Separate names with a comma.
Thank you!
Lol Im happy I know someone enjoyed it! Its mario... ;)
Thanks! Ignore some of my stupid old videos.
I have had a Youtube since 2012, But I just decided I should show you guys it! I guess its counted as a creation, but if this needs to be moves...
Lol I cant stop watching it.
That was half the reason it was funny xD Lol thats how Toad babies are made. Toad. Lol it was in game.
So yesterday I was on my Wii U and something happened- See for yourself [MEDIA]
Thank you! Yea I know that. I cant now because Im on vacation and dont have my computer. Soon though.
Great! Soon I can tell you the IP.
Not just yet, Im just gonna have a white list on it most likely. Are you interested in joining?
Thank you