Minecraft Minecraft 1.11

Discussion in 'Gaming Discussion' started by ThereAre2Genders, Nov 21, 2016.

  1. ThereAre2Genders

    ThereAre2Genders according to all know laws of aviation Donator

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    I was looking at the changelog for 1.11 on the mc launcher and i realised it doesnt even mention half the things in the update, So I figured I will list them here :)

    New Villagers!
    Nitwit - Green Robe - Cant Trade
    Cartographer - White Robe - Can trade you for a map to a mansion
    -Villagers can also now be named with nametags!

    Llamas can be ridden and tamed
    -Have a spit attack that does 0.5 damage
    You can put a "saddle" on a llama using carpet
    -Different colored carpet changes the color of the "saddle" on the llama
    You can put chests on llamas
    -There will be more or less space in the chest depending on the llama

    New Hostile Mobs
    Vindicator - Appears as a grey villager in mansions, when he hits you it does 6.5 damage.
    Evoker - Also appears as a grey villager but has a gold seamed robe, summons vexs to kill you, if you get to close to him he will summon spikes that come out of the floor to kill you, drops the totem of undying.
    Vex - Flying arch-angel like monsters holding swords that can clip through walls and floors

    Totem of Undying
    Holding it in your hands makes it so you are immediately revived if you die and temporarily gives you 4 absorption hearts.

    More things can be used in furnaces!
    -Wool (all colors)
    -Carpets (all colors)
    -Wooden Buttons

    Max entity cramming
    Makes it so you can only have so many entities in one area before the game kills the other entities.
    -Can be changed using /gamerule maxEntityCramming <number of entites>

    New Commands!
    -/gamerule doWeatherCycle <true/false> (default = true)
    Allows you to choose if you want the weather to change (sunny, snowy, rainy, etc), or if you want the weather to stay as what it is now.
    -/locate <structure>
    If you have the permissions, doing /locate find the x and z coordinates of a naturally spawning structure.

    Hotbar Warnings!
    Now, when a message is displayed (Like "You can only sleep at night") it will appear above your hotbar, and not in your chat.

    Curse of Vanishing - When wearing armor with vanishing curse, when you die, the item will be destroyed.
    Curse of Binding - Any piece of armor you put on with this curse cant be taken off.

    Shields Blocking
    Before, shields would only block around 66% of the damage, now it blocks all 100% of the damage.

    Blazes and Splash Waters
    If you have splash water bottles, throw them at a blaze to do 0.5 damage to it.
    -Also works on enderman
    You wont get the drops from the mobs though

    Removing plants from flower pots
    Right clicking a flower pot removes the plant from the pot.

    Now you can run longer distances without losing hunger

    Observer Blocks
    They detect block updates near the observer block and sends a redstone signal for 1 second.

    Shulker Shells and Boxes
    Shulker Shells can be used to make shulker boxes
    -Shulkers have a 50% chance of dropping the shells
    -Crafted using 1 shell on the middle top row, a chest in the middle middle row, and 1 shell on the bottom middle row.
    Shulker boxes have the same amount of storage space as chests
    -They can be dyed to fit any home style
    If you break a shulker box, all of the items inside of it, STAY INSIDE
    -Great to be used as a portable chest
    You cannot put a shulker box inside of a shulker box,
    If you set one shulker box on top of another, the bottom one wont be able to open.

    New Spawn Eggs
    -Wither Skeleton
    -Skeleton Horse
    - Zombie Horse
    -Elder Guardian

    No other way to describe it, a naturally spawning mansion

    Smaller Things to Note
    -Chickens now have textures on their necks
    -Elytra can now be put on armor stands
    -Flower hitboxes are fixed
    -Pick block can give you farmland
    -Wolves are scared of llamas
    -Evokers change the wool color of blue sheep to red
    -Colored Shulkers can be spawned using command blocks

    Hope you guys enjoy this new update!
    I know i probably missed alot so I will be periodically updating this thread
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2016
  2. ChargedMerc

    ChargedMerc no Donator

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    and we're stuck in 1.8 forever. Ta-di-la am i right
  3. ThereAre2Genders

    ThereAre2Genders according to all know laws of aviation Donator

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    in the aaaarrrrrmsssssss of the aaaaanngggggggeeeeeellssssss
  4. John_0696

    John_0696 Donator

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    Thanks for giving us a lot of the info for 1.11, there was actually a few things i didnt know about until now, thanks man. :)
  5. Cami

    Cami Donator

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    Thanks for sharing!
    I actually had no idea what they had added in before reading this thread.
  6. noah

    noah Moderator Plus Staff Member Mod+

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    I've never even played 1.10 lol.
    This sounds really cool though, might give it a try. Thanks :)
  7. witchchick128

    witchchick128 Amity Blight Donator

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    i haet it
    but nice log
  8. Trisssy

    Trisssy Tris | Aussie | Donator

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    I thought the Llamas would be friendly but they spat at me and it scared me xD.