Comments on Profile Post by PopeUrbanII

  1. SinisterBucky
    I'm tired of your political posts man. Most of what I see on snap is you talkin shit about political stuff or people you know.
    Jul 21, 2017
  2. PopeUrbanII
    I don't even go on political rants anymore, sad you just want to cut our 3 year friendship off like that.

    Happy late birthday by the way.
    Jul 21, 2017
    SinisterBucky likes this.
  3. SinisterBucky
    I don't want to cut you off. If I did I would ignore your post on my profile. Thank you for the birthday wishes.
    Jul 23, 2017
    PopeUrbanII likes this.
  4. SinisterBucky
    Tell me again what your snap is and I'll add you back.
    Jul 23, 2017
    PopeUrbanII likes this.
  5. PopeUrbanII
    Jul 23, 2017