!
    And if you do find any errors in this chapter, please let me know since sometimes some sneaky mistakes can sneak in.
    Thanks For Reading!!! :D
    Kono, Elfon, TheUndeadBrave and 5 others like this.
  3. CaptainJackValdy

    CaptainJackValdy I got a plan to save the server, just have faith

    Likes Received:
    Good chap! :D

    PS: That drama though
    PPS: The note is mean
    PPPS: [No Joke Found]
    IAMINACTIVEBYE and LadyGaga like this.
  4. mochi

    mochi t̶̀h̶e̵ ̷̧͝c̵̨á̢t͘ Donator

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    Amazing chapter! :)
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.


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    Damn, 6 likes? Didn't expect that much support! Thanks so much everyone :)

    Enjoy ^-^

    Chapter 16 - A New Enemy?
    I stared at Agent S's deep, empty eyes. He looked like he was shot with lightning 20 times.
    "Your... your Lo-Louise right?" He shivered.
    "Yes, of course its me. I thought you died..." I said sadly.
    "It felt like death... I kept thinking about murder and suffering... My body just kept dragging anyone who comes to me. Then I remembered that a certain part of me didn't want to drag one person down... I don't know who it was though..." He explained.
    I remembered when a shadow before, tried to drag me but looked too weak to. Maybe that was him...
    "Was it me?" I questioned.
    He looked up.
    "Wait... yes... Yes! Yes it was you!" He smiled.
    I smiled too with a huge smile.
    "Sorry to um... interrupt the party... but Nala is about to like, DIE!" Kry shouted.
    "Who?" Agent S questioned.
    I explained to him who she was. Then he understood.
    "She saved you at the start? Awesome!" He cheered.
    "Can we go now. I need to pee. And I ain't peeing on the ground cause that will hurt the environment." Twage said quickly.
    Kry then held Agent S and we ran back into the forest towards our home.
    But when we entered the forest, many trees were cut down...
    "Those trees wasn't like that 10 minutes ago..." Kry said.
    "Maybe Captain Jack did this... letting us know he's close..." Twage answered.
    "Captain Jack? Who is he?" Agent S questioned.
    "The Shadow King's true identity." I answered.
    Agent S's eyes widened in surprise.
    "Guys. Forget about the trees. We have to hurry up!" Kry shouted seriously.
    "But... I like trees." Twage sobbed.
    Kry did a serious look at him, making him look away.

    We went into the tunnel and arrived behind the iron door.
    "Open!" Kry shouted.
    The door slowly started to open.
    As soon as the gape was large enough, I zoomed inside.
    I looked on the table, but Nala's body was gone.
    Then I looked at the entrance of the laboratory, and saw someone there, holding Nala's body.
    'Captain Jack...' I thought in my head.
    The stranger noticed me, then tried to throw a potion at me.
    I ran to my right, making the potion crush onto the ground, making glass spit all over the place and the purple liquid, ooze all over the floor.
    Kry, Twage and Agent S arrived, and noticed the guy too.
    "Who are you?" Agent S gasped.
    It didn't answer and tried to throw some small daggers at them.
    They ducked onto the ground, making the daggers fly straight into the wall.
    Twage dumped Agent S on the ground, under the table without letting the guy see.
    He then threw Nala's body onto the ground. More blood flowed out of her head.
    "Soon all her blood will escape, making death reach her. Twage, try to cure her!" Kry commanded.
    Twage nodded and went ran straight to Nala.
    The stranger then got out one bigger dagger that was sharper then the other ones.
    It threw it at Kry's shoulder. He cursed in pain and laid on the ground, holding his shoulder.
    I almost had a heart attack as I saw Kry, sob in pain on the ground.
    The stranger then ripped out of the dagger off Kry's shoulder.

    I didn't take any chances.
    The gold axe appeared and I rushed towards the guy.
    I charged at it, then fell on the guy, making us both fall.
    I held the gold axe, close to it's neck.
    "Why are you here... why are you here to look for suffering towards us!" I demanded.
    It didn't answer.
    I then took off the hoodie that covered it's face.
    I almost fell back when I saw it's identity.
    "You brought rage and anger to me Louise. I'm seeking for revenge. You never wanted to be my friend in the first place..." He shouted.
    "You don't have to do this!" I replied back.
    "It's too late for that..." He whispered.
    He got up and ran towards Twage.
    He pushed Twage out of the way, then grabbed Nala's body.
    His hand then dug into Nala's pocket, and got out a small, iron plank.
    He threw it on the ground, then spawned a portal.
    "Get-Get him! Quick!" Kry commanded.
    Undead held out a dagger as he slowly walked towards the portal.
    I swung the gold axe, hitting the dagger out of his hand.
    "Leave me be Louise. Let me take Nala to where she can be something else... something dark." Undead said in a mighty voice.
    I started to feel afraid.
    When fear hit me, my golden axe disappeared into yellow particles, that then vanished into the air.
    I reached into my pocket, and felt something.
    I got the object out. A needle.
    It had the name 'Nala' on it. Could this help her?
    Undead was about to step into the portal, until Twage jumped on his back, making him walk wobbly backwards.
    Twage was then jammed into the wall as Undead kept pushing his back onto him.

    I looked at the needle, then at Nala.
    Twage looked like he was about to vomit as the force on his body started to harm him.
    I ran forward as Nala was heartbeats away from death.
    I jammed the needle on her chest.
    Undead looked frozen in horror.
    Seconds later, the flesh surrounded the huge cut in her head started to reach out.
    Her head then made the cut in her head disappear, and then I saw her chest slowly go up and down.
    She is breathing... she is alive!
    "Your not my friend..." Undead whispered.
    He threw Nala onto the ground, making her wake up in fright.
    "Wha-What is happening?" She said in surprise.
    She noticed the dagger in Undead's hand.
    "Goodbye." Undead said.
    He held the dagger beside his head, then swung it in front of him.
    Twage pushed him into the portal, and as soon as his body disappeared, he portal vanished.
    She breathed heavily in shock, not believing what she has seen.
    "Louise, what happened? The last thing I remembered was seeing the giant Shadow beast." Nala said.
    "I umm... accidentally became a demon again and hit you on the head with my axe, almost killing you. Yeah..." I said nervously.
    "What? This curse of yours... its getting out of control." Nala replied.
    "But she saved you using that curse." Kry said.
    "But it's dangerous. One day she might become a devil again and loose control as it takes over her mind and even make someone die in the team. We must try and dispose this curse out of her." Nala explained.
    "Oh yeah, are you guys going to leave me here as more blood come out of my shoulder?" Kry hissed.
    "What happened to you?" Nala gasped.
    "Undead came in here and tried to take you away. He threw a dagger at my shoulder. But don't worry, Twage can fix it." Kry winked.
    "Right..." Nala said.
    "Also, what about the trees?" Twage questioned.
    "Trees? Were they cut down?" Nala questioned.
    Twage nodded.
    "Oh no... that is horrible. That could mean something horrible. Very horrible indeed." Nala said with a blank look.
    "Why is it horrible?" Kry questioned.
    "It could mean someone else has the demon curse as well..." Nala answered.
    To Be Continued...
    Remember to leave your likes, comments and suggestions too!
    And it's possible that the 20th chapter will be the final one unless my ideas for the story are longer then expected. So the end of this story is close people! :o
    Thanks For Reading!!! :D
    Kono, Elfon, Katerina and 5 others like this.
  6. TwageTomato

    TwageTomato Former Mod Donator

    Likes Received:
    Only 6? What is wrong with this community?! Louise deserves way more than just 6 likes for the work put into these stories!
  7. mochi

    mochi t̶̀h̶e̵ ̷̧͝c̵̨á̢t͘ Donator

    Likes Received:
    Awesome chapter. That twist at the end though
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  8. CaptainJackValdy

    CaptainJackValdy I got a plan to save the server, just have faith

    Likes Received:
    Good chap :D
    (Better story than mine, for the better or worse :3)

    PS: Nala, right after she woke up, the first thing she's thinking about is the curse. O.O #WarPerson
    PPS: I like trees too :D
    PPPS: Sven, looks like you're a true philosopher. You just described death. :3 GG
    LadyGaga and IAMINACTIVEBYE like this.
  9. TheUndeadBrave

    TheUndeadBrave Life's too short, make the most of it!

    Likes Received:
    Damn dude I'm pretty evil!
    Didn't expect that in this story.
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  10. LadyGaga

    LadyGaga The cake isn't a lie Donator

    Likes Received:
    I like it. And I'm going to ask it!

    Can I get a return in the next story.

    (If you don't you can check if I lied about how being death feels... JK)


    Likes Received:
    Most characters in this story will return in the next story if I do get their permission. :) In the final chapter it will reveal who probably won't be able to return. So once the final chapter comes out which is soon, you'll see if you can be in the next story. But most characters will return!

    You may notice below that the 'Starring Characters' list is a bit different. This time in the future, it will show who had a major role in the chapter and who had a minor role. Whoever isn't listed isn't in the chapter. Hopefully you don't mind this change!

    Characters With Major Roles:
    Characters With Minor Roles:
    Enjoy ^-^

    Chapter 17 - The Other Demon
    I thought my heartbeat vanished when I heard this kind of news.
    "Wh-Who?" Twage gasped.
    "I'm not sure. It could possibly be a new, unknown enemy or someone we've met." Nala explained.
    Agent S looked like he wanted to scream like a girl again.
    "Also, Louise. How did I... awake. How did I get resurrected?" Nala questioned.
    "Undead left a needle back in the shadow kingdom. I then jabbed it on you which then healed your wounds, then you woke up. That's how." I explained.
    "But why would he leave something useful behind if he is an enemy? Is there a part of him that still hasn't be covered in evilness?" Kry said.
    "Maybe he still wants to be our friend! But hey, that's just a theory. A game-" I slapped Twage before he could finish.
    Then he grew kawaii eyes as he stared at me with pucked lips, about to sob.
    "Louise, I think it's time to release the darkness inside of you." Nala sighed.
    "But it protects me and my friends!" I shouted.
    "You almost killed me. What if you try to kill more people that are on your side? You can't risk it. I know you can't." Nala replied back.
    I thought of that for a second, then I let out a sigh.
    "Fine. What do I need to do?" I asked.
    "First you need to activate your devil curse in a machine in the laboratory. Then we'll drain all the dark blood in you since your blood does change to darkness once you are a demon. Once that's done, you are most likely to live after that and continue your life without being a demon. Now come." Nala explained.

    We went in the laboratory and noticed a glass cage with tubes in it.
    "Just go inside and attach the tubes to your arms and legs." Nala commanded.
    I went inside and attached the tubes to my body.
    "Do you know what makes you turn into a demon?" Nala questioned.
    "If someone is being attacked or if I remember something horrible." I answered.
    "Okay, think of something as horrible as possible then." Nala continued.
    I thought about if Undead escaped with Nala if I didn't do anything...
    Nala could've became a Shadow... while he kills my other friends...
    I started to feel the rage.
    I continued the thinking, going deeper into more horrible theories.
    That's when I sparked.
    I held the golden axe and just realized I was loosing control.
    I was trying to break the cage with my axe.
    Before I could swing my axe again, something started to harm me.
    The tubes started to drain the blood out of me.
    I screamed in pain as I felt weak.
    I broke one of the tubes connected to my arm using my axe. Then flashing, red lights beamed in my face.
    The cage just kept ringing on and repeating.
    I kept of breaking all the tubes as I heard Nala, cursing and swearing.

    Behind me I noticed a blue light that starting to shine.
    I looked behind me, then the view broke.
    After seconds, I was back, in the cage but in a different room.
    I opened the door and started to explore.
    I seemed to be in a dark fortress.
    The noise of my footsteps echoed through the hallways. This place seemed to be empty.
    I noticed the noise of footsteps doubling.
    When I stopped, the footsteps continued.
    That's when I noticed someone in front of me.
    "How did you get here..." It questioned with a hissing voice.
    "I don't know... Nala tried to make my curse disappear until-"
    "Nala... that name seems familiar..." It hissed.
    "Oh yes... now I remember who you are."
    It threw the black cloak on it off.
    A golden axe appeared in one of it's hands and a black cape grew.
    It's clothes changed with blood stains on them.
    "Do you remember me?" It questioned.
    I looked closely...
    "Undead? You have the curse TOO?" I gasped.

    "Yes... my master gave it to me... to finally KILL YOU!"
    It leaped forward as it charged towards me.
    I jumped into a room out of the way.
    I landed right on my back which will waste time to get back up.
    I tried to concentrate and think to spawn my demon curse back.
    Finally, the golden axe spawned.
    But... it was in half.
    It was just a golden stick.
    I looked down, and only half of my clothes changed.
    Did the machine only take half of my dark blood?
    Undead then found me and jumped towards me.
    I held the golden pole in front of me while I was on the ground.
    Scrapping noises of the two weapons colliding started to murder my ears.
    Undead then brought his axe back and swung the axe at my head.
    However, his aim did need some working as it landed next to my ear.
    I rolled to my right and got up as he struggled to get the axe out of the ground.
    I then kept hitting him on the head with my weapon.
    He fell on the ground. I hit him again.
    He had bruises on his face. I prepared for my finally attack.
    However, he just got the axe out, blocking my attack with his axe.

    "Whats going on here?"
    The golden pole in my hand then vanished, and Undead's axe also vanished.
    Our clothes were back to normal as he heard the voice.
    I heard the footsteps coming closer.
    "Undead, get up." It commanded.
    Undead quickly got up.
    "Hello Louise, what a surprise." It smiled with greed.
    Captain Jack looked at both of us.
    "Your not powerful enough..." Captain Jack hissed.
    He whacked Undead in the stomach with his black rod.
    He shivered onto the ground.
    "You need to be POWERFUL!" Captain Jack shouted as he kicked Undead.
    I tried to feel joy as I saw Undead in pain, but a part of me... felt like he was still my friend.
    I grabbed Captain Jack's rod before he could continue.
    He turned around with a serious look.
    "Come on child. Use it to spawn a shadow at me. Go on, I know your hate." Captain Jack smiled with his gross teeth.
    I aimed the rod in front of him and concentrated hard.
    I saw black lightning spawn around the red gem that was on top of the rod.
    Then, black lightning zapped at Captain Jack.
    However, the black lightning then was sucked into his crown.
    Soon the black lightning was gone while Captain Jack giggled.

    "Let me explain to you about this curse of yours..." Captain Jack said.
    I seemed confused, worried about this being a trap.
    "I know what your thinking. This isn't a trap." Captain Jack continued.
    I lowered the rod and wondered if his information was important.
    He then held out his hand.
    I did a quick sigh and gave back his rod.
    "You see, the golden ore you got turned into the golden axe but had a bit of spider venom on it. The spider venom must've got into your body through your wounds that then changed your clothes. your eyes and the way you think. The Golden Axe you have would spawn once the spider venom triggers as those two things are linked. With half of the venom out, that means half of your blood is gone, which will make you weak." He explained.
    When his words finished, I did suddenly feel week and I landed on my knees.
    I put my hands on the ground, trying to not make my body hit the ground.
    "Your not powerful enough to be a hero child..." He giggled.
    His voice started to make me dizzy.
    "Your friends are in danger, soon they will think your too weak to lead them, so they'll turn to me and follow my orders, just like what Undead did." He kept on continuing.
    I saw Undead who was still on the ground in the corner as he shivered.
    "Just let your body hit the ground and rest... there isn't anything else you can do except for being in that position for hours."
    I started to breathe heavily and fast, trying to make myself still awake.
    Something then pushed me onto the ground. I was sure it was his rod that was pushing me down.
    I tried to get up, but if I push up the point of the rod would harm me.
    With this position, it made me want to rest more.
    My eyelids became heavy as I tried to make them stay up, but the view started to fade away.
    I was defeated as sleep took over me.
    To Be Continued...
    I am pretty sure that the final chapter will be the 20th chapter. However, if you want this story then feel free to leave any more situations I have to face to make this story just a bit more longer.
    Remember to keep showing your loving support by leaving a comment and like!
    Thanks For Reading!!! :D
    Kono, Elfon, TwageTomato and 2 others like this.
  12. TheUndeadBrave

    TheUndeadBrave Life's too short, make the most of it!

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  13. mochi

    mochi t̶̀h̶e̵ ̷̧͝c̵̨á̢t͘ Donator

    Likes Received:
    Awesome chapter! I had a feeling it was Undead who had the curse... ;)
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  14. CaptainJackValdy

    CaptainJackValdy I got a plan to save the server, just have faith

    Likes Received:
    Good chap :3

    Sorry for smacking the shit out of you Undead. :3
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  15. TheUndeadBrave

    TheUndeadBrave Life's too short, make the most of it!

    Likes Received:
    I promise I'll get more powerful.
    CaptainJackValdy likes this.
  16. Elfon


    Likes Received:
    I love your story Louise, please make more!! I needz MOAR!! MOOOAARR!!
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.


    Likes Received:
    Thank you Senpai c: And remember to CALL ME. >-<

    Anyway, welcome back to another fantastic chapter. This story is a favorite to many, but soon it will end. Three more chapters to go until the 20th Chapter, which will finalize this story. This story will always be memorable and I enjoyed typing every single chapter. I'll try my best to make the final chapters are best as possible to make the ending the best. I'll try my best to not make the ending as sloppy as my previous one for the 7th story. So please, enjoy the final moments of this story, and I'm sorry if this paragraph brought a tear to your eye ;)

    Characters With Major Roles:
    Characters With Minor Roles:
    Enjoy ^-^

    Chapter 18 - Demon Blood
    The world disappeared around me and took my worries away as my body had a break from the horrors of real life.
    However, that moment had to end as something disturbed my ears with a little shout.
    So I slowly opened my eyes to see what the disturbance was.
    The scene appeared to be me in the same cage that Nala put me in before, with Undead on the ground who kept on sobbing.
    Then as I turned my head to examine more of the room, I saw Captain Jack, pushing some buttons that was on the cage.
    His eyes met with mine, and he widened his eyes with surprise.
    "Have a nice sleep? Heh heh eh eh." He chuckled as he showed his disgusting teeth.
    I started to give him a serious look.
    When he noticed my emotion, he continued to push more buttons and levers that was on the cage.
    Undead was still sobbing.
    Then I saw him roll over, and I noticed a huge cut over his eye.
    I gasped in shock. Did Captain Jack do this?
    His left eye was open, but he struggled to open his other eye was it was marked with pain.
    Is his right eye now blind?
    "Why'd you do this to him?" I questioned angrily at Captain Jack.
    "He's so weak and useless, too stupid to even touch you. So that was his punishment. Without any improvement in his murdering skills, then I'll cut his left eye out." Captain Jack giggled.
    "You.. you cut his EYE OUT?" I screamed.
    He then grabbed a jar that was in his pocket.
    Inside was dirt, and an eyeball, covered in blood.
    I almost fainted as the eyeball started to bounce inside as he shook the jar around.

    "Undead, why do you work for this guy? Can't you see he's torturing you?" I shouted, hoping Undead could hear me.
    "He's my master... I must obey his orders even if there are consequences. I'd prefer to be with him then you..." He said softly.
    I couldn't believe what he was saying.
    So I didn't worry about him and started to figure what Captain Jack is going to do with me in this cage.
    "So... why did you put me in this cage again?" I questioned.
    "Since half of your demon blood is out, it only makes you half devilish. But I'm going to push your limits and put three times more demon blood into you, making you so powerful, that you wouldn't even care about anything else apart from murder. Then I'd make you my pet and make you kill your friends. That's the plan. Genius right?" He explained.
    I started to feel fear. Nala was right... this demon form is getting out of control, and soon it will be two times more insane. I should've let her take all the blood out of me.
    But wait... without any blood, wouldn't that make me dead?
    I started to feel confused, until the cage started to operate.
    "This is your final second to live and be yourself. In the next minute, you'd probably be dead as you can't do anything with your body but watch yourself as you murder others with greed. I'll give you a couple of seconds to think about your stupid life." He said.
    I thought of my friends... how they would die because of me... and Captain Jack would rule earth with his Shadows and greed.
    The thoughts kept circling in my mind. That's when I felt the feeling of my demon form was arriving.
    I tried to think of something happy and joyful, but the bad thoughts kept covering them up.
    The half-axe started to spawn, and half of my clothes started to change.

    I banged the door with my golden stick thing, but it wouldn't make a scratch.
    I saw Undead open one of his eye's as he stared at me from the ground.
    "UNDEAD! RELEASE ME NOW!" I screamed.
    "Never..." He whispered.
    Then I felt the tube enter the demon blood inside of me.
    The pain was horrible and teared me apart. I screamed in pain and anger.
    Then my Golden Axe was finally back and so was my clothes, but Captain Jack didn't plan to stop the operation, so he let the machine flow.
    I was on the ground and I felt so sick. It was like I was drowning with no opportunity to breathe.

    Kry's View:
    "This is where she is. I know it." I said with confidence.
    "How do you know? Come on Kry, make some sense." Agent S said.
    "Listen, I know I'm right, so shut it. Nala, open the door." I commanded.
    Nala put a bomb timer onto the door.
    We hid behind some rocks and trees and got ready for the explosion.
    The explosion rung our ears and dust landed on our heads.
    But when I looked at the door, there was a huge hole on it.
    We went inside and we seemed to be in a hallway.
    We heard echoes of screams through the hallway.
    "Someone's here... get your weapons out." Kry hissed.
    Everyone got their weapon out.
    "I think the scream came from this room... wait I can still hear it!" Twage gasped.
    He was leaning his ear on a door.
    "Okay guys... in 3..." I said quietly.
    "THREE!" Twage screamed with excitement.
    Twage kicked the door open and saw someone on the ground, someone in a cage and another guy near the cage.
    "Oh... if it isn't the annoying people who keep interrupting my plans. Undead, kill them!" The guy near the cage commanded.
    "It's Captain Jack, and... LOUISE! SHE'S IN THE CAGE!" Agent S screamed like a girl, again...
    "Nala, get her out of the cage. Twage and Agent S, you guys take care of Undead. I'll take care of Captain Dirt Jar over here..." I ordered.
    Twage and Agent S poked Undead who was on the ground.
    "Umm... you sleeping?" Agent S questioned.
    He then jumped up and held a dagger.

    I tried to swing my sword on Captain Jack, but he just moved out of the way.
    I accidentally hit some buttons and levers on a counter.
    Then the cage started to flash red lights inside, and Louise screamed in even more pain.
    "NALA! GET HER OUT! HURRY!" I commanded.
    While I tried to shout at Nala, Captain Jack almost stabbed me with his rod.
    I looked behind me, and Louise was on the ground with the tubes still stuck in her.
    Nala finally got a chair and crushed the cage open.
    She got her out and tried to wake her up.
    Captain Jack then stabbed his rod on my shoulder that was wounded.
    "ARRG!" I shouted.
    I landed on my knees and held on my shoulder.
    I dropped my sword next to me.
    "I told you to not interfere with my plans..." He said seriously.
    He held out the rod. The red jewel on top started to create black lightning around it.
    Agent S then charged at him head first and crushed him against the wall.
    "Arg! Get off me you damn ostrich!" He shouted.
    Agent S then noticed the rod, then he jumped out of the way.
    "Your all fools... Louise is already a demon and she'll kill you all. My plan was succeeded, while yours failed. Soon I'll use her to rule the world. And you can't stop me..." He laughed.
    "Uhh, yes we can. Where can you escape NOW?" Twage laughed.
    Black smoke then grew around him, making him body vanish.
    Once the black smoke cleared, he was gone.
    "Nice job Twage you tweed." I hissed.

    "Guys. I can't make Louise wake up." Nala said with sadness.
    "Why didn't you free her earlier?" Agent S questioned.
    "I... umm... I was afraid I would hurt her. I didn't want to make her worst." She said.
    "That reason works for me." Twage said.
    "Fine, I'll let you go off that one. But you have to work even faster, alright?" I shouted.
    She then nodded with agreement.
    "What about her heart? Can you hear anything?" Twage questioned.
    She leaned her heart on Louise's chest.
    "Nope... *sniff*." He whispered softly.
    Twage fainted while Agent S screamed like a girl... yet again.
    "No... NO! This isn't true. Give her to me." I shouted.
    She handed Louise to me.
    I leaned my ear on her chest.
    I heard her heart. Her heartbeat is normal.
    "She is fine! Why did you lie to me?" I hissed.
    "Oh... I need my hearing checked." She sighed.
    "Now you made Twage faint." Agent S said with worry.

    "Oh yeah, did you defeat Undead?" I questioned.
    "Yeah. Twage put a sleep spell on him. But what's with his eye..." Agent S replied.
    I noticed the large scratch on his eye.
    "What about his eyeball?" I questioned.
    Agent S went up to his body.
    He opened the eyelids and he also fainted as soon as he took a peek.
    I put Louise down and put my fingers on his eyelids.
    I slowly opened and I almost vomited.
    "His eye is empty! In fact, there is no eye! Holy snap!" I shouted with fright.
    Then I heard loud breathing behind me.
    "Twage, could you breathe a little quieter please?" I commanded.
    I could still hear him breathe loudly.
    Then I heard him hiss.
    I turned around to give him a piece of my mind.
    "For the last time, could you cut-"
    Then I realized it was Louise. She is standing up with her head down and her eyes closed.
    "Louise! Thank goodness your okay! I thought you were... umm Louise?" I questioned.
    I saw Nala, shake in fear behind Louise.
    I saw Louise's head slowly rise.
    Two golden axe's spawned in both of her hands...
    Blood started to suddenly drip all over her body including her face and hat...
    Her teeth started to point out of her mouth...
    Her eyes opened with deep blood and rage...
    "Come with me... to Hell..." She whispered.
    To Be Continued...
    Thanks once again for the massive amount of support towards this story.
    If you want to keep supporting this story even if it is about to end, just leave a friendly comment below with a like as well and if there are any mistakes or errors in this chapter, feel free to let me know.
    Thanks For Reading!!! :D
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2015
  18. LadyGaga

    LadyGaga The cake isn't a lie Donator

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    Last edited: Dec 8, 2015
  19. mochi

    mochi t̶̀h̶e̵ ̷̧͝c̵̨á̢t͘ Donator

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    Good chapter. :)
    Only... "I saw Louise's head raise her head"
    LadyGaga likes this.
  20. LadyGaga

    LadyGaga The cake isn't a lie Donator

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    100th reply!

    (Sorry, had to do this...)