Comments on Profile Post by Yomc

  1. Katy_
    I love Thinking Out Loud..Especially the line:
    'Cause honey your soul can never grow old, it's evergreen
    Baby your smile's forever in my mind and memory
    Oct 14, 2015
  2. Yomc
    Then either you're in love or you're an anomaly - either way, that's a good thing.
    I can say with accuracy that I've wanted to figuratively punch a wall every time I hear it. I've never really been able to appreciate the song as a whole.
    Oct 14, 2015
  3. Katy_
    I think its just such a sweet/romantic song.
    Any girl would love to have a guy say those things to her and 99.9% of guys would never do it :'(
    Oct 14, 2015
  4. Yomc
    Pretty true. The sort of people who would say things as romantic as that are hard to come by. Then again, that's part of the reason why I don't like it - it feels unrealistic to me.
    That's just me though.
    Oct 14, 2015
  5. Katy_
    Its kind of over the top mooshy, but its still a sweet song.
    And I'll take it any day over any song by Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande or Selena Gomez.
    Oct 14, 2015
  6. Yomc
    I can wholeheartedly agree with that, at least.
    Oct 14, 2015