My 8th Story: The Eternal Shadow King

Discussion in 'Creation Showcase' started by IAMINACTIVEBYE, Oct 11, 2015.

  1. TheUndeadBrave

    TheUndeadBrave Life's too short, make the most of it!

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    I agree with @Sven007 we should split up

    It'll be like some real Scooby Doo shit!
    LadyGaga likes this.


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    Time for the decision! Thanks for your ideas btw c:
    Sorry for the huge delay btw. I was just waiting if anyone else wanted to ring in their decision. But we have a final decision everyone :D

    Enjoy ^-^

    Chapter 5 - Disappearing With The Shadow
    After deeply thinking for 10 seconds, my mind clicked.
    "Split up." I finally said.
    "Wa-What?" Twage gasped with confusion.
    "Twage and Agent S will go in our cave and see if we have flint. While me, Kry and Undead go and see if we find flint somewhere else." I planned out.
    "We can communicate with these. I made em myself. I call em, the wookie tookies!" Undead said, handing us all some walkie talkies I think.
    "Don't you mean Walkie Talkies?" Kry sighed.
    "I like wookie tookies better." Twage suggested.
    "Whatever. Anyway, let us know if you find flint or your in danger. Let's go." I commanded.
    We all agreed and set off.
    Blinks of Shadows, spawned in the ground as we walked past them.
    "I'm sure Twage and Agent S has found flint by this time. Only takes about 2 minutes to get there. Why are they taking so long to get back to the cave!?" Undead hissed.
    "Maybe they forgot where the cave was?" I suggested.
    "Impossible! Twage always remembers where our cave is!" Kry shouted.
    "But you did say Twage's memory can be a potato." Undead said.

    Just then, all of our walkie talkies started to shout.
    I got mine out and I heard loud mumbling.
    "Speak clearly! We can't hear you. Over." I said.
    Then the voices were clear and loud.
    "The flint is what? Are you okay? Over!" I panicked.
    I heard Agent S screaming like a girl in the background and also Twage gasping.
    "Guys, answer me!" I screamed.
    Kry and Undead looked at each other with worry.
    Sweat teased down my face, waiting for an answer.
    "I have to use the spell Louise..." A voice finally answered.
    Before I could respond, Kry grabbed the walkie talkie.
    "None of my other spells are working. Goodbye..." Twage finally finished.
    "Twage no... TWAGE!" Kry once more screamed into the walkie talkie.

    It was dead silence except for Kry, sniffing and sobbing in Undead's arms.
    I remembered... it takes about a minute for Twage's spell to charge up.
    "There's still time!" I screamed.
    I had no time to explain, I ran as fast as my legs could take me.
    Kry and Undead were behind me.
    "He's dead Louise... *huff* he's probably a shadow now after fainting using that spell!" Kry cried.
    "Think positive Kry." Undead cheered.
    "Okay... I'm positive he's dead right now." Kry sobbed.
    "Didn't mean like that..." Undead sighed.
    I stepped on a stone then heard large doors open.
    I stopped and turned around. The cave...
    As soon as the doors opened, we zoomed inside.
    "TWAGE! AGENT S! Are you in here?" Undead called.
    No answer.
    We moved closer.
    Then a bursting light was behind me.
    I turned around, and saw that Kry made a torch.
    "There was flint in here after all. Why didn't Twage or Agent S tell us..." Kry questioned.
    "The Shadows... did they turn them into Shadows too?" Undead gasped.
    Then I saw something in the distance right in front of the iron door.
    I grabbed the object. A wizard hat...
    "Twage... he'd never leave his wizard hat." Undead sighed.

    I looked up. The iron door towered in front of me.
    "Open." I said.
    The iron door slid open.
    I rushed inside. Nothing was in here except for some furniture that has scattered around near the iron door. It's like someone threw them...
    "No Shadows... no Twage... no Agent S...Where are they?" Kry screamed.
    Undead looked up. We looked up too.
    "Security camara's... when did I put them there?" Kry gasped.
    "Perhaps Twage... they must've caught what happened to them." Undead realised

    Undead got a laptop and looked through the 'Security Camara's' folder.
    There were many videos in it, so Undead clicked the latest one.
    It played. It showed Twage and Agent S walk into our home.
    "Do you have the flint?" Twage said.
    Agent S nodded and got out the flint.
    Twage was about to make a torch, until Shadows came in.
    Twage tried to shoot some spells at them, but it didn't effect them at all.
    Twage got out a walkie talkie and called into it.
    "Louise? Are you there? ARG! The battery is almost dead." Twage complained.
    Agent S was screaming as he threw chairs and bottles at the Shadows.
    Then I heard mumbling on the radio. Must've been me asking if they can answer me.
    "I have to use the spell Louise..." Twage calmly said.
    The shadows came closer.
    "HURRY TWAGE! USE THE SPELL!" Agent S shouted.
    I heard loud shouts from the walkie talkie, must've been Kry.
    "None of my other spells are working. Goodbye..." Twage finally said.
    Twage held out his hand.
    Agent S rushed to the wardrobe and realised there were guns in it.
    "HEY! There are guns in here!" Agent S cheered.
    He grabbed a rifle while Twage grabbed a sniper.
    "Louise! Don't worry! We have found guns!" Twage cheered in the walkie talkie.
    "Hello? THE BATTERY IS DEAD! ARRRG!" Twage threw the walkie talkie at the wall.
    They then used the guns and shot all the Shadows.

    All the shadows were gone.
    "Thank goodness. I hope Louise and the others are okay though..." Agent S shivered.
    Then we saw a tall figure with a long cape just appeared out of the blue.
    Black smoke surrounded it.
    "The Shadow King..." Undead gasped.
    "Hey! Get back!" Twage hissed.
    Twage tried to shoot a spell at him, but he vanished.
    "Where'd he go?" Agent S gasped.
    Then the Shadow King spawned behind them and grabbed his arms around them.
    They struggled and wiggled, until they choked and was unconscious.
    The Shadow King then dropped them both to the ground and grabbed one of their guns.
    He pointed the gun at Twage, until we saw the iron door slowly open.
    The Shadow King grabbed Agent S and Twage and disappeared and then we saw Undead, Kry and I come in.
    The footage then stopped.

    Undead rubbed his chin while Kry breathed heavily.
    I finally spoke up.
    "We must go into the Shadow kingdom. Even if we have to face the Shadow King."
    "Wha-What?" Kry gasped.
    "Louise, that guy... he's too dan-"
    "I know. He's almost impossible to kill..." I interrupted Undead.
    "How many guns do we have left?" I asked Kry.
    Kry went over to the wardrobe.
    "2. Oh wait... 3 including this one on the ground." Kry held a gun.
    He threw me one and also one to Undead.
    We saw light from the entrance. Morning...
    "Even if the Shadow King has an eternal life, we can't leave Agent S and Twage." I said.
    "And we might even go into the security room and find a tape..." I continued.
    "What tape? Why do we need a tape? A rubber ducky is better then a tape." Undead hissed.
    "... the tape I'm looking for is this 'evidence' the Shadow King is waving about." I finished.
    To Be Continued...
    By the way @CaptainJackValdy , would you like to be in this story since you love all deez nuts chapters. If you choose to accept, I have a very special role for you. If you decline, it's cool c:. It's your choice.
    Remember to leave your comments, likes or suggestions below!
    Thanks For Reading!!! :D
    Elfon, CaptainJackValdy, Rob and 2 others like this.
  3. LadyGaga

    LadyGaga The cake isn't a lie Donator

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    I leave a comment. And I leaved a like, and a question... WHY AM I SCREAMING AS A GIRL!?
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  4. Snakehammer19

    Snakehammer19 An Adult with Mediocre Talents Donator

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    you inspire me
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  5. TwageTomato

    TwageTomato Former Mod Donator

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    Yay I didn't have to suicide!
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  6. Rob

    Rob Donator

    Likes Received:
    I should start writing stories.
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  7. CaptainJackValdy

    CaptainJackValdy I got a plan to save the server, just have faith

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    Décline=No cool

    I accept :D
    Jit, IAMINACTIVEBYE and LadyGaga like this.


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    Almost Halloween guys :D Time to get spooky c:<

    Enjoy ^-^

    Chapter 6 - The Evidence Of Lost
    Day has came. We marched out of the cave.
    "We need a plan. We can't go there with our thumbs up our noses." Undead complained.
    "All we have to do is find Agent S and Undead." I explained.
    "What about this 'evidence' your talking about?" Kry questioned.
    "Don't worry about that. I'll sort that out later. Just focus on finding Agent S and Twage. We can't loose people from our team." I said.
    They both agreed and nodded and we set off.
    As we walked, the air seemed silent and the environment was stale. I wanted to spruce up the silence and did my move.
    "Undead... how did you find our cave in the first place?" I questioned.
    He stopped and thought, exploring the many memories jumbled up in his mind.
    "I saw Agent S go into the cave. I followed him. I was following him since I was resurrected. I recognised that face. But... I don't seem to remember doing anything with him. I was curious. Then I ended up in your cave with all of you." Undead explained.
    "You don't remember Agent S?" I gasped.
    Undead nodded with disappointment. The past was covered in knots.
    "Remember Louise. Undead didn't meat Agent S. Agent S met actors. Those... fakes." Kry reminded me.
    That makes sense. But the only thing still remaining in mystery is the Shadow King. Who is he? And why is he accusing me for killing his wife?

    Before I could speak up, the tall black building in front of us towered tall. The Shadow Kingdom...
    "The kingdom will recognise us. We have to sneak past anyone in there." Kry said.
    "I'm sure Agent S and Twage will be in jail. I sort of remember where it was placed." Undead told us.
    So we let Undead lead the way. We hid behind buildings, trees and even piles of underwear. I mean there was nothing else to hide in...
    After hiding in dirty underwear for 10 minutes, we reached a tall, grey building. It looked quite old as cracks and moss trailed down the bricks.
    "This must be it." Undead said.
    Before we charged in, Kry spoke up.
    "Something's not right." Kry said in a serious and concerned voice.
    We looked around. Not really anything suspicious...
    "...Security camara's. No, we can't take the entrance." Kry continued.
    "Kry, that is the only way we can get in..." I complained.
    "Or is it?" Undead chimed in.

    We went around the building.
    Then we noticed an emergency exit.
    "Nice. Now allow me to take the honours." Kry said while grinning.
    He took a couple of steps back. Then charged right into the metal door.
    The door didn't take a single scratch.
    "...never mind." Kry coughed.
    We heard a giant, quick wind go past behind our backs.
    "That didn't feel like an ordinary breeze..." Undead slowly said.
    We slowly turned our bodies. A figure just stood there.
    "Who are-"
    "No time for explaining." The figure interrupted what I could say.
    The figure's voice was hard and serious. We couldn't see it's face due to its giant hoodie covering its hair, eyes and nose.
    It threw a tiny bomb at the door. It exploded, making dust and stone go in our faces.
    When everything settled, the iron door was on the floor.
    The stranger went inside.
    We decided to follow this figure. It seemed trustworthy... I guess.

    As we went inside, the figure was holding a strange gun.
    It used it to shoot any security camara's.
    It then stopped. We were curious what was on this guy's mind...
    "Find your friend. Your safe to explore this place." It said.
    Suddenly, it threw a smoke bomb at its feet.
    As we coughed and covered our eyes, we were finally able to breathe and see.
    When we looked in front of ourselves. It was gone.
    "That guy is even more weirder than Twage. And I am not kidding." Kry exclaimed.
    "Let's just forget about that guy and find Agent S and Twage." I said.
    As we walked through all the empty cells, we didn't hear a single voice in this place.
    "Where is everyone... its like a ghost town here." Undead said.
    "Maybe the Shadow King has done something to them." I suggested.
    "What would have he done with them though?" Kry questioned.
    We all froze as we heard something... crawling.
    Out of the corner... Shadows.
    When all we heard was the sound of crawling and hissing from the Shadow, we turned around and ran.
    We kept on running for so long, but the Shadow just kept finding us in this empty maze.
    "We have to... *puff* split up..." I suggested as we finally stopped to plan.
    "Yeah... *cough* split up guys!" Kry said while trying to catch his breath.
    So I went left, Kry went right and Undead went straight.
    I stopped for a second and looked back. So many Shadows...
    Wait... The Shadows aren't after my friends...
    They are after me.

    I went around a corner and went straight into a room and locked the door.
    I heard the crawling noises get closer, then slowly fade. They have passed me.
    I sat there, leaning my back against the door as I breathed heavily.
    But when I opened my eyes, I seemed to be in a room with many tapes on the ground and also a computer.
    The lights kept on flashing rapidly, about to break.
    A tape sat right in front of me.
    I leaned forward and grabbed it.
    It read 'The Murderer'.
    I was curious was about what this could be.
    I went to the desk with a computer.
    The computer had a plug with it plugged into a tape recorder.
    While curious, I placed the tape into the tape recorder.
    The computer flashed on immediately.
    It showed some people in a jail cell. 3 actually.
    One person broke the bars but then another guy zoomed out.
    I paused the recording and rewind it.
    I looked very closely... red shirt... grey hat... brown hair...
    It was me.

    Another clip played.
    It showed someone in a bed, sleeping.
    Then, the door opened. I came out.
    I was holding a silver item. It was pointy and sharp...
    Is that what I think I was doing?
    I came closer to the person in bed. I stabbed the figure with a knife then I ran out.
    The video ended.
    My heart could explode and my mind was about to break.
    The evidence... that was the evidence...
    I collapsed onto the ground feeling like I was just zapped by a lightning.
    That must've been the Shadow King's wife. Which means...
    I am a murderer.
    To Be Continued...
    Remember to leave your comments, likes and suggestions below. c:
    I also need a new character! Character requests are open! First person to request to be in the story will be in, in maybe the next chapter or in a couple of chapters. So if you love this story but always wanted to be a part of it, now's your chance!
    Thanks For Reading!!! :D
    Elfon, CaptainJackValdy and LadyGaga like this.
  9. LadyGaga

    LadyGaga The cake isn't a lie Donator

    Likes Received:
    I disappeared... Where am I? We'll see after the commercials.
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  10. TwageTomato

    TwageTomato Former Mod Donator

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    LadyGaga and IAMINACTIVEBYE like this.
  11. CaptainJackValdy

    CaptainJackValdy I got a plan to save the server, just have faith

    Likes Received:
    Good chap.
    (AM I the weird guy?)
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  12. LadyGaga

    LadyGaga The cake isn't a lie Donator

    Likes Received:
    Spoopy... I hope this way a typo...

    (Maybe you pooped in your pants... Then it's to spoopy for you...)
  13. TwageTomato

    TwageTomato Former Mod Donator

    Likes Received:
    I don't do tpyos.
    LadyGaga likes this.
  14. TheUndeadBrave

    TheUndeadBrave Life's too short, make the most of it!

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    This chapter was aMAZEing!

    I'll let myself out.
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.


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    Need a character request until the next chapter which should be out in 2 days. If you'd like to be in the story, please just comment below. If no one requests, I'll just ask a random person.

    Enjoy ^-^

    Chapter 7 - Sins Never Die
    I stared at the floor as the past was discovered.
    It unleashed the future and my cause.
    Loud knocks was heard on the door.
    I slowly crawled towards it and unlocked the door, making the door slam my head as it opened as fast as a lightning.
    "Louise, what are you doing on the ground?"
    Slowly, my head rose. Kry and Undead.
    Undead quickly locked the door behind them and stared at me.
    "Jeez Louise, you look like a slug. Whats the deal?" Undead questioned.
    I slid my hand across the floor then made it rise.
    It pointed to the computer.
    Undead and Kry rushed towards it.
    I sat there for 2 minutes, and when the time was up, Kry and Undead turned towards me.
    "This all makes sense... when you disappeared... The evidence..." Kry gasped.
    "But... why doesn't she remember? How did she get amnesia because of this?" Undead questioned.
    "I don't know... Arg, whoever gave her amnesia I'll punch them! Think of all the answers she could tell us... about the past." Kry hissed as he punched the wall.
    "The past is gone KRY! Let it go with the wind. And grab the future with your might. We can still find more answers." Undead shouted.

    Just then, we heard a loud shout and scream.
    We opened the door and I finally got on my feet.
    "Where are the shadows?" I asked.
    "We're not sure. But keep your eyes peeled." Kry said.
    We decided to go left. As we kept walking forward, this was like a maze.
    "Jee, this jail sure is aMAZEing! Ha ha... ha... I'll just go now." Undead sighed.
    We hushed him and kept walking before he could make more terrible puns.
    In the distance, an individual was found in a jail cell.
    It looked still and stale.
    We slowly walked towards it, making the figure look more clear as approached.
    The figure was clear and was just sitting in the corner of the cage.
    Blood covered its face and body with it's clothes torn a part.
    "Kry, do you have the guns?" Undead questioned.
    He grabbed his back pack and gave us the guns.
    I shot the lock on the jail cell and the door swung open.

    I came closer to the individual.
    The head rose.
    "Louise..." It said.
    "Tw... Twage?" I whispered.
    Kry then got something else out of his backpack. Twage's wizard hat.
    I grabbed it and gave it to Twage.
    He put it on and looked at me with his eyes.
    "What took you so long?" Twage said.

    "Where's Agent S?" I questioned.
    "I... I don't know. The Shadow King took him somewhere after him I was beaten up due to us not telling him where our home was." Twage slowly explained.
    "Okay. Now that's 2 people gone." Kry sighed.
    "Wait... who's the other one?" I questioned.
    Kry just looked next to him.
    "Un-UNDEAD? Where the hell did he go?" I hissed.
    "As soon as we went in this jail cell, he just went like... poof. He's one strange dude if you ask me." Kry said shrugging his shoulders.
    It was silent for 10 seconds, until slowly, hissing noises was around the corner.
    "The Shadows... we have to take Twage back home so we can heal him. We can't make him get harmed more." Kry demanded.
    "What about Agent S and Undead?" I gasped.
    "We'll... we'll get them after! Look there's no time." Kry hissed.
    "I'll... I'll use that spell on the shadows so we can rescue-"
    "NO! No spells for you mister. You'll be in heaven if you use that spell again. Heeeell no!" Kry shouted at Twage.
    "Just suggesting..." Twage said in a tiny sad voice.
    I looked at two paths. One of them sounds like where the shadows are coming from. So I went right.
    As we ran forward, we realised this place really was a maze since we couldn't find the exit as the shadows crawled towards us more.
    "The only exit is this stupid iron door. And don't get me started on if I should charge into it." Kry hissed.
    "How did we get in the other iron door..." I questioned.
    Kry thought for 5 seconds.
    "We met a stranger and he just blew up the door." Kry said.
    As soon as those words ended, grey smoked appeared behind us.
    We swung around, and the mysterious figure appeared again.
    "Instead of disappearing again, can you like introduce your-"
    Before Kry could finish, it just threw a grenade at the door.
    We ran for cover. Grey smoke spit on us.
    The smoke cleared and the door was on the ground.
    "One of your friends is going to be turned into a Shadow in 1 hours and 30 minutes." It said.
    "Who?" I questioned.
    The shadows were just around the corner.
    All the guy did was drop a smoke bomb on itself, then disappeared again like a ghost.
    "That guy is more weird then me." Twage hissed.
    We went out of the exit and just kept running.

    After the whole chase, it was like our lungs were crumbled up into tiny bags.
    We finally reached our home safe and sound.
    While Kry examined Twage's body, he then turned towards me.
    "After we do heal Twage, then what?" Kry questioned.
    "Rescue Undead and Agent S. Simple." I said.
    "Umm, HELLO? 30 minutes has past and 1 hour to go until one of them is turned into a shadow. We don't have time to rescue both. We have to rescue one of them. Which does mean... we'll have to loose a member of the team." Kry sighed.
    I was holding my gun, but when Kry just said all those words, I dropped it.
    "...One only? No. We have to rescue both." I said while panicking.
    "Louise. It took 30 minutes to get here, and it'll take 30 minutes to find one of them. And I'm pretty sure both of them are not at the same place. It's either one or the other Louise. Your choice. Your the hero-... well... I think you are." Kry said as he looked at Twage's head.
    "You think? Bro... I've gone through MANY adventures. Defeating many things that not even you could even look at." I complained.
    "Your the one who murdered someone. Not me." Kry said in a calm voice.
    "You... you did? If your not the hero... then can I be the hero?" Twage said with sparkly eyes.
    I looked down at the gun on the floor. Maybe I'm not the hero after all.
    "Okay, sorry what I said. But can you make a decision already?" Kry said.

    Agent S and Undead are both useful. Even if one makes mistakes more than the other, they are still apart of the team.
    If I choose Agent S, Undead will be gone... if I choose Undead, Agent S would be gone...
    "ARRG! How can make this CHOICE!" I slammed my hand on the desk.
    "I'll give you 5 minutes to choose Louise." Kry sighed.
    "If I'm not the hero, why don't you choose." I hissed.
    "We're not hundred percent sure Louise. Maybe there are more evidence. You never know. So your the hero at the moment, so its your choice." Kry said as he poked Twage's leg.
    Suddenly, something caught my eye behind a bookshelf.
    I came closer, and a figure just popped out.
    "JEEZ MAN! Just use the door next time instead of playing hide and seek." I hissed.
    It was the same guy from before.
    It gave me two pieces of paper, then vanished as I looked up.
    "Who were you shouting out. Sorry, was too busy poking Twage's belly button." Kry giggled.
    "The same weird guy gave me two pieces of pap-... wait." I gasped.
    I laid the two pieces of paper on a desk.
    These aren't paper... these are devices.
    There is one dot on one device, and a dot on a different position on the other device.
    "These are maps..." I said.
    The dots sometimes moved a bit too.
    "Wait..." I gasped.
    Kry came to me and looked at these maps.
    "These are the locations of Agent S and Undead!" I screamed with joy.
    "Re-Really? How are you sure." Twage questioned.
    "Says at the top. One device says Agent S and the other says Undead. We've found them!" Kry cheered.

    "Wait... who should I rescue first?" I said, interrupting the party.
    Kry's smile then dropped into a frown.
    "Your the hero at the moment." Kry said as he walked off to keep examining Twage.
    Undead or Agent S... I can't pick both. Only one... it's a decision that'll change the future.
    To Be Continued...
    So two announces here. So should I rescue Undead or Agent S. Leave what you think below and then I'll add the amount of votes in 2 days then use the choice that has the most votes in the next chapter.
    And also I need 1 more character! Please, if you want to be in the story, now's your chance. Just comment below if you want to be in it then in the next chapter, your in.
    Leave your comments, likes and suggestions below :)
    Thanks For Reading!!! :D
    LadyGaga and TwageTomato like this.
  16. TwageTomato

    TwageTomato Former Mod Donator

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    No. No one is allowed to be weirder than me.
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  17. LadyGaga

    LadyGaga The cake isn't a lie Donator

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    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  18. TwageTomato

    TwageTomato Former Mod Donator

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    Save Undead. Oh, my reason? No, no reason. Just save Undead.
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  19. TheUndeadBrave

    TheUndeadBrave Life's too short, make the most of it!

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    Save Agent S.

    Also, I see you stole my joke.
    LadyGaga and IAMINACTIVEBYE like this.
  20. CaptainJackValdy

    CaptainJackValdy I got a plan to save the server, just have faith

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    Why you no both? Just like... When you save one of them, become a super thug life author and write: So after I saved him, I, in the most handsome way possible, teleported to the other one of them, and saved both of them! And then Twage made it rain fake money.

    See? Simple.

    (Agent S)
    Jit, LadyGaga and IAMINACTIVEBYE like this.