SkyBlock Reset

Discussion in 'News' started by ItsHarry, Nov 11, 2018.

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  1. Pacific_Tiger

    Pacific_Tiger Tiger of the Pacific

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    But after the reset, everything will be gone. So how will they release them? Are they going to save all the worlds before resetting or something along those lines? I'm very confused on how this works, for I have never downloaded a world before or have been in this type of situation where I feel as if 3 years of progress is going to be lost.
  2. ItsJerry

    ItsJerry DEAD SERVER!!! LMAO!!! Staff Member Owner

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    We will upload the world files (just like the ones you would make in singleplayer). Just make sure to write down your coordinates and put all your items in a chest.
    Pacific_Tiger likes this.
  3. MuttleyOnDaPC

    MuttleyOnDaPC God of the Server

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    I honestly don't think that this strategy will encourage more people to play SkyBlock again. Other bigger companies have tried the same thing and failed. Take for example Disney's Club Penguin. Disney decided that not enough people were playing the original Club Penguin. They decided to delete the old version and replace it completely with a new version instead. This recieved a lot of backlash from the community as their memories/years of work were gone. Disney thought that they would get over it eventually and play the new game, but they didn't. Club Penguin Island was a massive failure, none of the old players wanted to start again and new players were turned away by the backlash from the old players. Disney ended up having to pay people to play the new game, and eventually shut it down. They could have revitalised Club Penguin by introducing some of the new features to the old game, while keeping the things that old players liked/progress/accounts. I feel that this is the sort of situation that SkyBlock is in, you could get old players to play again by introducing new features, but changing everything would turn people away.
    RulerofMobs likes this.
  4. ThiccTurtles

    ThiccTurtles Builder Donator

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    The major difference between this and club penguin is that
    Club Penguin island was an obvious downgrade of something which was, at the time, completely fine. Disney decided to move it to mobile with a version that wasn't "improved", but a version that was more marketable to kids (since most kids use tablets / phones over computers), and at the same time would make more money. E.g, the target of club penguin was for kids, but with more kids using mobile phones now than computers (since when club penguin initially opened smartphones didn't exist and you could ONLY play it on a computer) they wanted to move it to a different market.

    This isn't resetting the entire network and making it a pocket edition server "for the kids", it's just a simple upgrade.
    The fun of a game comes from the fact that you need to build up in it and slowly get your way to the top. This skyblock already lived out that phase of it's life. The main argument against the upgrade is that people will lose their stuff, but they don't realize that gaining that stuff and farming for it in the first place is the fun of the game.

    The reason why skyblock is ACTUALLY dying is because it's been the same old thing for YEARS, why do you think minecraft and every other game perform updates? So it gives people a reason to come back to the game and explore around the new features more. With the current skyblock, everything has been explored, thus making the "rebuilding" aspect useless, and causing people to leave.

    With a skyblock update, it's bringing along A BUNCH of new and upgraded features which will encourage players to start building up again encourage them to rank up to the top island, which in turn, will keep the playerbase up on skyblock for a longer amount of time.
  5. MuttleyOnDaPC

    MuttleyOnDaPC God of the Server

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    The main reason that Club Penguin failed as an industry was that the old version was shut down. The Old Club Penguin had no players anymore and was in need of an upgrade, it was not fine as it was, but shutting it down was not the right decision. The main thing that people were salty about were losing their progress. If Disney had overhauled the Old Club Penguin, it would retain old players and gain new players as the game would look more modern, and they would get more from membership fees. This isn't a simple upgrade, it is removing hundreds of thousands of hours of work and memories. If Skyblock is dying because everything is explored, you could give people more things to explore. As proven by Disney, deleting people's progress does not encourage people to start again, it turns people away as they poured thousands of hours into the old one, and don't want to do it again as they then feel that their first attempt was a waste of time. Players already have the option of restarting SkyBlock, by deleting their old island and starting a new one.
  6. ThiccTurtles

    ThiccTurtles Builder Donator

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    If they overhauled it people would go to see... but NOT kids, the main demographic of the game. People would go back to look at it again, but they would just see what is new and then leave. Kids don't use computers as much as they used to anymore when it first came out. Most kids aren't even allowed to use computers due to the content that they can find on the internet. They made it into a mobile app instead of overhauling it so children would be encouraged to play the game. It was a smart decision on paper, but it just executed horribly.

    You also have to remember that club penguin needs a whole team of developers to keep pushing out updates. An entire OVERHAUL would be too dangerous of a business decision because of how much work would need to go into the game. Work that would push people to go through multiple sleepless nights, and something that wasn't even guaranteed to pay out well in the end.

    This is a COMPLETELY different example.

    Club penguin is a game of infinity, the current content is all it has and the only changes you can make are cosmetic. Unlike skyblock.

    Yes, players have the option of restarting their island, but what's the use of restarting it if there's no chance for you to ever top the rankings again, and there's nothing new being brought to the field in terms of what there is to offer during the process.
  7. TheDiamondPicks

    TheDiamondPicks String.format("%d %s", 404, "Title not found") Donator

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    As Cheezi said, Club Penguin didn't fail because it was reset - it failed because it alienated the old users, who didn't want to play a low quality mobile version, at the end of the day after the reset it will still be SkyBlock - not a totally different game. It is difficult (if not impossible) to upgrade the world to a more modern SkyBlock plugin, let alone doing things like improving the economy - for these things a reset is necessary. Even if we kept the old world, the new world would most likely be far more popular (e.g. survival immediately after its reset).
    VoidedMortal, Yellow_Pants and Ryva like this.
  8. MrEmreeK

    MrEmreeK Stop, what the hell are you talking about? Ha Donator

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  9. Marwan_AlNasser


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    The greatest thing I have ever done in the whole network of J&H... in one of it's servers that I thought would last forever, and that is SkyBlock1. I've had this island since 2013... At first I built a house of my design, then suddenly I became a very economic person, so I started searching for any profit I could benefit from, just to increase my balance... I started selling any block of my island that is sellable, sure that was a waste, but all I cared about was in-game money. Going to playershops, buying goods to sell for more (to gain profit), by time I reached 1 million $. I was very happy, and I took a long break, until 2018.
    2018: I looked at my island, and wondered, why is it so boring like that? Just random blocks and a mini-shop? It looks very poor. Inspired by CubicFun's 3D puzzle of Chrysler Building, I went to the internet and searched for a schematic of Chrysler Building. I found one and it looked very similar to the actual building. So I downloaded it, and with Schematica, I was able to build it easily on top of my island. The project was quite big, took two months (by working on it once or twice a week). Thanks to Quazee137 for supporting me with the floors.
    It's sad that SkyBlock is resetting, I was actually going to make a shop with Chrysler Building. But it's good that I got to finish it before the resetting would happen. I was also going to work on other sb servers, considering that they would never reset. I was going to build more buildings of the world in the other skyblock servers. But it's good that I didn't start...
    In my opinion, I think you should just keep SkyBlock1. Make a new updated skyblock server, but at least just keep SkyBlock1 as a memorial. Five-Six years, that's as old as a Grade 1 student.
    As for who wants to celebrate the last moments, Chrysler Building is at /server skyblock1, /is visit Marwan (it works even when I'm offline). Coordinates: X: 161 / Y: 51 / Z: 29271
  10. _Restrictionz_

    _Restrictionz_ Donator

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    _Restrictionz_ - cmnvb - Apex_Cmnvb
    Yea i know how you feel, i thought it was a server that would never require a skyblock reset and it never did until recently. The reset is necessary for the better i suppose, i mean would you play on a server where its only you? At the very least they should keep the old skyblock worlds on a seperate "minigame" just so ppl can still visit their island although you won't be able to build or sell anything.
  11. Marwan_AlNasser


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    I would. As long as the server never resets/deletes my work, I would play on it. (Take for example Clash of Clans)
  12. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    Keeping skyblock1 would probably do the same thing as keeping /old in survival, whereas people won't play it at all and it will cost money to keep up. I think that even though we all spent a lot of time on skyblock, it's time to move on and if you want a memorial, you can just download the world and the coods.
    ItsJerry likes this.
  13. _Restrictionz_

    _Restrictionz_ Donator

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    _Restrictionz_ - cmnvb - Apex_Cmnvb
    I guess that's true but the after this reset, i don't suppose there would be another reset or at least for another few years. i think the main reason for reset was because the server does not need 5 different skyblock servers with 4 of them being on like 0 players 94% of the time.

    Yea i was thinking of the old survival but 1. no point if you can't do anything on it and worlddownload will be out soon and 2. kinda defeats the purpose of the reset if you could still play on it...
    ItsHarry and ItsJerry like this.
  14. Zackery

    Zackery Donator

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    No, Jerry already said that there will not be another reset.
    ItsHarry likes this.
  15. Snakehammer19

    Snakehammer19 An Adult with Mediocre Talents Donator

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    Weak IJAH Meme.jpg

    Results may vary.

    Weak IJAH Meme 2.png

    We came from somethin' to nothin'. Skyblock is getting Thanos'd
    Zackery likes this.
  16. dunce

    dunce dummkopf Donator

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    Can we get our purchased spawners back ?
    Good_Dog likes this.
  17. GlowInTheDark

    GlowInTheDark Thought I was an atheist, til I realized I'm a god Donator

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    5+ years rip
    Oh well, its probably best they reset so peeps don't get bored.

    Attached Files:

  18. Zackery

    Zackery Donator

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    No, since they were never really a "purchase". You donated your money, and it so happened that you got something in return as a "thankyou"
    You never BOUGHT anything. You helped the server, and for that, you will not get your spawners back.
    Embracive likes this.
  19. HuseyinBaba


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    how i download my island ?
  20. ComboMod

    ComboMod Ethan

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    Will the server be on version 1.12.2? (In other words, can we utilize 1.12.2 blocks, such as Shulkers, Concrete, and other blocks in Skyblock when the server is reset?)
    May the old Skyblock rest in peace...
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