Concert Experience.

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by sebastiann, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. sebastiann

    sebastiann Donator

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    I've had so many requests to get the thread out, so here it is.
    Recently I went to a concert. I saw three acts, Modern Chemistry, The Homeless Gospel Choir, and FrnkIero andthe cellabration.
    So, starting from when I got out of school. I left the school(in my city) at 2:45. Right as school got out. The doors opened at 6:00. It was a 2 and a half hour drive from where I live. The entire way there I played, my Gerard Way, Frnk Iero/cellabration and My Chemical Romance CDS. The drive didn't even seem that long.
    We got to Cleveland heights, which is a suburb of Cleveland. (in ohio)
    We parked, and walked not very far to the small venue. I was in the front of the line, because obviously I wanted to get there early. My father and I stood in -4 F weather, for about 45 minutes. While standing in the line, I talked to some other fans that were standing behind/in front of me. It's always great to speak with others about My Chemical Romance, and now the cellabration. I showed everyone my artwork that I had done for Frank. Frankly, I was one of the only people who brought him something. I did make him 4 things. A portrait, picture of him playing guitar, a thank you sign and, the band member's names. Also, while standing in line, I saw the band walk out of the tour bus, the bus was parked right in front of the venue. And when I saw Frank my eyes lit up. He is so much smaller in real life, adorable.
    So, the doors opened up about 20 minutes after that. I walked in, got my ticket scanned/payed 2$ because I'm under 18. The men at the door, marked my hands and I was officially permitted to be there. There was a merch table for all of the bands, and I saw the stage filled with instruments. The Cellabration's cases. It was great.
    I bought a t-shirt, limited edition vinyl, and limited edition tour poster.
    So, the first act that was on was Modern Chemistry. They're from New Jersey just like the cellabration. I heard of them before I even attened the show, a lot of people actually didn't. My father took video footage but right now I can't get the so I'll post that at a later time. Here is one of the songs they played.
    They were amazing. I really love their sound.
    The next act I saw, was The Homeless Gospel Choir. (It is only one guy.) Man, he's a really great guy. His name is Derrick. He is really smart and funny. Just a great guy to be around. He said a lot of inspirational things. I actually cried. Derrick plays protest songs. Here is one of the songs he played. I got a picture of him.
    Next, oh my god this was the best part. FrnkIero andthe cellabration. I've been waiting for this, along time.
    I got the setlist of the cellabration.
    They were hella amazing. I mean, they played their hearts out, like they do every night. I loved it. One of the greatest things ever. Glad it was my first concert. Here are some pictures I managed to take of Frank. I was right in front the entire concert.
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] I put it in a link because there's so many pictures.
    And, here is some video footage I took.
    After the show I got the chance to meet Frank, and the other two bands. Meeting Frank, the best time of my life. I had an in depth conversation with Frank, and then Evan. But the first guys I met were Modern Chemistry. The lead singer signed my hand,
    [​IMG] He said to me, "I'll remember this. You're really fu*king cool for asking me to sign you're hand"
    Next, I met Derrick. I forgot to take a picture with him because the line was moving fast xD But he's a really amazing person and I suggest you take a listen to his music.
    After that was the greatest moment of my life, I met Frank Iero. Former guitarist of MCR. Like, oh mygod. I cried. I handed him the art I made him. His face lit up when I gave it to him, and he said "this is really amazing, you are an amazing artist." Frank shook my hand, and then put both of his hands around my right hand. He didn't do that to anyone else. I didn't shake his, he shook mine. So, while I was meeting him; we had a nice conversation. I told him how I wrote him a song, and how much I loved him, his music, and music in general. Like how I play guitar, etc. He told me that he hopes I make it in the music industry, he hopes that I am there soon. We talked about music, etc. It was great, and something I've been meaning to do for years. During the concert frank said he heard me sing and was like, "I love your voice" He said that my hair was cool too. And, near the end of our little meet, he said to me. "I love you, and f**king cool, good luck" Frank and I hugged a few times, and I walked off. Oh, I almost forgot, he signed my cd; as did the rest of the band. Here is me and Frank.
    After I met Frank, I met Evan Nestor. The other guitarist of the band, and he was fantastic. Him and I also talked about music. He said I was super talented and hopes I make it with music. I also saw the rest of the band. Evan and I have the same guitar.
    I guess that's it really. Probably the greatest night of my life so far. I am grateful.
    Did I mention, that frank iero spit on me and played super close to me. I actually touched him while he was on stage. Frank's guitar playing is fantastic.
    if you have questions, go ahead and ask. I'm all ears.

    I forgot to say, frank said something that night that means a lot to me and that I'll never forget.
    "Always give a fuck, nothing is insignificant."
  2. Aiden

    Aiden Donator

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    Must have been really a/an *Insert word that's beyond fantastic here* experience for you! That is so awesome! :)
    Haruld and sebastiann like this.
  3. Katy_

    Katy_ Donator

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    Amazing Eli...
    I'm so glad you
    got to meet your idol!
    Haruld and sebastiann like this.
  4. Haruld

    Haruld Prodigal Son Donator

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    Awesome dude ;3
    sebastiann likes this.
  5. John_0696

    John_0696 Donator

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    Thats great eli, i hope you had fun :)
    sebastiann likes this.
  6. Ninjafoya


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    Glad you enjoyed :D
    sebastiann likes this.
  7. JupitersDarling


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    Wow, amazing!
    So happy you got to meet to meet frank, and of course other talented musicians!
    And he is right, you are very talented.
    Congrats! :)
    sebastiann likes this.
  8. Joseph10003

    Joseph10003 hi. Donator

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    I'm so happy for you.
    It seemed very cool from the story I just read. I'm sure it was better once you actually met them all. Glad you had a fun time. Did your dad enjoy it too?
    sebastiann likes this.
  9. NickerPan

    NickerPan Donator

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    I still can't believe he slit on you :P glad you had fun c:
    sebastiann likes this.
  10. Zam

    Zam <3 Donator

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    That sounds awesome, glad you enjoyed it.
    sebastiann likes this.
  11. SellZy

    SellZy Donator

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    I'm so happy for you! I hope you'll have a lot of more fun at Gerards concert! c: I hope it will be an amazing experience. :)
    sebastiann likes this.
  12. teitan

    teitan ‏‏‎ Donator

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    I wish I could meet Paul like that aha ;-;.
    sebastiann likes this.
  13. Inisity

    Inisity Staff Member Mod+

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    Glad that you had fun! Must have been a great experience.
    sebastiann likes this.