I'm doing well, thanks got asking! I wanted to say hi since it has been a while since I've seen you on the forums haha How've you been?
oh third time already? lol i missed a lot, wb though hmm heat and mint have been here awhile though haven't they?
Ty, no worries lol And I guess so, I got accepted with Heat on Aug 26, '19 and I think Mint came back a few weeks later..?
oh wow you guys have been staff for a year now, that's crazy. i thought you meant that you just got heat and mint back from corona. it looks like you guys are good in terms of staff :)
yeah it feels nostalgic coming back. i really appreciate seeing/talking to people like you again. also, thanks for remembering me lol
Yea, I felt the same way! And it's no problemo. I have a pretty good memory so I remember a lot of people from like 2014/15 haha
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