Comments on Profile Post by Yomc

  1. Jacob1yolla
    Yes sir. Did not tonight though, was watching the voter forum.
    Aug 4, 2015
  2. Yomc
    Bill O'Reilly happens to be an alumnus of my high school. He spoke there once - he had quite the presence about him.
    I tend to watch his show, then read the Washington Post to get a decent balance on my news sources.
    Aug 4, 2015
  3. Jacob1yolla
    Wow that is amazing, were you able to hear him speak? Also: Are you one to watch Hannity?
    Aug 4, 2015
  4. Yomc
    I was. It was on our career night. He gave a decent speech about how he found his own calling.
    And not really. When watching broadcast news for opinion shows, I'll watch either The O'Reilly Factor or the McLoughlin Show if it's a Sunday.
    Aug 4, 2015
  5. Jacob1yolla
    Oh, I am one to watch Sean Hannity quite frequently, as he is my main Fox New Channel reporter. I also tend to listen to Glenn Beck.
    Aug 4, 2015
  6. MC_Scout
    calling O'Reilly news is like calling Oranges Apples
    Aug 4, 2015
  7. Yomc
    Well, it has lots of opinions (which is what it's intended for). So I watch it and read liberal-based articles - it tends to give a good balance of perspective.
    Aug 4, 2015
  8. MC_Scout
    I dont consider him a news show though. Talk show, yes. News? thats hard to call him that.
    Aug 4, 2015
  9. Jacob1yolla
    Aug 4, 2015
  10. MC_Scout
    They are a news broadcast, so yes.
    There credibility is another story
    Aug 4, 2015
  11. Jacob1yolla
    Would you consider Fox News Channel news?
    Aug 4, 2015
  12. MC_Scout
    As a channel? no. Fox is not all news. There newscast is, the channel, no.
    Aug 4, 2015