Separate names with a comma.
Best of luck with it, Marco!!
Hello! Right, where to start? I'm leaving. As some of you may know I've joined the Royal Marines, my application process has been long and...
Desmond T. Doss ( February 7, 1919 - March 23, 2006 ) This man was apart of the United States Army, he was a corporal. And distinguished himself...
Good call, right locking this. Sorry for making you all lose your tits but I felt it had to be talked about, much love. Joel x
Like I give a damn of being a hero, I just dont want this server to turn into an uncontrollable mess.
Cause the ones that aint have left, im the only one thats standing up
I don't have xenophobia, haha. I ain't trying to sound harsh to them, its just the way I am. I'm a royal marine, part of my job is killing anti...
During school year, we had about 1.2k people online at every moment.
Thank you, and yeah, maybe they will.
Its obvious that getting rid of the english only rule has buggered the server over, hasnt it. We losing players in bundles by the day
Actually I dont remember anyone complaining about muting all the turks? So how am I the racist one? We all got blood on our hands, why am I the...
I remember you being olay with muting all the turks? Whats changed ya
I did understand it. So basically your saying, get more staff which speak russian/turkish?