Last Activity:
Nov 11, 2022
Nov 3, 2013
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Coolegg Student


Former Mod, Male, from Texas


I & the Echo Build Team have moved to a new Minecraft server w/ a strong community. If you are interested, DM me on discord at Twage#3836. Nov 11, 2022

TwageTomato was last seen:
Nov 11, 2022
    1. TwageTomato
      I & the Echo Build Team have moved to a new Minecraft server w/ a strong community. If you are interested, DM me on discord at Twage#3836.
    2. t3mptr3s
      Hi Tomato!
      1. keremalguul likes this.
    3. Evence
      1. TwageTomato likes this.
      2. TwageTomato
        Aug 8, 2018
        Evence likes this.
    4. TwageTomato
      I am so happy to have worked on the staff team for the past 9 months. It was a great experience I will cherish for years to come! Thank you!
      1. Evence, safoya299, left4lag and 2 others like this.
      2. TwageTomato
        (slight change to info page regarding resignation)
        Jun 2, 2018
        left4lag and ZeusV like this.
      3. TwageTomato
    5. Netherr
      Thanks for everything Twage
      1. TwageTomato likes this.
      2. Netherr
        Did you just like every one of my comments on that thread xd
        Jun 2, 2018
        TwageTomato likes this.
      3. TwageTomato
        not ALL of them :3
        Jun 2, 2018
    6. Haruld
      Thank you for all that you've done for the staff team, I'll miss you!
      1. TwageTomato likes this.
    7. ZeusV
      Thank you for your service.
      1. TwageTomato likes this.
    8. momand
    9. Sir_Tealsworth
      Tweg will you be my valentine ❤️
      1. RulerofMobs and TwageTomato like this.
      2. TwageTomato
        Yes dad <3
        Feb 14, 2018
        RulerofMobs likes this.
      3. Sir_Tealsworth
        Ok now it’s creepy
        (Jk ily)
        Feb 14, 2018
        RulerofMobs and TwageTomato like this.
    10. RulerofMobs
      What if I unfollowed you?
      1. TwageTomato likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. RulerofMobs
        Aight Imma Unfollow You Now
        Feb 12, 2018
        TwageTomato likes this.
      4. CaptainJackValdy
        He are sad
        Feb 13, 2018
        TwageTomato likes this.
      5. RulerofMobs
        I refollowed him
        He aren't sad
        Feb 15, 2018
        TwageTomato likes this.
    11. sraha
      do you know whos hot? read the first word again ;-)
      1. Ryva and TwageTomato like this.
    12. TwageTomato
      Ah, the start of a new semester... Oh wait, that completely ruins my daily routine for minecraft. Hopefully I can get that fixed soon ^-^,
      1. Evence likes this.
      2. Netherr
        Unfortunately, it did not
        Jun 2, 2018
        TwageTomato likes this.
    13. Snow
      I enjoy staring at your avatar
      1. TwageTomato likes this.
      2. TwageTomato
        A previous friend of mine made it as a joke, but I thought it was adorable, so I kept it :P
        Jan 17, 2018
        RulerofMobs, Evence and Snow like this.
    14. MangoLango
      hullo twage
      1. TwageTomato likes this.
    15. Stolas
      i didnt even realize you got mod but congratulations :)
      1. TwageTomato likes this.
    16. Magical
      Good work on mod :)
      1. TwageTomato likes this.
    17. Netherr
      Congrats on Mod!
      1. TwageTomato likes this.
    18. TheDiamondPicks
      congrats, you will make an awesome mod
      1. TwageTomato likes this.
    19. Phoenix
      That orange looks a lot better
      1. TwageTomato likes this.
    20. tence3000
      I'm sorry I'm late but congrats, keep up the good work!
      1. TwageTomato and Evence like this.
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  • About

    Coolegg Student
    Hello there, I'm Eric. I'm a college student attending university in Texas, studying computer science and minoring in vocal performance. I know Java, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MASM, and I am learning a few other languages. I am a professional singer and choir member, and have been singing since the age of 5. But you don't care too much about that, do you? You want to know about the Minecraft character by the name of Twage, not the super-busy guy behind the desk playing as him.

    First things first, my original name was TwageTomato, a sort-of parody on PwnagePotato's name. In the peaceful survival world, I have become a renowned builder, known for having an unhinged ambition for creating extremely large, yet intricately detailed builds. My crippling flaw, however, is that I have difficulty seeing projects through to their end on my own. This is where my friends come in - more on them later.

    I am also known for my intellect, problem and puzzle solving capabilities, conflict resolution, argument mediation, and giver of life advice, encouragement, and other forms of help. If you ever just need someone to talk to, to vent to, or even to ask for advice from, I can help.

    As for my career on J&H: I've been around on the server since April 23rd, 2013 and have consistently played ever since, up until I left in October of 2015. After a short-lived 3-month comeback in the summer of 2016, I left again as college started up for me in August. I then returned once more, this time for good I hope, earlier this year (2017) in February. This makes for a good 3 years of experience with the server, the majority of which has been spent in peaceful survival and its predecessors.

    I was promoted to Helper on September 8th, 2017, and then to Moderator on December 14th, 2017. I resigned on June 1st, 2018. I hope I did a good job serving all of the people of the community who have been there for me.

    In peaceful survival where I most often play, I co-founded the faction Zambi along with IllKms (ngkizzy2003) and Zombeh (MrZombehGames), both of whom are long time friends of mine, even if they're somewhat inactive nowadays. However, in March of 2017, I left Zambi in the care of Zombeh, and I am now a head officer of Sir_Tealsworth's faction, Echo.

    I have made new friends in Echo:
    - The master builder himself, Sir_Tealsworth, who is quite smart, rational, and keeps the faction very well-organized. This man plans entire castles in an advanced, down to a block-by-block basis, from pure imagination and memory.
    - The_Stevester, who has his quirks, but is nonetheless talented in building, humorous, and helpful.
    - Final_Ninja, who is incredibly mature for his age, though he has his moments. He is a good friend though, and comes up with some really cool concepts for building.
    - Neptnvian, who is strikingly similar to Tealsworth in many ways, but more laid back. He doesn't have the same crazy ambition teal does, but sometimes a bit of relaxation and decompression is needed, especially with how crazy I can get with my building ambitions at times. Nept knows how to dial things back when it counts.
    - Last but not least, Krafter (KraftingThings/UnhealthyHabits/WhyCrafter). This guy can be immature at times and have a somewhat one-track mind, but when his mind is set on something that helps the faction, he gets things done. Need a roof? Boom. Dig a hole? Already empty.

    I've always loved this server and the friends that play on it alongside me, and I have done my best to encourage newcomers to join in. While people have come and gone over the years, the community has remained strong, kind, and helpful. I cherish all of the fond memories this server has made for me, from my very beginnings to my eventual status as an expert builder of survival and official Helper.

    Well, enough about me and my story. Go! Make your own story! Have a good time on this server, and enjoy the friends you'll make here! The community is there for you - it's one of the best ones you'll find.