[Creative 2] Club Xtreme 3.0 - Apply Today!

Discussion in 'Creative' started by JoeyGamePro, Sep 8, 2014.

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  1. JoeyGamePro

    JoeyGamePro Uh Donator

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    Hello, everyone! =P

    So, I've been running Club Xtreme for a few months now, and finally decided to create Club Xtreme 3.0! This time, I wanted to keep things a little bit more organized, so I decided to allow applications on the forums, just because it is much easier. I ask that you follow the format below, and after I show you the format, I will leave you guys some attachments on the club's current progress. This club is like Club Kick in the way that it is child-friendly. We are still in the process of building it, and I am looking for a big list of staff. Anyway, here is the format.

    Failure to not follow this format will result in an automatic deny.





    What times are you most active on creative:

    Why we should choose you:

    Why you want to become staff here:

    What can you bring to the club?:

    Skype (Or any other form of contact):

    What is your building experience (Please provide some pictures of what you have created):

    Here are some screenshots of the club so far:

    Here is our current staff:
    (Note: Anybody can apply for any position, as long as they meet the certain age limits for that position.)

    Owner ~><~ JoeyGamePro

    Co-Owner ~><~ @KolyaPlaysx

    Head-Admin ~><~ Open

    Admin ~><~ Open

    Admin ~><~ Open

    Admin ~><~ Open

    Head-Mod ~><~ Open

    Moderator ~><~ Open

    Modertator ~><~ Open

    Modertator ~><~ Open

    Head-Builder ~><~ Open

    Builder ~><~ Open

    Builder ~><~ Open

    Helper ~><~ @PredatorToad

    Helper ~><~ @samigirl1220

    Helper ~><~ Open

    Good luck to everybody who applies, and this thread will be updated frequently such as when new staff is added, I release new updates, etc.

    Thanks for reading, and have a nice day.

    Last edited: Sep 9, 2014
  2. PredatorToad

    PredatorToad Cringe

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    IGN: PredatorToad

    Age: 12

    Location: New Mexico, Rio Rancho, United States of America.

    Timezone: Mountain Time Zone (UTC-07:00)

    What times are you most active on creative: mostly when I get on the server so 9:30-12:00 on breaks
    And at school 6:00-7:30

    Why we should choose you: You should choose me because; I am nice to almost all the people on the server, I mostly work with other members if they need help with building or dealing with another players, and I am mature for my age.

    Why you want to become staff here: I will like to become staff on this because I like being in charge of different things, and more for the fun :)

    What can you bring to the club?: I can build some real good stuff, the best I am good at building is tall things, also I'm kind to other staff, members and visitors.

    Skype (Or any other form of contact): I have skype but I don't want to give it out loud for private issues.

    What is your building experience (Please provide some pictures of what you have created): I don't have any pictures but I am good at building tall things like towers, and TBH I am bad at the extra decorations. I am good at making stuff like pools and holes.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2014
  3. samigirl1220

    samigirl1220 KawaiiSami

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    IGN: samigirl1220

    Age: 11 almost 12

    Location:New York


    What times are you most active on creative: Pretty much every day from 4:30 to 8 pm taking breaks in beetween...

    Why we should choose you: I Have Previously Worked At Xtreme..I Also Love to Help Others And I Absoulutly LOVE To Help People Build.. I Can Also Help People Around The Club And Show Them Around If Needed..

    Why you want to become staff here: Well The Club Is SO Awesome And When I First Saw IT I even Set It as My Home.. Also I Previously Was Staff And It was an AMAZING experience..I Loved Working There..

    What can you bring to the club?: I can Build And Help Improve The Place..Im Kind to others I can help others out with the club..I can do extra work also
    Skype (Or any other form of contact): well i cant provide my skype name....

    What is your building experience (Please provide some pictures of what you have created): i really dont have pictures but on a very high building server i am the 3rd highest rank.. I am best at medevil houses and modern houses..

    Hope U Liked My application! Thanks for reading this!
  4. JoeyGamePro

    JoeyGamePro Uh Donator

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    Accepted. I think you will fit best at the helper position for right now, because I want to watch your performance. Welcome to the team.


    Accepted. Although your application is lacking in grammar in some places, as well as a little lack of information, I have still seen your performance over these past few months, and I find you a very good staff member. Because of your age, I am going to place you at the helper position for right now, and see what happens. Welcome to the team, once again.
    PredatorToad likes this.
  5. Qvandellos


    Likes Received:
    IGN: qvandellos

    Age: 15

    Location: U.S.A

    Timezone: E.S.T

    What times are you most active on creative: Probably 4:00-500 Everyday

    Why we should choose you: I'm a good builder and I want to help out with this project.

    Why you want to become staff here: I don't really want to be staff, I just want to be a regular person.

    What can you bring to the club?:Skype (Or any other form of contact): Skype. Ill pm you it if I'm accepted.

    What is your building experience (Please provide some pictures of what you have created): http://imgur.com/oiZkRRh]
    I'm really good at building interiors for houses also.

    Thanks for reading my app and I hope I get accepted ;p.
    Ps: Sorry for lack of effort, my hands are really sore. I can answer the questions better over Skype if you so wish.
  6. JoeyGamePro

    JoeyGamePro Uh Donator

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    Denied. I accepted the two previous applications because I have seen them enough on the server to know what they act like. Honestly, I have not really heard of you up until this point. Your application does lack some information, as the previous two, but I mentioned why those where accepted. I do like your building style though, so you may re-apply in 3 days, next time, more detail, and maybe a few more pictures of that windmill, if possible.
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