Total Drama Chase For The Case Episode 2. "Gay Hater!"

Discussion in 'Off-Topic / Spam / Memes' started by RealTDITyler, Mar 12, 2016.

  1. RealTDITyler

    RealTDITyler Will you love me after all the mistakes I've made?

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    "Last time on Total Drama, the 15 newbies got introduced to each other and Bruce won the challenge which was to build a cabin. Abby was the first eliminated after Rosegold sabotaged her. Our 14 campers are hopefully getting along. Who will be eliminated today? Find out now on Total Drama Chase For The Case!" announced Chef.

    Rosegold: "I almost got eliminated thanks to all my stuff!"
    James: "Rosegold has a living warehouse! Damn!"
    Bruce: "So I was wondering where my reward was that I earned yesterday.
    Marissa: "Ew."
    Joanna: "I hope to get along with everyone!"
    Hannah: "Hi Mom!"
    Theo: "There's no mirror! Anyway, I am going to win!"
    *End Confessional*

    Marissa and Rosegold ended up alone again.
    "This is awkward," muttered Marissa.
    "Shut up you filthy skank!" yelled Rosegold. Joanna walked up.
    "Why can't we all just get along?" yelled Joanna.

    Coby, Darryl and Rebecca were outside eating some food.
    "So," said Rebecca, "how are you?" Coby and Darryl smiled.
    "Good thanks," they replied.
    "So what do you think of this place?"
    "It's alright," muttered Darryl.
    "Yea," replied Coby.

    Everyone met outside the woods for their next challenge.
    "You must fill up 2 buckets of berries!" announced Chef, "Bruce's reward is that he only needs to collect one!"
    "What?" yelled everyone.
    "Sweet!" yelled Bruce. Everyone grabbed 2 buckets and raced into the woods.

    Theo and James ended up together. They both had 2 buckets.
    "I'll beat you gay boy!" yelled Theo.
    "I'll beat you gay hater!" yelled James. James kicked Theo's buckets and all his berries went all over the place.

    Theo: "I hate James!"
    *End Confessional*

    Rebecca and Rosegold ended up together. They had one bucket each.
    "You fat frog, piss off!" yelled Rosegold.
    "No!" said Rebecca, "I found this bush first!" Rosegold slapped Rebecca. She then stole Rebecca's bucket and ran off.
    "No!" cried Rebecca. She grabbed the 2 empty buckets. "I'll have to start all over!"
    "Shame fatso!" yelled Jeremy. He walked up, showing Rebecca his 2 buckets. Bruce also came along with his bucket.
    "You mean man!" yelled Rebecca. She started picking berries. Bruce and Jeremy walked off. Darcy walked up.
    "What's wrong?" asked Darcy. She smiled. She tipped half her berries into one of Rebecca's baskets. They then sat together picking berries.
    "Thanks!" smiled Rebecca.

    Darcy: "I could be faking my kindness, I could mean it."
    Rebecca: "Darcy seems nice!"
    Rosegold: "Victory here I come!"
    Hannah: "I have my 2 buckets, now to show Chef!"
    Bruce: "Sweet, I only need one bucket and I have it!"
    *End Confessional*

    Rosegold and James were racing to make it first.
    "James wins!" yelled Chef, "and Rosegold is safe!"

    James: "Yes!"
    Rosegold: "Ew, no!"
    *End Confessional*

    Rebecca and Darcy then came along, followed by Bruce and Jeremy.
    "Yes!" they cheered. Eventually it was down to Theo and Hannah. They were both racing with their 2 baskets.
    "Go Hannah!" screamed Rebecca, "you got this!"
    "Go Hannah!" yelled James. Hannah made it to the finish line.
    "Yes!" screamed Hannah.
    "Sorry, gay hater!" yelled Chef, "but you're gone!"

    Theo: "Gay hater? Who came up with that?"
    James: "Finally!"
    Rosegold: "At least I'm safe!"
    *End Confessional*

    Chef then threw Theo off the cliff.
    "Bye!" yelled James.
    "Wait!" yelled Chrystal, "Theo was my brother! I signed up to make his time hell and to get him eliminated, I don't want to be here now that he's gone!" She then jumped off the cliff.
    "The hell?" asked Marissa.
    "Shut up skank!" yelled Rosegold.

    Marissa: "I'm safe!"
    Rosegold: "What's my prize?"
    Bruce: "I had an advantage and still lost?"
    James: "Yes, Theo is gone!"
    *End Confessional*
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