ok look im never on here anymore and im pretty bored and i dont have any friends that can run this game on pc but apex legends is basically like this overwatch pubg fusion (a battle royale but you can choose differents characters with different kits) honestly i think its cool and better then fortnite and if you're good at aiming you're already a god so so tell me y'all do you think its a good game or not? or don't tell me thats pretty cool too ik the fourms are...................... dead these days so (if you wanna add me on origin so we can play @ starixty)
It's an alright game, think it's more enjoyable than Fortnite because everyone has more or less the same mechanics they can pull off. And no bloom when aiming, thank god. All the kits are pretty well balanced too in my opinion, of course some people are sick on a certain character after mastering them in a short time but that was to be expected. Overall a nice game to try out, it's free as well.
The game is fun as hell; I mainly play lifeline and Gibraltar. Sometimes I play pathfinder cause the grappling aspect is sick. My computer just recently broke so I hope I have a chance to play it soon.
So? At least people enjoy it, A polished good battle royale from launch and the most best thing is that its killing Fortnite so why not be glad :^)
hardly, it's just a flavour of the month that will be dead in water eventually. titanfall was fun and quite refreshing. sad to see EA kill another good studio to jump on a money train
i find it impossible to believe the publisher had no say in development, microtransaction prices are already exhausting
Microtransactions are bad as well in any other game? Of course EA is shit we all agree with that but Apex is free to play and you don't have to pay money you can unlock the skins like I've had or grind for the legends ? EA didn't do anything with Apex they just gave Respawn money to develop it A lot of free games have microtransactions but no need to buy them if you don't need to like Fortnite and Tf2.
I downloaded it yesterday but it was like 2 in the morning so I only did part of the training before my game crashed due to bad servers or something so i just quit. Seemed interesting and like it could be fun once I actually learn wtf I'm doing.