Do you have any ideals that go against your political party?

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by noahnoobfax, Oct 5, 2017.

  1. noahnoobfax

    noahnoobfax Donator

    Likes Received:
    Self explanatory thread,
    Do you have any ideals that dont coincide with your political party?

    For me, Im a conservative, but I so have ideals against my party.
    - Im pro choice
    - Im pro weed

    There could be others but I forget.
    What about you all?
    TheDiamondPicks and ItsJerry like this.
  2. TheDiamondPicks

    TheDiamondPicks String.format("%d %s", 404, "Title not found") Donator

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    In NZ I support the National Party. I agree with most of their policies regarding things like tax, the economy etc, but I disagree with a few things:
    • Environmental policy, I feel like more should be done to reduce water pollution (a big problem due to farming here).
    • Immigration, I feel like there is too many medium - low skill workers coming to NZ, and they aren't going to where they are needed, e.g. staying in cities rather than the more rural parts of NZ. Over here the conservative national party is pro immigration whereas the liberal Labour Party is anti immigration (to an extent)).
  3. KokichiOma

    KokichiOma Ultimate Supreme Leader Donator

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    Unprepossessing (MappyTurtle)
    I'm more Liberal than Labour (remember our Liberal is not American Liberal) however I support:
    -Same Sex Marriage.
    -Programs that aide parents that are struggling (we had money for schooling from a program I believe was cut)

    Our Liberal is anti illegal immigration, anti safe schools, but also anti family payment stuff.
    TheDiamondPicks likes this.