Comments on Profile Post by gippy

  1. Racingman1
    But are you quitting MineCraft?
    Feb 14, 2017
  2. gippy
    yeah, the game just died. plus, jah was the only server that really influenced me to play.
    Feb 14, 2017
  3. Racingman1
    Damn. I was thinking I could invite you to TC. But I doubt you'd say yes and I doubt that Super would say yes.. oh well. Farewell, old friend.
    Feb 14, 2017
  4. gippy
    Feb 14, 2017
  5. Racingman1
    Really sad that this is happening..
    Feb 14, 2017
  6. gippy
    i know, its sad. but i cant just do this forever. i'd quit at one point and i decided now.
    Feb 14, 2017
  7. Racingman1
    Well, I can't stop you. And this is probably gonna be the last message I'll send you. I hope you enjoy the rest of your life and whatever you'll do next. Ciao, peace & love, that stuff. You've been a great friend and we've had great times. I'm gonna miss you.
    Feb 14, 2017