My 8th Story: The Eternal Shadow King

Discussion in 'Creation Showcase' started by IAMINACTIVEBYE, Oct 11, 2015.

  1. Kyashi

    Kyashi XVIII

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    I could see you as a great author in the future, your books I think, would be able to even get published.
  2. LadyGaga

    LadyGaga The cake isn't a lie Donator

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    All aboard the hypetrain to hypeville!
    SinisterBucky and IAMINACTIVEBYE like this.


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    Thanks everyone for voting :D People on the forums and in real life have told me what they think. And here's are the results :)

    New Character:
    Enjoy ^-^

    Chapter 8 - The Reveal
    I looked at Kry with my deep eyes.
    'I'm sorry Undead...' I said in my mind.
    "We have to find Agent S." I said.
    Kry smiled, finally relieved to hear an answer.
    "Okay. Looks like Undead will probably be out of the team then..." Kry sighed.
    "Hopefully Undead will... rest in peace from above." Twage said softly.
    Kry then searched his back pack and threw me a gun. Then he laid a gun next to Twage.
    "If any danger comes, use that." Kry commanded.
    Twage nodded.
    Kry and I marched out of the cave and set off.
    As I held the map of Agent S, his location seemed to be in a very tiny room, much smaller compared to the other rooms.
    "So you know the plan. Get Agent S out of there so he can survive and go back to our home." Kry said.
    "...Without looking for Undead?" I questioned.
    "Probably. He'll be too far away to get to if he does only have 30 minutes to live once we get there. So... we'll have to prepare to say goodbye to him." Kry sighed.
    Some dust went in my eye for a second, letting a tiny tear roll down onto the ground.
    Kry noticed the tear and nodded with sadness.

    We arrived at the jail and went to the iron door that we previously broke, but they fixed it up, and it seemed more stronger then before.
    "I'm pretty sure I know who's going to appear now." Kry estimated.
    And as soon as those words ended, we saw the guy again right behind me.
    It threw a bigger grenade at the door, and as soon as the grenade slipped out of it's hand, I grabbed its arm.
    "What are you doing? Let go now." It shouted.
    Then a loud explosion covered out ears, making dust and smoke go in our faces.
    Once everything was clear, the guy was still there with it's arm grabbed by me.
    "Stop disappearing. Tell me who you are." I hissed.
    "I can't. My identity must be gone from any human memory." It hissed louder.
    "You are helping me everyday. I'm the he-... well. I think I am the hero. But you can trust me!" I shouted.
    Before it could make another come back, it just stood there calmly.
    It took off it's hood. We saw the face clearly.
    A... a woman.
    Immediately, I let go off the arm, taking a better look at her.
    "Nala. And fine... I'll stop disappearing." She sighed.
    "Well nice to meet ya, Miss Nala!" Kry cheered.
    "SSSHH! Keep your voice low. If the people of the Shadow Kingdom find out my true identity, I'm done. So keep it down kid." Nala hissed.
    "Whatever. Shesh." Kry said.

    We went inside and I looked at the map.
    "Before Agent S was in the middle of the room. Now he's in the corner of the room." I explained.
    "I just realised!" Nala exclaimed.
    "5 minutes left until one of them dies. Arg, get MOVING!" Nala hissed.
    I looked at the map again with fright. It didn't show the location of us, so looks like we have some exploring to do.
    We rushed in different directions, checking every cell and room.
    I puffed and wheezed, looking through the cells as seconds passed.
    I then realised I was going in circles. I could just cry as I realised we will never find Agent S.
    As I stood there, sniffing, I then heard something around the corner...
    I sneaked to the corner and looked around it... a little room.
    I got out the map. This must be it.
    I slowly walked towards the room, frightened of what I might see.
    Will Agent S be dead? Will he even be alive?
    With all these questions knotting in my mind, I rushed to the room and slammed it open.
    "LOUISE! HELP!!!"

    I looked at the corner of the room.
    "AGENT S!" I screamed.
    He was being dragged down into the ground by some shadows.
    I grabbed my gun and was about to shoot the shadows, but I stopped.
    Agent S vanished into the ground.
    I saw his body shake and twist.
    His clothes and skin become black and giant claws grew from his nails.
    He looked just like the rest of the shadows...
    He was a shadow.
    I dropped my gun with horror.
    The shadows then slowly crawled towards me.
    "KRY! NALA! OH MY LORD! JEEZ!" I screamed crazily, almost making my face red.
    I just ran and didn't look back. Nope. I couldn't take it.
    My life was on the tip of a spoon, about to take a dive into hell.
    I ran around the corner and bumped into the someone.
    I fell over and the person turned around.
    "What are you doing? Where's Kry?" Nala questioned.
    I looked around.
    "I don't know. But AGENT S! HE-" Nala grabbed me before I could scream more.
    "Get on your feet, the shadows are coming!" Nala screamed.

    We headed for the exit and hid behind a building.
    We stood there, listening to the hissing noises of the shadows.
    The noises started to fade away.
    "Let's go. GO!" Nala shouted.
    We sprinted back into the forest and realised we were lost.
    The moon shined above us as the ear grinding hissing noises returned.
    A shadow was then behind me... then in front... then next to me...
    And then in less then a second, a circle of shadows surrounded us.
    They then crawled towards us.
    Nala then threw a smoke bomb at the ground.
    I coughed and wheezed but then saw Nala open up... a portal?
    She went straight into it.
    I kept coughing and wheezing as I slowly walked towards the portal.
    I was about to enter the portal, until someone grabbed my foot.
    I fell onto the ground, and I realised I was about dragged by the shadows.
    I was pulling onto some grass as they tried to pull me.
    Sweat teared down my face and my hands became sweaty.
    I saw the grass about to tear off, until arms reached out from the portal and grabbed me.

    I was flung into the portal. Bright, stingy colours blew in my face and swirled around me.
    After seconds of flying through all these vortex's, I finally saw the exit and I landed on the ground.
    I looked up.
    Nala looked at me.
    "What took you so long? The portal was about to shut!" She hissed.
    "The shadows! They-"
    "Who are you?"
    Someone interrupted.
    I got up and noticed Twage behind Nala.
    "Twage, I told you a billion times! Holy snap your brain is a potato." Kry hissed, who was right next to him.
    "Where WERE you? We thought you were dead!" Nala shouted.
    "Oh. Undead leaded me back." Kry said.
    "UNDEAD?!" I screamed.
    "Yeah... you see..." Kry said, scratching his head.
    He emptied his backpack onto the ground, and we saw the map.
    It was the map of Undead...
    "I found Undead accidentally. He leaded me back here and-"
    "WHERE IS HE?" I screamed.
    Kry pointed at a small tunnel that I have never seen before.
    "I forgot to show you this tunnel. It was a laboratory. Undead is in there." Kry said.
    I walked through it as strange blue torches leaded the way.
    I was then in a lab with many potions on desks and laptops with mysterious codes on them.

    "Louise?" Someone said.
    I turned around. Undead...
    "Where were you? Why did you just disappear like that!" I shouted.
    "I noticed a room with HEAPS of books in there. I read one of them and... it told me something... quit mind blowing really." Undead said in a serious voice.
    The tone in his voice did not sound very good at all... in fact, probably something horrible is about to pop up.
    To Be Continued...
    Yeah, bit shocked? Me too :P
    Remember to comment, like and suggest anything below!
    And sometimes some sneaky mistakes can sneak into my chapters, so let me know if you do spot any.
    Thanks For Reading!!! :D
    Elfon, Kyashi and LadyGaga like this.
  4. LadyGaga

    LadyGaga The cake isn't a lie Donator

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    Now I'm Shadow S. Look out, I'll shadowise you if you don't look out...
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  5. CaptainJackValdy

    CaptainJackValdy I got a plan to save the server, just have faith

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    Me=Not Here
    Agent S=Shadow

    Good chap
    Jit, LadyGaga and IAMINACTIVEBYE like this.
  6. LadyGaga

    LadyGaga The cake isn't a lie Donator

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    Atleast I didn't scream like a girl...
  7. TheUndeadBrave

    TheUndeadBrave Life's too short, make the most of it!

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    Shocks are in the air! *Do do do do do do do* Shocks are in the air! *Do do do do do do*

    Enjoy ^-^

    Chapter 9 - A Cure For The Enemies
    Undead went to a draw and grabbed a book.
    Immediately, he threw the book to me, making me surprised.
    I wiped the dust off the book and read the title.
    'How To Kill Mythical Creatures'.
    I looked up to Undead with a confused look.
    "Turn to page 56. You'll see why this is quite... shocking." Undead said in a serious voice.
    I slowly turned the pages as the page of shock remains.
    Page 54... page 55...
    Page 56.
    I looked at the top of the page.
    I seemed quite interested what this page had to offer.
    'How to kill Shadows'.
    I gasped with fright, dropping the book.
    I took a couple of steps back.
    "No way..." I gasped.
    "I know... read the instructions." Undead cheered.
    I picked up the book, but before I could read on, someone slapped me.
    I fell on my head. The hard ground made my vision blurry at first.
    The view was hard to examine with so many colours sprayed on me.

    However, seconds later the view came back into place, and I realised the rest of the group was behind me.
    They all looked so shocked, like they were defeated...
    "Wha-What happened?" I questioned.
    "The book... it's GONE!" Kry screamed.
    I thought I had a heart attack as my heart almost thumped out of my chest.
    I stood up and stared at Undead.
    "No no no no..." Undead quietly said.
    "Who took it?" I questioned again.
    "The Shadow King. He poofed behind you then slapped you. He then took the book, and poof he went again." Twage explained.
    'You can't be serious...' I thought in my head.
    Our emotions were clear. We were all doomed.
    "Never fear everyone!" Undead shot up with a cheerful voice.
    We all turned towards him.
    "I think I remember all the instructions... I'll need you guys help to get the materials I need to make the potion to kill Shadows." Undead explained.
    We all sighed with relief.

    I realised Nala wasn't with us. In fact, as I turned around, she was at the entrance of the tunnel.
    "Hey, Nala! What are you doing over there? You shy or something?" Kry shouted.
    She didn't answer.
    Twage marched towards her and poked her on the shoulder, which made her snap.
    "WHERE'S AGENT S?" She screamed, almost making Twage fall over.
    Everyone was also confused.
    I didn't want to remember what happened to him... but it's better to tell them sooner rather then later.
    "He turned into a Shadow..." I sighed.
    "A... WHAT?" Kry shouted.
    "He was locked in a room with shadows all over him. He was then dragged to the ground..." I continued.
    I could see this was too much for Twage to handle with all these ups and downs. So he fainted.
    "What is the DEAL with this Shadow guy?" Kry hissed.
    "His wife." Nala said.
    I remembered... the tape... the murder...
    "How do you know it was her? Maybe it was someone else!" Kry hissed.
    "Same clothes, same hair. There is no one in this world similar to her. It must've been her." Nala continued.
    "Maybe there was a reason why she did that? A very, very deep reason..." Undead suggested.
    We kept trying to get deeper in this conversation, but our chat couldn't go any deeper with no suggestions that could solve anything.
    Everyone just kept argueing over everything, trying to prove something, but I knew this conversation will lead to nothing. So I decided to just hit the pause button on this.

    "How about we argue about this later. Undead, what are the materials we need to make the potion." I questioned.
    "Well... you'll need a special ore, found deep in the caves that are known to be guided by giant spiders. Even bigger then your fists." Undead explained.
    "Seems easy. Alright! We'll get that ore straight away Undead." Kry cheered.
    "It's more harder then you think master Kry. The giant spiders aren't like any other. They like to nibble on the ore for food, so they do whatever they can to protect it. The fangs on the spiders that nibble on the ore makes the fangs poisonousness and can also paralyse people. The ore will also poison or paralyse anything that touches it, so be careful. You'll need some tools and weapons to take care of them. Also, it is very cold where the ores are located, so wear something warm otherwise you may freeze to death down there. Good luck." Nala explained.
    "Since you know everything about them, why don't you come with us?" Kry suggested.
    "I must protect Undead and this home. You wouldn't want Undead to go missing again... right?" Nala questioned.
    Kry and I nodded.
    "Well time to get some weapons and tools then. Maybe some food as well. Maybe should we bring a tomato with us?" Kry questioned, holding a tomato high.
    "STAY AWAY FROM MY MOTHER!" Twage sprung up, grabbing the tomato.
    "Sssshhh... Twagey is here. Sssh." Twage whispered to the tomato.
    "Forgot to mention he loves tomatos... in a love way." Kry sighed.
    "Guess your coming with us Twage." I smiled while scratching my back.
    "Where? To tomato land!? Ooooo... I wuv tomatos." Twage giggled.
    "No. To a cave. With spiders." Kry sighed.
    "SP-SPIDERS? OOOOOOO NO." Twage gasped, running out of the tunnel, into my room.
    I wasn't really sure if this was the mission for Twage to be a part of.
    "I know what your thinking. He maybe useful during the mission, but some of his spells will help you on your adventure." Nala smiled.
    "You can get Twage and convince him to come with us Louise. I'll grab all the weapons and tools we need." Kry explained.

    I walked to my room and saw Twage, sucking his thumb and hugging him tomato with one arm.
    "Twage, come on man. The spiders are no match for you! You have magic. They don't have anything. You'll be fine!" I cheered, trying to sound as light-hearted as possible.
    "But... dem legs man. So creepy and furry... UGH!" Twage hissed.
    "You can chop of their legs with your spells!" I said with joy.
    Twage then continued sucking his thumb, until he finally stopped and put his thumb down.
    "Do you think... that when I kill the Spiders... I'll stop being afraid of them?" Twage questioned.
    I wasn't quite sure... but I had to do whatever I can to convince him.
    "Yee.... yeah! Totally. So, are you with me?" I questioned.
    "Okay..." Twage sniffed.
    I got him up and marched out of the room.
    We saw 3 backpacks on the table.
    Kry just finished putting some cheese in Twage's backpack.
    "And we're ready to go! You ready for the adventure guys?" Kry cheered.
    I nodded with confidence, while Twage did a tiny nod.
    "Well, see ya Nala. Take care of Undead." I winked.
    Nala winked too.

    We went out of the cave and noticed it is morning.
    No danger was in sight. So we set off.
    "So umm... where are we going exactly?" Twage questioned.
    "To a random cave I guess." Kry answered.
    "What if the cave like, leads to nothing. Then we'll have to walk all the way back up which will take... forever." I said in a droopy voice.
    "Come on, think positive. I'm confidence we'll find the right cave." Kry winked with joy.
    Twage then noticed something on a branch.
    With no explanation, he rushed towards it and started poking at a leaf.
    "HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Kry shouted.
    "I like dis leaf!" Twage shouted back.
    Kry sighed with annoyance and sat on the ground, waiting until Twage would stop poking at the leaf.
    I came to Twage to try and convince him to stop looking at the leaf.
    He then tried to pull the leaf.
    "Why... is it on... so STRONG!" Twage shouted.
    He then pulled the leaf down, which made the branch bend.
    Suddenly, the ground shook and heard loud rumbling.
    The ground started to open. The dirt and grass turned out to be on top of metal plates.
    The metal plates opened, leading to a cave.
    There were candles on the ground. Strange...
    Kry rushed towards Twage and I.
    "What... did you DO?" Kry hissed.
    Before Twage could cry, there was a pro about this.
    "Well on the bright side, we found a cave. Heh heh." I said, scratching my head.
    "Someone has been in there. What if it's a trap." Kry gasped.
    "With a cave like that, I'm sure we'll be fine. Maybe it'll lead to something precious." I winked.

    "Yeah! We should go in it." Twage suggested.
    "Louise, this is too dangerous. No. It's obvious someone made that for a reason." Kry hissed.
    "Maybe they made it to give us treasure!" Twage cheered.
    "No Louise. It's obvious its a trap. Don't go in there Louise." Kry hissed.
    They both looked at me with frustrated looks.
    Should I go in? Or not risk it and find another cave.
    To Be Continued...
    Look! Another choice chapter. So should we go in the cave or skip it. Leave below what you think I should do! However, we cannot split up though because we have to stay as a team this time. If no one comments what they think or the decisions are equal, I'll delay the chapter for a bit until the amount of choices are different. If still no one decides or the choices are equal after the delay then I'll choose.
    Remember to leave your likes, comments and suggestions below!
    Thanks For Reading!!! :D
    Elfon, Kyashi, TwageTomato and 4 others like this.
  9. LadyGaga

    LadyGaga The cake isn't a lie Donator

    Likes Received:
    I decide you should split up again.


    Likes Received:
    We can't split up again this time sorry. Otherwise it wouldn't be even. Plus we need to stay as a team this time sorry ;-;
    LadyGaga likes this.
  11. CaptainJackValdy

    CaptainJackValdy I got a plan to save the server, just have faith

    Likes Received:
    Good chap.

    PS: Jump in the cave like YOLO
    PPS: I wuv leafs
    PPPS: When do I appear?
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  12. TheUndeadBrave

    TheUndeadBrave Life's too short, make the most of it!

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    It depends, on a scale of Cave to Cave how cave is cave?
    (I say go in)
  13. TwageTomato

    TwageTomato Former Mod Donator

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    Cave/Cave Dave. Save teh fav crave 4 ur flav.

    The hell did I just say? Jump in the cave. Be brave.
  14. sykese

    sykese Blue Freak

    Likes Received:
    That was a very nice story!

    Good job!
  15. CaptainJackValdy

    CaptainJackValdy I got a plan to save the server, just have faith

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    Be brave.

    Twage Tomato -2015
    IAMINACTIVEBYE and TwageTomato like this.
  16. TwageTomato

    TwageTomato Former Mod Donator

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    I think that is the first time anyone has ever quoted something I've said that hasn't displayed my complete randomness and idiocy that occasionally shows itself in-between my intelligent normalcies.

    TL-DR: I'm TwageTomato, and I approve this message.


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    Wow! I never expected this many people to comment and like, thank you ^-^ In real life and here I have collected the results.
    P.S. It's my mum's birthday today ^-^

    New Character (That has been mentioned)
    @CaptainJackValdy . Welcome back to my story btw. Last time you were in my story was in my 6th story. :)

    Enjoy! ^-^

    Chapter 10 - Diving Into The Darkness
    The opportunity was too big to pass.
    Without answering, I went straight in, indicating that I disagreed with Kry's opinion.
    "You always don't agree with me... do you?" Kry hissed.
    "It's the bosses choice Kry." Twage said while shrugging.
    "But she never uses my choices. Louise, am I even your friend?" Kry shouted.
    I turned around with a serious emotion.
    "Yes Kry, I am your friend. Don't ever ask that in my life. You've been with me since... forever. I would have never talked to you again if you weren't my friend." I said.
    Kry sighed and looked away and we continued walking.
    The light from the entrance started to fade away as we ventured deeper.
    However, the tunnel started to widen and turned into a little cave.
    The cave was pitch black with no more torches to light up the view.
    Twage shivered while Kry got out a gun.
    Kry threw me a gun and threw some tomatoes' at Twage to calm him down.
    I took a couple of tiny steps forward, until we heard a loud stomp.
    We turned around with fright, and realised the iron door has closed.
    "I damn told you this was a trap. Good going Louise." Kry complaining as he punched my back.
    I didn't bother to think of a come back as I stared at the pitch black cave.

    Some kind of object glowed in the distance. It glowed a shiny, yellow light making it look it was worth billions of dollars.
    Twage looked down and picked something up.
    "Who's Captain Jack?" Twage said, making his voice echo through the cave.
    As soon as those words vibrated across the room, red eyes glowed in the darkness.
    We took a couple of steps back.
    Kry grabbed the paper and read it then put it in his backpack.
    "We'll talk about the paper later... right now focus on these things." Kry whispered.
    As we froze, trying to make every muscle on our body frozen, we then saw the ore grow brighter, making the room light up.
    Giant spiders with their fangs covered in yellow, glowing ink stood there.
    They were twice the size of all of us, probably as big as cars.
    Twage was about to scream and faint while I was about to faint too.
    "The ore... that must be what Undead needs..." Kry whispered towards me.
    Kry couldn't take the silence and grabbed something out of his bag and threw it in the middle of the cave.
    It exploded with grey smoke filling the air.

    Even though I wasn't sure where to run, I ran back up the tunnel.
    The torches suddenly then faded into darkness.
    The entrance was blocked.
    Twage and Kry caught up with me and noticed that entrance too.
    "TWAGE! Use a spell!" Kry commanded.
    "I'm horrified Kry! I think I just wet my pants too..." Twage gasped.
    "JUST USE ONE!" Kry shouted, grabbing Twage's tomato in his hand and squishing in his hands.
    The red juice dripped on the floor.
    Twage looked like he completely changed.
    He held his too hands in front of him as he saw the spiders come towards him out of the smoke with their stinging, glowing fangs.
    Some blue lightning was curling up in a ball in Twage's hand.
    "HA DO KEN!" He shouted.
    The blue ball then rushed out of his hands, forming a blue plasma ball.
    It charged into one spider, making it burn into crisp ashes.
    "Woah... nice." Kry said in a surprised voice.
    Twage looked at him with his deep eyes.
    "I'll give you a tomato when we get back, I promise!" Kry panicked, thinking Twage was about to eat him.

    There were still about 10 more spiders to kill, and we didn't think of making Twage rage again to use that spell again.
    Kry tried to shoot his gun at them, but the bullets deflected off their fangs at the walls.
    At the back of the cave, I noticed the spiders, rubbing their fangs on the ore, making their fangs shine...
    "Kry, do you have a spare sword?" I questioned.
    He got out a sword and gave it to me.
    I ran towards a spider and tried to stab it on its back, but it didn't do anything. Their skin was like metal.
    I ran back, confused about what I should do, until I saw the ore again.

    "Twage, shoot the ceiling with a spell." I commanded.
    Twage was confused why I gave him such command, but he followed it anyway.
    He shoot the ceiling with a small purple laser, making some rocks fall.
    The rocks were quite big, but weren't big enough to trap the spiders.
    I charged straight at the rocks, hopping off the rock, onto the spiders' heads.
    I kept hopping on each one of them, until one decided to look up, about to make me fall onto it's fangs.
    I stabbed my sword straight in it's throat, making it choke and die.
    I ripped out the sword and finally reached the ore.
    I rubbed the sword against the ore, and it shined brightly.
    As the sword shined bright with gold colours, I charged straight at the spiders.
    However, worry hit me, making me stop.
    "Louise! Come on! Kill em!" Kry shouted.
    I saw the spiders crawl faster towards Kry and Twage.
    Twage was too tired to use any more spell since the spells can drain the energy out of him.
    But... what if this doesn't work?

    I shook my head. This will work.
    I resumed charging at them and I stabbed one right on it's back.
    It hissed but remained stable.
    I tried to stab the sword deeper in it's organs.
    Finally, it fell on the ground.
    When the spiders saw it's colleague was down, they turned towards me, showing off their fangs as they came closer.
    I watched the sword, sparkling and shining.
    This seemed like a awfully powerful weapon. So I wondered if this move was powerful enough to make them all go down at once.
    I threw the sword straight at them.
    The spiders were caught in the sword, and since they were all in a straight line, the sword stabbed them all straight in the guts.
    They were then trapped onto the wall with the sword in all their guts.
    As they tried to wriggle and struggle with the sword in their stomachs, they slowly died,
    With Kry and Twage, watching the sword with amazement, we realised this ore will be so useful.
    "Wow Louise... when did you learn that move?" Kry questioned.

    I felt so powerful and proud as I dribbled with excitement.
    I kept thinking of how powerful I'll be with these weapons...
    "Umm Louise?" Twage questioned.
    My daydreamed was stopped as Twage stared at me with his kawaii eyes.
    "Yo Louise, you looked like a werewolf for a second." Kry exclaimed.
    I looked behind me at the ore.
    'Evil... Evil...'
    I shook my head, wondering if I was imagining the ore was talking to me.
    "Oh, really? That's weird. I guess I was just so proud of myself for killing all those spiders, heh heh." I smiled.
    Kry got out a piece of cheese and nibbled on it.
    Twage came back with something in his hand.
    "Dis was the sword." Twage said while handing back the sword to me.
    The sword's brightness was starting to fade. If I wanted this sword to keep being powerful, I had to keep rubbing it on the ore.
    Kry got out a pickaxe on his belt and chopped off some pieces of a jar.
    Kry gave me back the pickaxe for me to hold.
    "How will we get out of here?" Twage questioned.

    That's when we almost had a heart attack.
    The iron door was still shut with a bunch of dead spiders on top of each other next to it.
    Kry got out the paper and gave it to me.
    'Day 21 of my life.
    After searching far and wide, I found a cave! I am now going in it... and... someone named Captain Jack was standing there. The iron doors suddenly shut behind me... Captain Jack suddenly spawned behind me and pushed me and he then disappeared. Giant spiders stood there... then ------------------------------'
    The ink on the paper suddenly just trailed off.
    "Who wrote this?" Twage questioned.
    "I'm not sure... another question is that who is this Captain Jack guy? Disappearing and spawning... hmm, sounds familiar." Kry said.
    "Familiar? Like you know someone who disappears and spawns all over the place?" I questioned with surprise.
    "I don't know... like deja vu. I've heard of someone doing this but..." Kry suddenly stopped.
    "You know what, this is giving me a headache. How about we rest here. We've had a long day." Kry suggested.
    We all agreed and laid our heads on the cold, hard floor.
    'Join The Shadows Louise... Join Them...'

    I opened my eyes as those voices kept ringing in my head.
    I stared at the ore on the wall...
    I rubbed my eyes and stared closer at the ore.
    The noise of my stomach interrupted me concentrating on the ore.
    I decided to go back to sleep but every once in a while, the voices would still ring in my head.
    To Be Continued...
    Remember to leave your likes, comments and suggestions below.
    Thanks For Reading!!! :D
  18. CaptainJackValdy

    CaptainJackValdy I got a plan to save the server, just have faith

    Likes Received:
    Good chap!

    PS: Im in! Yay!!
    PPS: All the gore moments... Inspired by my story? Just curious cuz u never did this before
    PPPS: Twage, y u tired so quickly :3
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  19. Kyashi

    Kyashi XVIII

    Likes Received:
    Nice story. Keeps the eye interested.
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  20. TwageTomato

    TwageTomato Former Mod Donator

    Likes Received:
    I'm fat and lazy, ok? Stop judging me ;-;