Heya, in this thread, I’m going to be critiquing one of my longest comics I ever made on this forum, Mod Mayhem. It’s been years since I’ve actually gone through and looked at all of these old drawings that I made, but today I’m going to do just that. Hopefully you guys get a good laugh out of me taking a jab at my old work. (Fun fact about this whole comic, is that it was inspired by a video from youtube that I saw a long time ago, also titled Mod Mayhem. Take a look) Okay, so let’s start with the first part. It’s just me about to mine what looks like iron ore when old forum member Leopard_Lover21 told me to come look at the giant box floating in the sky that says “NOW INSTALLING TOUHOU.EXE”. So right off the bat I guess it establishes that we’re just going to be going with other popular IPs instead of things like actual Minecraft mods, which is honestly what I’ve should’ve done instead as there is sooo many of them that I could’ve used like Twilight Forest, Aether, Crazycraft, the list could go on and on, and to be honest would’ve been a whole lot better. But anyways, Leo then gets killed by Sakuya Izayoi who I portrayed as a full on villain and cold blooded killer. That isn’t right in the slightest, but that’s because 16 year old me didn’t know diddly dick about Touhou Project’s lore, Sakuya as well as the rest of the Touhou project cast aren’t really evil or villainous, they do get into a lot of fights yes but for the most part they leave each other alone and even party together sometimes. but here I was just like “Yeeeaaahh lez have the touhou characters be bad guys lolol”. So next comic we see Flandre scarlet terrorizing other players, as well as Rumia about to get her yokai ass beat by Star. (In the Touhou Lore,Yokai actually can’t be harmed by physical attacks because they’re supernatural and if this was accurate, Rumia AND flandre would mop the floor with all of us.) Next mod is Battlefield, or as I’m gonna be calling it the Cannon Fodder mod, I just splashed these foot soldiers, tanks and other military equipment just to fill the enemies out as well as give the heroes a bunch of nameless soldiers to brutally murder and it shows. However the Helicopter blowing the living shit out of Cirno was pretty funny, even though I didn’t intend it to be. LouiseXminerX or YuseeXPrompX provided part 3 of the comic for me, which was nice and later I continued it with her just getting absolutely murdered by Sakuya, which I felt was kinda dickish of me to do. This part when Sakuya speaks was actually ripped from a Fan-made Touhou Anime called “Memories of Phantasm” where she says the exact same thing. (go to 11:25 for the line) Back in the old days, I had a problem of ripping ideas and phrases from stuff I liked and putting them into my comics (PwnagePotato joins facebook is an atrocious example as that whole thing was blatantly copied from a Transformers stop motion I watched.) In the world of writing, we all know that is Plagiarism, one of the worst things any writer can do if they want to get a story out there. You copy anything like that and claim it as your own, you’re gonna get chased down and beaten with baseball bats. The next mod we see is TF2, and the last part is the only good thing I can say about this, Spy comes in and kills Sakuya and says “But Stabbing people is my Job” which is really in character for him. Later on after a bunch of battles, Potato farting and stunning the TF2 mercs and me getting eaten by a Bread monster, The Next mod comes in while me and Shadow_Riolu are talking, Attack on Titan. I distinctly remember I only added this in because that Anime was incredibly popular on here, Like Everybody and their grandma was obsessed with this show back in 2014, That and Sword art Online. Later on in the comic, we see that all of us, the forum members are all gathered in an obsidian bunker to protect us from the carnage out in the open. Which looking back is one of the stupidest ideas I had for this story, from a writing perspective, if there was a bunch of evil mods out there terrorizing the populace, wouldn’t you think that we would actively fight back instead of hiding away like a bunch of wusses? I know later on in the story they actually did that but that came way too late. However it did lead into the part that I still kind of hold a bit of nostalgia for, despite the shitty writing and UGLY art. Yeah, the Dinobots. Here on this forum there weren’t that many Transformers fans besides myself, and I didn’t get it through my head at the time that other people won’t be interested in the stuff that you were interested in. I used the characters from the 2014 movie Transformers: Age of Extinction which I obsessed over when I was younger even though the movie was a big fat pile of monkey shit.But to be completely honest, the Dinobots were a pain in my fucking ass to draw, especially on Windows XP MS Paint, that style used in the movies does not translate well into a primitive Digital art program like that. Sometimes they look pretty good like in this shot: and other times they look absolutely awful. This part right here is the one I remember the most, the Fight between the Titan that ate Eren Yeager’s mother in the pilot episode and Scorn, one of the Dinobots. As cool as I thought this fight was, I could not do fight choreography which I still struggle at to a certain extent, so most of the time during the fight they look like they are just staring at each other. One notable moment is when Vaicun’s character is going to try and kill the titan for Eren’s sake. What I didn’t know until way later is that *SPOILER* Eren actually becomes a villain in the later seasons, further proving I never watched the show when I made this. So at the very end, I decided to make the main villain, the big bad, the one who caused everything…ExplodingTNT. Even though they were friends in real life, I couldn’t have chosen a much worse villain than that, This was the time of the comic when I was really starting to run out of ideas (And patience) to continue this whole thing. I made him out to be like this Megalomaniac who wanted power over everything and would wipe out everybody who opposed him. He’s like an over the top cartoony villain you cant take seriously. Truly the face of evil. So to sum it all up, It’s bad. I know you were all expecting me to say that, but really that’s the best way I could describe it, this comic is poorly written, badly drawn and an overall mess…but somehow it gives me a form of nostalgia that I simply can’t forget. Despite it’s flaws it at least has imagination, with the fights, the visuals and the roster of characters I decided to put in. It was fun for the time and now that I’ve gotten older, I’ve sometimes had thoughts of giving this another go, rewrite it from the ground up and have it actually be about Minecraft mods, but at this point in my life I barely have the time to sit down and actually make these things as the adult life comes with many responsibilities. Maybe one day, but who knows..
Ah yes, Cirno is the strongest being in the entire comic, That Helicopter missile to the face and she's all like "Tis' but a scratch". Funnily enough I had her come back in a later part only for her to absolutely eat shit at the hands of the TF2 Medic. xP Maybe that could've been a funny joke, she dies but she keeps coming back because She's Immortal lol