Minecraft Minecraft 1.12 Snapshot part 3!

Discussion in 'Gaming Discussion' started by John_0696, May 7, 2017.

  1. John_0696

    John_0696 Donator

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    Boy it's been a while since I posted a thread, But Most of us here know that 1.12 is slowly seeping it's way into being released, And there's a lot to see. So let's get started. :)

    First up, One of the biggest update requests, Dyed beds are now in the game and they come in 16 different colors!
    Not only do the colors look a lot more vibrant than before, They also went the extra mile and Made the beds bouncy, Now you too can spend your time in the game bouncing up and down on your pixelated bed. xD

    Next up, a new Mob that was implemented, the Illusioner!
    His specialty is that he is a ranged mob like a Skeleton, But if you try to attack him, he will split up into 4 clones that all fire arrows at you, in order to kill him you have to find the right clone, but the tricky part is that the real guy is invisible. I like that these mobs are becoming more challenging to fight.

    Next up is a surprising new feature that i thought would never happen, an Update to Note blocks. :o I remember when i was younger i would see videos on youtube of Note block arrangements of popular songs. I guess now that they have an update we might see more.

    There's 5 new Musical instruments that were added

    Bone Block = Xylophone (That's kind of funny)

    Gold Block = Bell (Also i wish there was a Church bell too but maybe we will see that in the future)

    Clay Block = Flute (That's probably my 2nd favorite, Wish there were more instruments like trumpets, Trombones etc)

    Packed Ice = Chime (Similar to a Wind chime you have out on your front porch of your house.)

    Wool block = Guitar (Probably my favorite out of the bunch, as Guitars are a very common instrument that people play)

    All of these are really cool, but the Other instruments i wish they added were Church bells, More woodwind instruments, Pianos and a few more, but these are a good enough addition to the game. :)


    The Next Change to Minecraft is a bit of a Controversial one, at least in my view. Now your Inventory will have a book Icon that opens to a menu of different crafting recipes that you can use, the Same goes for Crafting tables. I really Dont know how to feel about this Addition, On one side i do like how its much easier to find a crafting recipe if your confused on what to do, But on the Other side I dont like how the game has become easier, cause I came from a time where If you wanted to find a crafting recipe, you went on the Minecraft wiki and to me it felt a whole lot more cooler. I dont mind a little hint here and there but this I really dont understand why it was implemented.
    Not only that, but Another change that was Implemented was that Achievements are now called Advancements, This too i was kind of iffy about, but luckily they gave it the same Humorous touch as before.
    Theres Tons of new achievements too so that Its more fun to try and reach these goals. :)

    So to sum up, This Update is fun, but i wouldnt really consider it my favorite, Hopefully 1.13 will be a bit more exciting.
    Sakujo, TheMint and katlynn like this.
  2. TheDiamondPicks

    TheDiamondPicks String.format("%d %s", 404, "Title not found") Donator

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    I am also pretty iffy about knowledge books, but what I am quite excited about is Advancements.

    One of the critical new things about these is the ability for map makers and server developers to add and remove them. E.g farmking achievements could be integrated into the actual Minecraft client, which would be really cool.
    TheMint and John_0696 like this.
  3. John_0696

    John_0696 Donator

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    Really? That's actually kind of cool :o
    TheDiamondPicks likes this.
  4. Pianobonds


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    Agree, we need Piano sound in note blocks
    Piano is way too amazing to be lefted out
  5. Racingman1

    Racingman1 Beatles Fan I Premium Rank I Person Donator

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    Thanks for doing this kind of stuff.
  6. antibullyranger

    antibullyranger ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Donator

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    i like the dyed beds but everything else is sp00ky XD
    Phoenix and momand like this.
  7. MemeDreamTeam

    MemeDreamTeam Stingy

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    Sorry I don't play anymore
    i think all of these features look cool, i think this update might be a lot better than 1.9 and 1.10
  8. Rivenze

    Rivenze Donator

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    Looks nice! :D
  9. thesaber903

    thesaber903 Mabelen / Editor Donator

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    Looks cool, I only like the new stuff apart from the PVP, It's too annoying when you are trying to kill someone.
    But hey, at least they put new beds in stuff.
    MemeDreamTeam likes this.
  10. MemeDreamTeam

    MemeDreamTeam Stingy

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    Sorry I don't play anymore
    true the new pvp is bad. very bad. very very very bad. and they decide to do nothing about it

    no flame wars plz
    Last edited: May 13, 2017