nani!??!?!, Female, from Colorado
suck toes Nov 11, 2019
- Renee was last seen:
- Sep 16, 2020
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if you knew me from j and h and want a way to contact me:RANK: VIP (Very Idiotic Person)
Twitter: @orangeejuiceren
Tumblr: @orangeejuice
Discord: changes a lot but is Renee#0195 as of 11/10/19
you cant contact me directly from dc becaues i have it set to only people i'm in servers with can do this, so reach out on tumblr or twitter first
i like almost all musicals i get my hands onto which is
a lot so
The Best People You Will Ever Meet:
_scotophobia((we don't talk much but you're super chill)
kylizzel((kylie, i enjoy playing with you. you're fun to be around))
box_jim((ellie, you're def one my closest friends and you make me laugh all the time, you're a super good person, too))
SirArias((andrew, i've known you forever and you're amazing to go to for advice and just for a pleasant conversation))
Cherrrii((cherry, i've known you longest out of literally everyone. thanks so much for being my friend, we've got each others back. keep on being you))
Plebeyo((caleb, you're really smart, not to mention funny. What you say always makes sense and is well-thought out))
MakeHappy((bryn, you also make me laugh a lot. i enjoy talking to you, and i hope i can help you out if you need it))
lowkeybriskgod((nick, i don't know a lot about you, but you're a really good friend and i'm glad i know you))
Velant((caleb, you're really funny, like always. keep on being you, you meme loving fucker))
BreathlessDeath((ash, we don't talk much, but you're pretty chill and funny))
HollyJollyDolla((dolla, i may not agree on everything with you, but you're my friend and i enjoy talking to you))
AleTheDrunk((ale, you're really important to me. i enjoy talking to you, and you literally never fail to make me laugh. if you need help, i'm here))
TurtleKoo((koo, idek if you exist anymore, but you're also one of my long-term friends who i just never got to know))
WaffleKrisp((i'm really glad I met another hamfan who i can talk to and express myself to. keep on fighting in the meantime-))
Charlie((you're my husband ily (but in all seriousness, you're a great friend and im so glad to have met you))
Ily all, thanks so much ( ˘ ³˘) ♥
(if you aren't listed pls tell me)
RIP our skyblock <3
i dont talk much with yall as of 6/30/18 but im keeping this here for good all times