I'm trying to leave these forums. :p I have no chance though. I'm stuck here due to sentimentality. Maybe eventually, though. If you leave, keep contact VIA Skype, mk?
I honestly don't really see a point in officially leaving forums. Making a leaving thread would basically be me lying. I probably will just come online when its night and I'm bored trying to keep my mind off things.
You got tumblr. Reddit? Also yeah. Ill keep contact through FuzziWuzziBear.
If you ever get grounded for 2+ months, never think about minecraft. It literally wipes your mind out and that's how I've gotten away from Moshi Monster forums.
I don't really see a reason for an official leave, just gonna be less active. Not on here hours a day like I used to. As for Shadow, eh, if he wants to leave, he can. I don't believe in that everyone who leaves is a "quitter" crap. I feel if the person is not enjoying a website, or wants to leave, they can regardless of the reason. I left for 2 months, then I came back.
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