2024 Election Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by idkicupfc, Jul 15, 2024.


Who are you voting for in the 2024 Election?

Poll closed Nov 15, 2024.
  1. Donald Trump (R)

  2. Joe Biden (D)

  3. (R) Ticket - Trump will be incapacitated/off ballot

    0 vote(s)
  4. (D) Ticket - Biden will be incapacitated/off ballot

  5. Other/write-in - Comment

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  1. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    Stating the facts isn't media fearmongering. Those things did happen. Seriously Bud, I thought you had more critical thinking skills.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2024
  2. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    There is this thing called ongoing legal cases.
  3. Ezzerland

    Ezzerland Staff Member Manager

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    We live in a time where lies are widespread, things are taken out of context, and as a result, even the truth is hard to find or believe. We also live in a time where things don't seem to matter until they effect you directly.
  4. GalaxyAway


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    This has been the quick response of Trump supporters for years. Trump never does anything wrong, and he won't tell you he did. It's easy to call bullshit, but I spoke on real issues in my post.

    I've read most posts on this thread and some of the statements you've made like this one:

    Don't sit right with me. Suggesting that my political stance is "too" heavily influenced by the media is a bit insulting, considering I didn't jump to speak on things I disagree with in your post in a way that undermines your political opinion.

    But anyways, when Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022, a landmark decision that was upheld as part of the United States for 50 years, conversations on women's reproductive rights have continued to increase and it is frightening to see a response like that. You should care, at least enough to recognize that supporting Trump heavily influenced this decision.

    Do your own research on the comments Donald Trump has made about women.
    t3mptr3s likes this.
  5. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    1. I'm glad I'm not most people.
    2. It's seriously disappointing that you're throwing around right wing lingo instead of thinking for yourself.
  6. TheDiamondPicks

    TheDiamondPicks Rank.MODERATOR.toString() Staff Member Moderator

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    Without wading into the nitty gritty of policy, I think the problem might be more around sourcing? Basically you're making some pretty definitive stances on some controversial issues, but not providing sources for those stances, aside from heard things from people involved. I don't seek to dismiss your personal experiences, but I think you can understand why people are a bit sceptical when everything that challenges your views here is dismissed as being corporate/democrat propoganda.

    I find this view interesting personally. The issue with it, imo, is that by voting you're inherently making a choice around the rights of others. If you vote Republican, you're voting for a party that will restrict abortion (the states rights thing clearly just means it will be restricted in red states, and not in blue states), not to mention that many Republican lawmakers wish to restrict abortion nationwide, but I acknowledge this is not a universal opinion on the Republican side. The same applies to the Democratic Party, voting for them inherently means you want to let women do what they wish, as that's the policy position of the overwhelming majority of Democrats. But the cruelty of the two party system is that you're forced to take a position and make a choice here.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2024
    YFIOTR likes this.
  7. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    ...that unless you're a native, it's thanks to a historically very libertarian immigration system that any of us enjoy the benefits of living in the Americas. Aren't you anarchist bro? You should be the first to understand that freedom of movement between nations is a very important thing. Biden's immigration policy is indeed absolute horse shit, but Trump's undoubtedly aims to strip away the freedom of movement of the immigrants who will form the future generation of Americans. This freedom of movement and ease of immigration is what this whole country was built on
  8. GalaxyAway


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    The main concern I expressed was the gun violence crisis in America. Besides my comments about the character of Donald Trump, nothing should even be considered "regurgitated corporate media talking points." or treated as such when it comes to what has happened in school classrooms, grocery stores, churches, concerts for years. I would say most of my points are SUBSTANTIAL, especially when I mention the devastating result of gun violence in the United States. You can interpret my comments on Donald Trump and his supporters, rhetoric, etc, as you please but don't suggest that people who have different views about real problems are just repeated corporate media talking points. Not a good look.
  9. Joeyy

    Joeyy Silly Goose of the year 2022 Donator

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    Dude with all respect if you’re using End Wokeness as a source for your argument then you’ve immediately lost in my eyes.

    Also a right-wing supporter if you can, please define the meaning of Woke
    dinoceros and t3mptr3s like this.
  10. GalaxyAway


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    But dear God don’t let anyone come after your opinion, it would be insulting to your “work” if someone came to you with a response like this one you've just given me and continue to do to others on this thread with a different opinion.

    Additionally, your own logic is this:

    Mass shootings happen all of the time. It’s a crisis whether you are capable of addressing it or choose to be neglectful. We need change.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2024
  11. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    Mind expanding on that?
    Davey likes this.
  12. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    What I get from this is you care more about money than you do people.
    Emma and dinoceros like this.
  13. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    --- Post merged ---
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    "Using millions of historical census records and modern birth certificates, we document that immigrants assimilated into US society at similar rates in the past and present."
    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7508458/#:~:text=Using millions of historical census,in the past and present.
    --- Post merged ---
    As for the whole "civilized" vs "barbaric" thing, I think it just shows your own xenophobia rather than proves any legitimate point. There isn't Muslims mass raping women in the US or whatever the thing u linked was supposed to prove.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2024
  14. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    Okay. Whatever, not xenophobic; I'm not in your head. Mind addressing the empirical evidence I posted that proves your whole previous message wrong now?
  15. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    Who gives a shit. Is crossing an international border without speaking to a border agent the only crime these barbaric foreign aliens that are getting imported en masse from the third world bring?

    They come from horrible places seeking safety and data shows that they behave and get involved in society without doing any other crime than the forsaken sin of swimming across the Rio Grande. To me it sounds like we should make the legal immigration route easier and more accessible instead of limiting their crossing.
    --- Post merged ---
    This is literally what you guys were doing with Roxham Road, but whatever.
  16. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    Take a breath redacted. I believe you. You're not a xenophobe.
    I'll be glad to discuss Canadian politics with you should you ever give a shit. Besides, my girlfriend of several years now lives in america and has lived there all her life. I spend several months a year over there and I have done volunteer work in Louisiana. I'm not American and i don't live there, but I think I'm well versed as to how America functions as a country, what America's history is, how our two countries' histories overlap... I'm not qualified to speak of daily american realities for myself but it's pretty close to me. Do I have a say in this debate?
    My country lets more immigrants in than the US does per capita, and my province alone gets about half of those migrants. Illegal immigration is more of a concern for me than it is for you and I'm doing just fine with my new neighbors.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2024
    idkicupfc likes this.
  17. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    As an anarcho capitalist you should be familiar with the concept of victimless crimes.
    Ok I looked it up and what exactly does that try to prove? Looks like either a filing error or an ethnically ambiguous dude. North Africans for example are often dark skinned but not black, and the closest race US recognizes is White. Not evidence of a conspiracy to cover up crime rates.
    My bad
    Okay, apologies for irking you — must have misinterpreted you literally saying that you're open to foreign point of views in OP. I'll make sure to become a US Citizen before sharing empirical data from reputed US institutions about US sociology with you ever again.
  18. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    Sorry, missed that part.

    These people are going to enter the country whether you like it or not. Make the legal route and background checks more accessible and fast if you want them to enter legally. I don't know about the whole credit cards thing but I know damn well if you strip people of humane living conditions and accomodations before they're even able to find work, then maybe this nice data showing they barely do any crimes (excl. failure to report arrival) won't be so nice anymore.

    Americans literally don't want to do the jobs in question and new arrivants are willing to. There is a labor shortage in most developed countries including yours man. It's not illegals that are stealing jobs, it's corporations that are not willing to be paying enough for US-born citizens to do the job in question.
    Doesn't matter his race anyways, we're talking about immigration status here. Everywhere I looked, it was disclosed that this dude was an illegal. The picture you provided and the case you mentioned give no proof of conspiracy to mask illegal immigrant data.

    The data I provided comes from research conducted by doctorates working at reputable US universities. These people have worked for decades to obtain their diplomas, hired a team of researchers, did field studies, and all of it is documented in the literature I linked. Unless you can find a significant problem with the method at hand or the data, we are both too ignorant to deny or contradict the numbers which come from scientific literature. Doing so insults both our intelligence and the hard work of these researchers.

    I prefer to believe the scientific literature.
    Yes I read the paper in question. I'm failing to understand why you shared it here though. It's a research paper with data that kinda goes against what you're defending.

    For instance:
    " The levels of migration needed to offset population ageing (i.e., maintain potential support ratios) are extremely large, and in all cases entail vastly more immigration than occurred in the past."

    Thats besides the point. This isn't legislation. How exactly do the UN affect US immigration policy?
  19. Ezzerland

    Ezzerland Staff Member Manager

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    To what extent did you research this? Did you look up racial profiling laws in Texas? Did you look up what races are listed on criminal reporting? Do you recognize that Hispanic is an ethnicity and not a race? This isn't about falsifying numbers or making criminal aliens look better and this is a pretty gross misunderstanding. Don't be the source of "media fearmongering."

    Anti-racial profiling according to the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure states that officers must report the the person’s race or ethnicity, as stated by the person or, if the person does not state the person’s race or ethnicity, as determined by the officer to the best of the officer’s ability. Within this reporting, anyone identified as Hispanic or Latino (which specifically states 'a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race') is identified as White on their race and of Hispanic or Latino dissent on their ethnicity. Race and Ethnicity are combined in reporting. That means anyone on the Criminal Report identified as Hispanic or Latino is "W" for race, but that does not mean they are reported as "White."
    dinoceros likes this.
  20. Ezzerland

    Ezzerland Staff Member Manager

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    Well then I'm glad I could help clarify that they're not being reported as white and do not count in white statistics.
    While I'm totally fine with talking about ways to improve the accuracy of reporting, or better yet, the communication of it, the only part that is misleading is the spread of information as fact from those whom do not understand it.
    Ah, so you did not share this misinformation as a means to state that criminal aliens are much worse than reported? I apologize for my misunderstanding. What did you bring this up for?
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