Lol I have mega gardevoir. ;), or I guess you could say i have every pokemon in pokemon y. AND X. YOLO :D (I SPENT THE ENTIRE GAME SEARCHING FOR EVERYPOKE AND EVERY ONE FOUND IN BULBAPEDIA)
That's not possible Since Pokebank didn't come out on the US yet Unless you're referring to each gen 6, which is possible.
*ahem,* let me restate that. xD I just looked in bulbapedia for every single poke you can ever get in pokemon x and y, and I got them all. I think that's easier to explain. And yes, they ALL fit in the PC. :L If you wonder how I got X pokemon, 1. I traded 2. I found some x pokes in hordes (like minun) 3. ^ that's basically how I got most of x pokes :P