Comments on Profile Post by 7eboK

  1. Spykill3r
    Hey Ebok ^^
    Aug 5, 2014
  2. 7eboK
    btw i am wondering, how do u start a thread >.<
    Aug 5, 2014
  3. Spykill3r
    Well, if you open one of the sections (like 'Introduction' or 'Report Abuse' you can see right above your screen 'Create Thread'.
    After that just fill in the required info. ^^
    Aug 5, 2014
  4. 7eboK
    k thanks ^^
    Aug 5, 2014
  5. 7eboK
    umg i am dumb where r the "sections" ;-;
    Aug 5, 2014
  6. Spykill3r
    Well, some parts have sections in it, scroll up and look above the page in the corner you can find 'Forums' underneath the IPs, after that you will see a new page with all kinds of discussions, some of them have sections in it like 'Report Abuse'.
    Aug 5, 2014
  7. Spykill3r
    Message got to long, not done yet.
    For the ones without sections, just open one of the discussions and look above, right in the corner of your page, you will see 'Create Thread'. After you clicked that you can create your thread.
    Aug 5, 2014