The Google Translate Game: Remastered

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by JoeyBACONBacon, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. GarethPW


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    *Facepalm* You have to do Hungarian now.
  2. JoeyBACONBacon

    JoeyBACONBacon Fig Newton

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    I'll do the Hungarian..

    Ez egy napfényes nap Kaliforniában, és a "BRODYQUEST teljesítmény. S" új film "Nem unalmas Brody, de már az autó, a Tesla Model S nem én vagyok az új szintre, a gazember, mint a karácsonyi Hmoldlmishu Szahib alapítvány Qiaopei nem tudom, de senki nem Khan és annak képét, tudom, Istenem, milyen szép DW DWG715 Adrian Tesla Motors - ... Hagyja, hogy a világ! A szem nem lát, és a munka a tortilla és a pattogatott kukorica, bacon - ízesített változata a film, és tegye oda, mert az autó a Adrian DW, így a jó .. S és eshtemakine a nagyon népszerű, jó, tudom, de a vezető, "válaszoltam." Dot boardshorts formájában színházi rock, Doug egy rejtély, és én Maktob kacsa család egy kisvárosban. Jobs Colorado DW. Hallom boardshorts Dot és Adriano zajszint. DW ", és hogy az, hogy mi történt. Legújabb élvezni az életet Evne a varázslatos mozi

    It is a sunny day in California, and "BRODYQUEST performance. S 'new film" No boring Brody, but the car, the Tesla Model S, I'm not the new level, the villain as a Christmas Hmoldlmishu Sahib Foundation Qiaopei not know but nobody Khan and his image, I know, my God, what a beautiful DW DWG715 Adrian Tesla Motors - ... Let the eyes do not see the world, and working with tortillas and popcorn, bacon - flavored version of the film and place it in the car because of Adrian DW, so good .. and eshtemakine and the very popular, good, I know, but the driver, "I answered." Dot boardshorts as a theatrical rock, Doug is a mystery, and I duck Maktob family in a small town. Jobs Colorado DW. hear Dot boardshorts and Adriano noise. DW "and that is what happened. Last year to enjoy life the magic of cinema
  3. Piggeh


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    Það er sólríkur dagur í Kaliforníu, og "BRODYQUEST árangur. Nýja myndarinnar" Nei leiðinlegur Brody, en bíllinn, sem Tesla Model S, ég er ekki nýr láréttur flötur, illmenni sem jól Hmoldlmishu Sahib Foundation Qiaopei ekki vita en enginn Khan og ímynd hans, ég veit, Guð minn, What a beautiful DW DWG715 Adrian Tesla Motors - ... Láta gera augun sjá ekki heiminn, og vinna með tortilla og popp, beikoni - bragðbætt útgáfa af myndinni og setja það í bílnum vegna Adrian DW, svo gott .. og eshtemakine og mjög vinsæll, góður, ég veit, en ökumaður, "svaraði ég." Punktur boardshorts sem leikrænni rokk, Doug er ráðgáta, og ég önd Maktob fjölskyldu í litlum bæ. Störf Colorado DW. heyra Dot boardshorts og Adriano hávaða. DW "og það er það sem gerðist. Síðasta ári til að njóta lífsins töfra bíó


    It's a sunny day in California, and "Brody QUEST performance. New picture" No boring Brody, but the car, the Tesla Model S, I'm not a new level, the villain Christmas Hmoldlmishu Sahib Foundation Qiaopei not know but nobody Khan and his image, I know, my God, What a beautiful DW DWG715 Adrian Tesla Motors - ... Let your eyes do not see the world, and working with tortillas and popcorn, bacon - flavored version of the film and put it in the car because Adrian DW, so good .. and eshtemakine and very popular, good, I know, but the driver, "I replied." Point board shorts as theatrical rock, Doug is a mystery, and I duck Maktob family in a small town. Jobs Colorado DW. Dot hearing board shorts and Adriano noise. DW "and that's what happened. Latest year to enjoy life the magic of movies
  4. SmashCloud

    SmashCloud HOPE Donator

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    Ini adalah hari yang cerah di California, dan "Brody QUEST picture kinerja." Tidak membosankan Brody, tapi mobil, Tesla Model S, aku bukan tingkat yang baru, penjahat Natal Hmoldlmishu Sahib Yayasan Qiaopei tidak tahu tapi tak seorang pun Khan dan gambar-nya, aku tahu, Tuhan, Apa yang indah DW DWG715 Adrian Tesla Motors - ... Biarkan mata Anda tidak melihat dunia, dan bekerja dengan tortilla dan popcorn, daging - versi rasa film dan memasukkannya ke dalam mobil karena Adrian DW, begitu baik .. dan eshtemakine dan sangat populer, baik, aku tahu, tapi sopir, "jawab saya." Titik papan celana pendek seperti batu teater, Doug adalah sebuah misteri, dan saya bebek Maktob keluarga di sebuah kota kecil. Pekerjaan Colorado DW. Dot mendengar celana pendek papan dan Adriano kebisingan. DW "dan itulah yang terjadi. Tahun Terbaru untuk menikmati hidup keajaiban film

    It was a sunny day in California, and "Brody QUEST picture performance." Not boring Brody, but the car, Tesla Model S, I'm not a new level, criminals Christmas Hmoldlmishu Sahib Foundation Qiaopei not know but nobody Khan and his image, I know, Lord, What a wonderful DW DWG715 Adrian Tesla Motors -. .. Let your eyes do not see the world, and it works with tortillas and popcorn, meat - flavors movie version and put it in the car for Adrian DW, so good .. and eshtemakine and very popular, well, I know, but the driver, "said I." Point board shorts like a stone theater, Doug is a mystery, and I duck Maktob family in a small town. Colorado Works DW. Dot hearing board shorts and Adriano noise. DW "and that's what happened. New Year to enjoy life the magic of movies
  5. Ramen_

    Ramen_ Ramen Donator

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    Era una giornata di sole in California, e "Brody QUEST immagine prestazioni. " non noioso Brody, ma l'auto, Tesla Model S, io non sono un nuovo livello, criminali Natale Hmoldlmishu Sahib Foundation Vanessa1290 non sanno, ma nessuno Khan e la sua immagine, lo so, Signore, quello che un meraviglioso DW DWG715 Adrian Tesla Motors-. .. Lasciate che gli occhi non vedono il mondo, e funziona con tortillas e popcorn, carne - sapori versione cinematografica e metterlo in macchina per Adrian DW, così buono... ed eshtemakine e molto popolare, Beh, lo so, ma l'autista, "said I. " punto pantaloncini da surf come un teatro di pietra, Doug è un mistero e io anatra Maktob famiglia in una piccola città. Opere di Colorado DW. Pantaloncini da dot udienza e Adriano rumore. DW "and che è quello che è successo. Nuovo anno per godersi la vita la magia del film.

    It was a sunny day in California, and "Brody THIS image performance. "not dull Brody, but the car, Tesla Model S, I'm not a new level, criminals do not know Qiaopei Hmoldlmishu Sahib Foundation Christmas but none Khan and his image, I know, Sir, what a wonderful DW DWG715 Adrian Tesla Motors-. .. Let the eyes do not see the world, and works with tortillas and popcorn, meat-flavors film version and put it in the car for Adrian DW, so good ... and eshtemakine and very popular, well, I know, but the driver, "said i." point Board Shorts as a stone theater, Doug is a mystery and I duck Maktob family in a small town. Works of Colorado DW. Shorts by dot hearing and Adriano noise. DW "and that's what happened. New year to enjoy life the magic of the film.
  6. ChrisToDaFur


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    それはカリフォルニア州の晴れた日であり、 "Brody THIS image performance。" Brodyではなく、車、Tesla Model S、私は新しいレベルではない、犯罪者はQiaopei Hmoldlmishu Sahib Foundationクリスマスを知らないが、イメージ、私は知っている、サー、どのような素晴らしいDW DWG715エイドリアンテスラモーターズ - 。 ..目が世界を見ていないようにして、トルティーヤとポップコーン、肉風味のフィルムバージョンで動作し、Adrian DWのために車に入れて、とても良い...とeshtemakineと非常に人気がある、まあ、私は知っているが、運転手は、 "私は言った。 Dougはミステリーで、私は小さな町でMaktobの家を鴨む。コロラド州DWの作品。ドットヒアリングとアドリアーノノイズによるショーツ。 DW "とそれは何が起こったのだろう。新年は映画の魔法の生活を楽しむ。


    It is a sunny day in California and not a "Brody THIS image performance." Brody, not a car, Tesla Model S, I am not a new level, the criminals do not know Christmas, Qiaopei Hmoldlmishu Sahib Foundation, but I I know, Sir, what a wonderful DW DWG 715 Adrian Tesla Motors -. .. Working with the tortillas and popcorn, popcorn film version, making the eyes not looking at the world, put in the car for Adrian DW, very good ... with eshtemakine and very popular, Well, I know, but the driver said, "I said Doug is a mystery, I duck Maktob's house in a small town, Colorado DW work. Shorts with dot hearing and Adriano noise. DW "and what happened to it? New Year enjoys the magical life of the movie.
    Sakujo likes this.
  7. newkt

    newkt #We♥Cars

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    Iku dina panas ing California lan ora "Brody kinerja image THIS." Brody, ora mobil, Tesla Model S, Aku ora tingkat anyar, kriminal ora ngerti Natal, Qiaopei Hmoldlmishu Sahib Foundation, nanging aku aku ngerti, Sir, apa apik DW DWG 715 Adrian Tesla Motors -. .. Nggarap versi film brondong ing tortilla lan brondong,, nggawe mata ora looking ing donya, sijine ing mobil Adrian DW, apik banget ... karo eshtemakine lan banget populer, Wah, aku ngerti, nanging driver ngandika , "Aku ngandika Doug punika misteri, aku bebek house Maktob ing kutha cilik, Colorado DW karya. Shorts karo dot pangrungon lan Adriano gangguan. DW" lan apa kedaden kanggo iku? Enggal seneng urip gaib film.

    Back to English
    It was a hot day in California and not "Brody's performance image THIS." Brody, not the car, the Tesla Model S, I'm not new level, criminals do not know Christmas, Qiaopei Hmoldlmishu Sahib Foundation, but I think I know, sir, what good DW DWG 715 Adrian Tesla Motors -. .. Working in the film version of popcorn and tortilla making popcorn,, eyes not looking at the world, put on a car Adrian DW, with very good ... and very popular eshtemakine, Well, I know, but the driver said, "I said Doug was mystery, I maktob duck house in a small town, Colorado DW works. Shorts with dot hearing impaired and Adriano. DW "and what happened to it? Instantly enjoy life a magical movie.
  8. Ramen_

    Ramen_ Ramen Donator

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    Jaj tuj wej je california, "brady's yIqaw neH movie. 'ej " brady, puH Duj, tesla ghantoH s, jIH chu' christmas culprits Sovbe' qiaopei hmoldlmishu Sahib QutlhwI' 'oH, 'ach vISov, qaH, tesla nguSDI', dw 'ej adrian dwg 715-'e' vIQub. je adriano hearing QIHlu' ghItlhpu'DI' pegh, colorado dw dot. dw Qap. qaS nuq ngaj "and? movie wizard yIn tIv.

    Hot day, and three california, but remember brady's "movie. and "brady, car, tesla model s, I am new, and I know not culprits christmas qiaopei hmoldlmishu sahib it is a Support, but I don't know, Sir, tesla motor dw, dwg, and 715--adrian. When the pen is WRONG, and the secret hearing adriano, colorado dot dw. dw Function. what short ", their? movie to enjoy a life wizard.
  9. NotInUseBlaBlaBla

    NotInUseBlaBlaBla seeya Donator

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    Ыстық күні, және үш Калифорния, бірақ Брэди ның «фильмін. Және «Brady, автомобиль, Tesla Model с есте, Мен жаңа сенімдімін, және менің ойымша, бұл қолдау болып табылады, бірақ мен, Мырза, білмеймін Рождество qiaopei hmoldlmishu Sahib қылмыскерлердің емес білемін Tesla мотор DW, DWG 715 және - Адриан. қалам дұрыс емес, және құпия есту Адриано, Колорадо нүкте DW кезде. DW Функция. қандай қысқа «, өмір шеберін ләззат олардың? фильм.

    On a hot day, and three California, but Brady's "film. "Brady, the car, the Tesla Model remember, I am sure, and I think that is support, but I, Sir, I do not know, I know Christmas is not the criminals qiaopei hmoldlmishu Sahib Tesla motor DW, DWG 715 and Adrian. pen to hear the password is wrong, and Adriano, Colorado point at the DW. DW function. What is the short "Wizard to enjoy their life? the film.