Skyblock | Holy Crate Troll

Discussion in 'Report Bugs' started by Username, Dec 15, 2018.

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  1. Username

    Username Donator

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    Your username: Skillz_

    In which minigame/server does the bug occur: Skyblock

    Detailed description of bug:

    Players can fill up your inventory while opening a Holy Crate to prevent you from getting the reward from the crate. Trolls usually ./disguise and drop easily buyable/droppable items like a stack of soup or cakes. Although the crate prevents you from opening it if your inventory is full, trolls still have the ability to fill your inventory up as you open the crate.

    You should be able to get your reward even if your inventory is filled, or there should be a way to prevent trolls from dropping items into your inventory in that area (besides flying while opening crates).
    Trevor likes this.
  2. momand

    momand ex-god Donator

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    I think the easiest fix is just to disable the dropping of items while in the crate area, similar to how you can't shoot arrows and throw potions in kit spawn
    Username likes this.
  3. ItsHarry

    ItsHarry Owner Staff Member Owner

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    disabled item drop in the region
    Ancienty, Username and ItsJerry like this.
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