2024 Election Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by daddymemegod69, Jul 15, 2024.


Who are you voting for in the 2024 Election?

This poll will close on Nov 15, 2024 at 4:42 PM.
  1. Donald Trump (R)

  2. Joe Biden (D)

  3. (R) Ticket - Trump will be incapacitated/off ballot

    0 vote(s)
  4. (D) Ticket - Biden will be incapacitated/off ballot

  5. Other/write-in - Comment

  1. Joeyy

    Joeyy Silly Goose of the year 2022 Donator

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    As someone who’s got absolutely no experience what America is like and a European watching from afar (Politically I’m left-wing) I think both the main candidates are terrible for the world, and the world is a political mess currently, Trump is a convicted felon with allegations of sexual crimes against his name, with a core following that’s cult-like and inherently dangerous to the world, I mean look at the Jan 6th attacks, do you wanna risk that again? Whilst the assassination attempt was terrible and could’ve been avoided, it doesn’t mean that he’s any better of a person.

    Biden on the other hand, whilst from what I’ve read quality of life has somewhat improved under his tenure in the office, keeping in mind recovering financially from Covid etc, seems to be senile and unable to even hold a debate, not to mention his funding and arse-licking of Israel and their ongoing genocide against Palestine and its people.

    It was a similar story in the U.K. recently, which is why I ended up voting for third parties (lib dems and Green Party) rather than the tories or Labour, as neither side seemed to be showing any promise.

    I wish there was another candidate that would tell these two old farts to do one, but that’s not the case. For the sake of being progressive I’d rather Biden stays in office, but it’s a case of whether he could actually run the country, sadly though I think this is trumps election to lose.
    Ezzerland, t3mptr3s and Davey like this.
  2. samloop123

    samloop123 . Donator

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    the don
    daddymemegod69 likes this.
  3. Joeyy

    Joeyy Silly Goose of the year 2022 Donator

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    IMG_1948.png Well I guess we have our answer lol
    daddymemegod69 likes this.
  4. daddymemegod69

    daddymemegod69 Donator

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    Democrats, you had your primary taken away so donors could pick your nominee behind closed doors. Remind me the "threat to democracy" we keep hearing about?
  5. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    Willing to bet JokerBen's ancestors immigrated to the United States.
  6. daddymemegod69

    daddymemegod69 Donator

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    I'm a first generation American lmao

    What does that tell you about the state of immigration in the United States?
  7. GalaxyAway


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    To begin, I just want to say that I'm not commenting on this thread to start any argument rather share my thoughts. I don't plan on elaborating further than what I say here because I'm tired and overwhelmed by the political atmosphere existing in America today.

    What happened on July 13th was horrifying and a very scary time in America, regardless of how far away from supporting Trump as I am, I think that political violence is never the answer. I think that if something were to happen to Trump (thank God it didn't and condolences to the family of the individual that lost his life), the supporters of Donald Trump who are wearing bandaids on their ears and yelling "Fight, Fight, Fight" would probably start a rebellion and America would experience one of the most violent shifts ever because they gather around him like he's King and is going to save humanity as a convicted felon president who still believes the 2020 election was stolen from him despite 60 courts around the U.S. finding no proof of election fraud. They marched to the Capitol and broke glass lighting fires and tried to take out the House speaker and even the VP. A lie is enough to start a fire for Trump supporters. I think it's very weird how some Republicans have assault weapons in their campaign advertisements but won't openly express the issue of gun violence especially including AR-15s in America and how negligence to address this crisis as well as anyone else who bats their eye towards gun legislation and why its needed coorelates to Trump's assassination attempt. I'm not surprised by the hypocrisy, but it was absolutely heartbreaking to see the response by our leaders (Democratic side too) to come up and find a solution after what happened in Uvalde. Considering Donald Trump attended an NRA rally three days after 19 children had their lives taken by an assault weapon and is heavily endorsed by them as a lot of politicians are, I don't see him making any real change to Gun Legislation and that is enough to heavily influence my vote. When Trump comes out and speaks about assault weapons, the existence of our gun crisis, and what steps we can come together and accomplish to make change then my opinion might change. But I doubt it happens

    Donald Trump poses a great risk to America. An individual fueled by separation, discrimination, hate and violence, and someone who told his supporters to go fight like hell on January 6th and they did, leaving a lasting legacy on our security as a nation and our democracy--fueling hate and disbelief in law and the systems in place to protect us should not be our President. Donald Trump can never be wrong, and a lot of people behind him believe he's never did anything wrong.

    I think that the United States is in a very scary place right now but I think another Donald Trump presidency would pose a great risk. I'm very scared.
  8. daddymemegod69

    daddymemegod69 Donator

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    Idek where to start. You appear to be a victim of media fearmongering
  9. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    Stating the facts isn't media fearmongering. Those things did happen. Seriously Bud, I thought you had more critical thinking skills.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2024
  10. daddymemegod69

    daddymemegod69 Donator

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    surely your facts didn't come from the media then. how many people have you talked to that were in DC on j6? and actually in the shit, not just the city limits? how many primary sources related to trump or his admin or campaign have you consulted? im sure there must be at least one primary source you've gotten these facts from, because the corporate media doesnt do that and you must somehow know definitively that these things did happen?

    This is a rhetorical question because if it was asked of me I would not share my primary sources info online to prove a point.

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    the best way to prevent this from happening is to keep the leading presidential candidate of the united states from being wrongfully impeached, jailed, killed, etc.
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    Was there a point you planned on making?
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2024
  11. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    There is this thing called ongoing legal cases.
  12. Ezzerland

    Ezzerland Staff Member Manager

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    We live in a time where lies are widespread, things are taken out of context, and as a result, even the truth is hard to find or believe. We also live in a time where things don't seem to matter until they effect you directly.
  13. GalaxyAway


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    This has been the quick response of Trump supporters for years. Trump never does anything wrong, and he won't tell you he did. It's easy to call bullshit, but I spoke on real issues in my post.

    I've read most posts on this thread and some of the statements you've made like this one:

    Don't sit right with me. Suggesting that my political stance is "too" heavily influenced by the media is a bit insulting, considering I didn't jump to speak on things I disagree with in your post in a way that undermines your political opinion.

    But anyways, when Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022, a landmark decision that was upheld as part of the United States for 50 years, conversations on women's reproductive rights have continued to increase and it is frightening to see a response like that. You should care, at least enough to recognize that supporting Trump heavily influenced this decision.

    Do your own research on the comments Donald Trump has made about women.
    t3mptr3s likes this.
  14. daddymemegod69

    daddymemegod69 Donator

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    Trump has said repeatedly that he'll defer to states rights on abortion. I would take the issue up with your state govt
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    Maybe a little bit but not substantially. You basically regurgitated a bunch of corporate media talking points
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    Oh? And surely all of those are legitimate and not politically motivated?
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    This is a mischaracterization of Trump supporters. You can refer to my first post where I laid out my issues with Trump, or in your terms, things he's done wrong: bump stock bans, covid (lockdowns and vax), and truthfully, fucking around with his schedule F policy and making it's effective date in 2021 when he would end up no longer holding office
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    This reminds me of something a mentor of mine posted on FB Screenshot_20240723-131003.png

    Most people don't care about things that don't effect them, and in many cases will actually capitalize on those issues for their own gain. That's human nature and one of the darker realities of capitalism.

    The most tragic part about this is you could trust American institutions at one time to be mostly accurate. Now media, academia, even public schools and corporations peddle nonsense that borders on propaganda.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2024
  15. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    1. I'm glad I'm not most people.
    2. It's seriously disappointing that you're throwing around right wing lingo instead of thinking for yourself.
  16. daddymemegod69

    daddymemegod69 Donator

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    In the last 3 years, I have worked in 16 states and lived in 9 of them for an extended period of time. North, south, east, west. Ranging from heavy/light red and blue. I'm very social with locals and curious about them. I interface with, both professionally and personally, hillbillies, city people, christians, athiests, hindus, american citizens, foreigners, republicans, democrats, marxists, fascists, wealthy, impoverished, good areas, bad neighborhoods everything in between. I can hang and have a conversation with almost anyone and learn a lot about their life and opinions. People open up to me very often, even if it's obvious I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing. I encounter a lot of worldviews, both informed and uninformed, including unique ones like someone recently I met who is both a member of Democratic socialists of america and the NRA. As it pertains to each of these individual places, I've learned about the state of education, crime, the economy, gun rights, and women's rights.

    I'm not saying you're out of touch. I'm trying to express that I am very much in touch with the people in this country and what they want out of their society and government, probably more than the average American. And it totally does influence my worldview.

    It makes someone look very foolish when they assume that people with different opinions than themselves don't independently think critically. There is absolutely nothing you (and some others) contributed to this thread that didn't originate from some sort of party messaging or corporate media "source". Nothing. But I know you, and I know that you do, in fact, think for yourself and are fairly well-versed in a lot of topics with reasonable area for disagreement.
  17. TheDiamondPicks

    TheDiamondPicks Rank.MODERATOR.toString() Staff Member Moderator

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    Without wading into the nitty gritty of policy, I think the problem might be more around sourcing? Basically you're making some pretty definitive stances on some controversial issues, but not providing sources for those stances, aside from heard things from people involved. I don't seek to dismiss your personal experiences, but I think you can understand why people are a bit sceptical when everything that challenges your views here is dismissed as being corporate/democrat propoganda.

    I find this view interesting personally. The issue with it, imo, is that by voting you're inherently making a choice around the rights of others. If you vote Republican, you're voting for a party that will restrict abortion (the states rights thing clearly just means it will be restricted in red states, and not in blue states), not to mention that many Republican lawmakers wish to restrict abortion nationwide, but I acknowledge this is not a universal opinion on the Republican side. The same applies to the Democratic Party, voting for them inherently means you want to let women do what they wish, as that's the policy position of the overwhelming majority of Democrats. But the cruelty of the two party system is that you're forced to take a position and make a choice here.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2024
  18. daddymemegod69

    daddymemegod69 Donator

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    Yeah I mean it's hard. I could prove a few points at risk of doxing myself and current/former colleagues. Leaking chats (incl very juicy ones from Oct-Dec 2020), screenshots of internal documents, sharing gossip, etc. Same shit that would get any staff on here in trouble if they did that. Not even to mention various NDAs.

    But yes I literally am connected with multiple primary sources for a few recent political events/headlines and yes I can say somewhat authoritatively (if you're familiar with my line of work) that corporate media is dishonest more often than not AND most corporate media serve as mouthpieces to the DNC. To everyone on here, that's all anecdotal and that's fair to be skeptical, but I won't tolerate any implication that my worldview is formed any other way. It's an insult to my character, intelligence, and (broadly) my hard career work.

    Reminder I was formerly a right leaning centrist and, by modern academic definitions, became radicalized by recent experiences. Capitalism is fun with a little anarchy. Y'all should give it a try!
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    If we really wanted to have some fun, I have a drive of a little under 500 GB mostly full of 4k videos (hence the bloat) took from certain events and tons of screenshots of other stuff. This was of interest to the FBI a few years ago. Some in my circle who have copies of this drive were harassed by the FBI for a few years, so you can make of that want you want. My intention with this drive was to preserve American history that was being censored from the Internet at the time (2021) because it was evident the government was seizing or erasing this content. I still have multiple copies in case one becomes compromised or seized. (You should always follow the 3-2-1 backup rule with files anyway)

    It really would only prove a few anecdotal things I've shared here and in the years since it's become less spicy because more people are starting to wake up. If I dropped a few of those clips here in 2021, I would've blown a few of your minds, that's for sure.
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    I'll make it interesting. Y'all pick one staff member between @Ezzerland @t3mptr3s @MC_Scout and @Davey and I will schedule a one-on-one call with them where I will screenshare the contents of this drive. They will get 30 minutes to browse whatever files they want. Then I'll invite them to tell this thread if I'm full of shit or not. I'm willing to do this lol but not at the expense of my identity or trouble at work
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2024
    Davey likes this.
  19. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    ...that unless you're a native, it's thanks to a historically very libertarian immigration system that any of us enjoy the benefits of living in the Americas. Aren't you anarchist bro? You should be the first to understand that freedom of movement between nations is a very important thing. Biden's immigration policy is indeed absolute horse shit, but Trump's undoubtedly aims to strip away the freedom of movement of the immigrants who will form the future generation of Americans. This freedom of movement and ease of immigration is what this whole country was built on
  20. GalaxyAway


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    The main concern I expressed was the gun violence crisis in America. Besides my comments about the character of Donald Trump, nothing should even be considered "regurgitated corporate media talking points." or treated as such when it comes to what has happened in school classrooms, grocery stores, churches, concerts for years. I would say most of my points are SUBSTANTIAL, especially when I mention the devastating result of gun violence in the United States. You can interpret my comments on Donald Trump and his supporters, rhetoric, etc, as you please but don't suggest that people who have different views about real problems are just repeated corporate media talking points. Not a good look.