Factions Season 17

Discussion in 'News' started by Ezzerland, Jan 31, 2021.

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  1. Ezzerland

    Ezzerland Staff Member Manager

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    Factions Season 17
    Saturday the 13th of February @ 3PM EST

    Hey guys!

    Thanks for the patience while we worked on this annoyingly large update. The update includes quite a bit of quality of life improvements and features designed to make raiding easier for those without cannon knowledge and more entertaining. It also seeks to balance the scales of the amount of mods needed for facs and the closet cheaters by adding in schematics and a temporary freecam, as well as making use of the new combat focused anti-cheat (as seen on kitpvp).

    To ensure the season launch is smooth, we're also going to do our first ever public beta run where you can test the features and experience the new faction season prior to launch in case we need to make any last minute edits or changes.

    The factions RULES thread has been updated. Please review these and posts questions/feedback here in this thread. These rule changes include many things, so if you plan on competing, read them thoroughly.

    Pre-Season Testing
    + Pre-Season testing will begin on Wednesday the 3rd of February and will end on Friday the 12th of February
    + Pre-Season testing will be open to all factions, but pre-registration of names will not be part of it.
    + During pre-testing, Ezzerland will be on to provide tools, crate keys, schematics and other packages for testing. There will be 3 days of grace period and the remainder of time will be used to test bow boosting, raiding, raid outpost event, lockdown features, new /f top functionality and so on.

    + The world has been set to a Fantasy Forest theme.
    + Grace period will only be 5 days instead of 7.
    + /f top updated to show more information. When #1 faction gets overtaken, it's also now announced in chat.
    + /f stealth aka /f ninja has been enabled and tested. For those that don't know, there are things you cannot do when an enemy is nearby. Turning on stealth masks you from being an enemy so that you can sneak up on people without warning them an enemy is near.
    + The Ally system has been disabled. Your faction works alone and every fac for themselves. Allying has been made against the rules. You cannot aid other factions/team or share players.
    + Inappropriate Faction Names have been blocked. You are now threatened when attempting to create inappropriate faction names. Inappropriate faction name rules have been strengthened because of this.
    + Faction Names can be pre-registered to prevent name sniping. Simply respond in this thread with the name of the faction you wish to pre-register and (if not a new faction) proof of ownership such as an SS showing you have won a previous season or were an owner.
    + New factions cannot be created after grace period has ended. If you are a late joiner to the season, please find an existing faction to join.
    + Seasons are intended to last only 1 month duration. Faster resets intended to encourage more long-term factions joining.
    + More cannon improvements
    + Multiple dupes were identified and patched
    + Sand can no longer be shot into the warzone/safezone
    + /f fly has been made free for all players
    + Str 2 removed
    + /f info added as an alternate of /f who. Strikes now visible in /f who
    + /fix all added to god rank (not possible while in combat)
    + /fc <text> now talks in faction chat without needing to change faction channels.
    + Spawners cannot be placed at y=44 or lower
    + Can now use /f map to claim chunks. World border now shows as whitespace in /f map so boundaries are clearer.
    + Logging out in territory claimed by any faction other than yours during grace sends you to spawn.
    + Water no longer breaks redstone
    + Crates have been reworked.
    + Server store will have some updates including SOTW packages.

    + Shop prices reworked
    + Mob Spawners do not function in the wild.
    + Mob Spawners + mob stacking were redone and should be better
    + Migrated to Collector Beacon system similar to current ones on Skyblock (we'll play with quantity during testing, but default is 50k per item)
    + Cactus do not grow anywhere. Cactus only produces drops when inside a faction claim and a collector beacon is present in the chunk.
    + Pistons do not push Mycel, Sugarcane, pumpkins or Melons
    + Harvester Hoes are primarily now a 1x1 hoe, but it is possible to get up to a 3x3.
    + Coinflips have been added

    + Includes f1nnster wall limit of 3 chunks
    + When cannon fire is detected in a faction claim, the faction is placed on lockdown. Lockdown will only be triggered if the claim hit has 15 connected faction claims in a single straight line (in any direction). That means if your base is not properly protected or is too small, you will not receive lockdown protection when being raided.
    + Lockdown mode notifies the faction being raided that a raid has been detected and notifies the server that said faction is being raided.
    + Lockdown mode prevents players in the locked down faction from using genbuckets, cuboid tools (trench, etc) or mining spawners while in lockdown phase. You also cannot generate schematics in your own claims while in lockdown, so if using a cannon schem to counter a raid, do so in the wild and then claim the cannon after.
    + Lockdown lasts for 15 minutes from the last detected cannon shot that lands inside the raided factions claim
    + After lockdown ends, the raided faction obtains a 15 minute Protection period.
    + During protection the faction cannot be attacked, cannot receive damage to their faction claims, and ability to use gen buckets is enabled for them to quickly recover.
    + The /lockdown or/raid commands show lockdown phase and time remaining for your faction or another listed faction. The /lockdown <faction> search only searches by faction name only, not by player names.

    + Strikes and DQ's will gain a public thread similar to the one for Kitpvp.
    + The amount of Strikes a faction has now shows up in /f who
    + Strikes are announced to the factions online members when they are issued.
    + Upon receiving a 4th strike or a DQ, your faction will be taken over by the server. Your claims will be locked and all members removed from the faction. The faction balance will be reset. Claims will be unraidable and untouchable. Your faction title will reflect that this faction has been DQ'd.

    + A new item has been created that comes with a pre-loaded schematic.
    + Placing this item generates the stored schematic, usually within 30 seconds or less.
    + Schematics do not replace existing blocks and only replace air, so you must clear the area first.
    + There are 5 pre-made cannon designs, most with different intended purposes.
    + Any "Art" or "Farm" schematic can only be placed during grace period. This includes cane farm, cactus farms, roof art and base walls.
    + The feature is intended to bring some balance to players that are not familiar with Schematica printer or cannoning and still want to compete, but we anticipate it also having plenty of uses for those that are heavy factions players.

    + /roam or /freecam has been implemented.
    + This literally places you in spectate mode and allows you to experience freecam cheat for a limited duration window of time and within a pre-specified radius.
    + This cannot be used while in combat
    + A zombie version of you is spawned in your place and if it takes damage it will cancel your roam session
    + We feel this change helps mitigate the want to use freecam hacks as well as the potential abuses of those using replaymod, but also helps bring some competitive direction and report possibilities to the regular player base.

    Events :: Raiding Outpost
    + A new world has been set up with a pre-made server owned faction.
    + If you explode TNT inside of its breach box, you will fain control of the outpost (so you must raid it like a normal faction). To get ownership, the TNT must have been fired from land claimed by your faction. If your cannon is not claimed, you will not get credit.
    + There is a chest inside the base that you can click to claim the prize. The prize regenerates every hour, so the longer you hold the base, the more prizes you get.
    + Any faction can take ownership at any time, so if you own the base, be sure to rebuild the walls and defend the outpost!
    + The entire faction will be fully reset once every day.
    + /warp RaidingOutpost to get to the raid world.
    + Prizes will include spawners and large quantities of money.

    There is a 2nd event in development that may or may not make it into this season. It will be an FFA warzone which features a kitpvp sized map that all participating factions would be teleported to. This would be a last factions standing style event. When you die you are removed from the event. Winning faction takes all.

    Payout will take place after the season as ended.
    Season will close on the 13th of March.
    Winners will be announced in a reply to this thread.
    Prize must be redeemed by following the instructions announced in this thread.
    Buycraft prizes must be redeemed within 60 days.
    1. $150 Paypal OR $200 Buycraft
    2. $150 Buycraft
    3. $100 Buycraft
    4. $75 Buycraft
    5. $50 Buycraft​
    The grace period during which TNT is disabled will end on Thursday the 18th of February @ 3PM EST.

    As usual, please post any bugs you find in the Report Bugs section on the forums.
    ItsGrem, ClearMeon, Berk6 and 12 others like this.
  2. Aiqw

    Aiqw Staff Member Mod+

    Likes Received:
    Finally went with shaders eh?

    Looks beautiful!
    ItsGrem and Ezzerland like this.
  3. Yupac

    Yupac Moderator Staff Member Moderator

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    Yupac, 7upac and RIPDMX
    nice map great update
    ClearMeon and Ezzerland like this.
  4. ItsAvi

    ItsAvi Donator

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    GG Ezzerland, all that slave work finally came in clutch. Hope to see you participating as well like you mentioned a while back ;). Like to see what you made of.
    Ezzerland likes this.
  5. Siere

    Siere Donator

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    lfg men but i liked str 2 :(
    Ezzerland likes this.
  6. House

    House Supreme Donator

    Likes Received:
    That second event sounds so sick!! :O
    Ezzerland and vaping like this.
  7. vaping

    vaping Donator

    Likes Received:
    1st event aswell :D
    Ezzerland likes this.
  8. Buck

    Buck Moderator | Builder Donator

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    very nice very cool map :wink:
    sool, Ezzerland and Trevor like this.
  9. Trevor

    Trevor Donator

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    Ezzerland and Buck like this.
  10. iGhostify

    iGhostify Sipping RedBull is delight. Donator

    Likes Received:
    Looks dope, Good job to who the builders were!!
    Ezzerland and Buck like this.
  11. xKofteliEkmek

    xKofteliEkmek Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Nice map Ezzerland :) Also nice work. Waiting for the new season :).
    Ezzerland likes this.
  12. krabberz


    Likes Received:
    WE LIT
    Ezzerland likes this.
  13. vaping

    vaping Donator

    Likes Received:
    only during grace? Maybe change that so people cant log alts in cannon boxes or bases
    Ezzerland likes this.
  14. sool

    sool ‎ ‎ Donator

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    Ayy time to play factions without knowing how to play factions!!!!11
    Ezzerland, Trevor and Yupac like this.
  15. pvpcatsbestfaction

    pvpcatsbestfaction Donator

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    give pvpcats ty
    Ezzerland likes this.
  16. Yupac

    Yupac Moderator Staff Member Moderator

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    Yupac, 7upac and RIPDMX
    I FOUND MY @soul MATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM GONNA DO THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ezzerland and sool like this.
  17. jovanhon

    jovanhon ?

    Likes Received:
    Wtf! I still Gotta finish learning math and all the other shit!
    Kobynt, Ezzerland and ItsAvi like this.
  18. ItsAvi

    ItsAvi Donator

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    jovan ill help you so you can comp!
    Kobynt and Ezzerland like this.
  19. Kobynt

    Kobynt KitPvP / Factions, Player. Donator

    Likes Received:
    the week I go back to school woooo
    ItsJerry, Ezzerland and Yupac like this.
  20. Trevor

    Trevor Donator

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    Ezzerland and Yupac like this.
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