(6 year Anniversary thread) A Thank you letter to J&H

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by John_0696, Mar 25, 2018.

  1. John_0696

    John_0696 Donator

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    Hey everyone, As some of you might know, it will be my 6 year anniversary on this server and forums, (April 13th to be exact) And like last year I wanted to do something a bit different, Last time I talked about what got me into drawing, but this year, I wanted to thank the ones who helped me the most. Jerry and Harry themselves. Some of you might have some differing opinions on them and some don’t, but I would like to share my personal feelings about the dynamic duo we all know.

    Ill be completely honest, Jerry and Harry have done something for me that to this day I still appreciate, and this might sound very mushy and cringey to some of you, But Jerry and Harry helped me get through a really tough time in my life, When I was going through high school there were some very toxic individuals in my household, ones that really didn’t make life any easier. I will not go into very specific details of who it was or what happened, but I will say one thing is that it wasnt good at all. Fortunately they are gone and my life is much better now. but Jerry and Harry gave me the one chance to connect with many people through the internet who loved MC just as much as I did, not only that, but gave me a place to get my small drawings shown as well.

    I also enjoyed the content they uploaded at the time, Say what you want about their uploads on youtube and I can understand not all of them were good (No offense to both of you guys :P) what I liked the most out of Jerry and Harry’s older videos was that there was zero bullshit with it. What you saw was what you got. Their older videos take you back to a time where Minecraft machinimas were simple and cheerful and it looked like any ordinary joe could gather a group of friends together and get recording software to make their own little video for youtube to see. That’s what I always saw out of jerry and harrys old videos. One of my favorite videos they made that had me laughing to tears when I was younger was this one, The lost hat.

    Getting to play on this server has been a lot of fun for me especially in my rough years, It was sort of like An Escape to a Place of fun and excitement. But now that my life has been straightened out and I grew into an Adult, I really do look back on my times on the server with fondness. Of course I have gained interest in other youtubers now and I watch them frequently, but I will still have most of Jerry and Harry’s older videos in my favorites playlists.

    In conclusion, I cant thank both of you enough for what you guys have done for me as well as everybody else that visits this forums. I’ve been working on this letter for a while now and hopefully it was worth it. again thanks for all the good times here, even though you guys might not appeal to everyone, You definitely did to me and many others here, Thanks @ItsJerry and @ItsHarry.

    -Sincerely yours

    Last edited: Mar 25, 2018
    teitan, Odilon, vipa and 12 others like this.
  2. ItsJerry

    ItsJerry DEAD SERVER!!! LMAO!!! Staff Member Owner

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  3. Ryva

    Ryva Resigned Donator

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    He was 16 in that video lol he sounds so much younger. anyways nice threado