Alright, lost how? lost in finding yourself (wow how cliche of me to say that but fr) have you had this feeling before? Are you upset? Or is it just all of a sudden
I've had this sort of feeling but normally it's just kinda like a day long and then I'm fine, y'know. (This has been going on a for a week now) I feel an array of emotions but more-so leaning to upset. Lost as in what you said in a way. School, I used to find fun, but now it just sucks and stresses me out. Sorry if this seems gibberish.
It's alright! I'm not a professional so I can't really give you professional advice but what I'd do is finding something that you really like to do, something that makes you happy, or atleast puts a smile on your face.
Maybe if you are comfortable you can ask your parents to go to a consoler or go to one at your school. They will always be there. Take a break, a breather, something that will make you less stressed. I hope that you feel better. (no more than 420 characters)
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