My resignation

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by Syrian, Dec 12, 2016.

  1. Syrian

    Syrian Former Mod x2 Donator

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    Hi everyone. As you all know, I've resigned today, and for valid reasons. I wanted to take this thread to address all of your questions, and hopefully make the best out of this situation.

    In mid 2015, my father was infected with neck cancer. He was undergoing a lot of stress, especially with my parents separating 2 years before. He underwent treatment and took his radiation.

    Eventually, after a year, he began to recover from his sickness. He eventually started to eat solid foods at minimum rate. He seemed to be doing okay, and for the next six months, he was ready for a much better future.

    Unfortunately, today, December 11th, 2016, my father was found in his diving suit unconscious, in open water. The doctors had tried what they could to save him, but unfortunately it was too late and he had already died due to lack of oxygen.

    My mother and I rushed to the hospital but he was pronounced dead shortly after we arrived. The doctor offered his condolences to us.

    I started to worry about all the things that would change. It was hard for me at that given moment to accept the fact that yesterday was the last goodbye I could say to him. I only wish that I tried harder to stop him from going.

    Without the support from my father, my mother and I can no longer afford the house we live in, and we're forced to move. With that said, I may also have to transfer schools mid year, which may affect my grades dramatically.

    I've tried my best to distract myself but I know that I'll need the next few months to recover, and I don't think it would be safe for me to work as a staff member under these conditions. I've signed up to see a therapist once a week, and I am looking for any employment I can start on to support my family.

    I've also found that being a staff member was an experience that would stay with you for life, but while I was a staff member, my character did change and I felt like I lost my way. I'm not proud of the way I acted. It wasn't in any way that broke any rules or caused drama, but I did feel that I became demeaning and strict. I felt pushed further and further away from the person I was before.

    Judging by this, I've decided that I can't continue to work under these circumstances and I would prefer to use the next few months to recover and recapture who I was before. I would rather another worthy and active staff member take my place to help this community.

    I'd like to thank you all for understanding, and I hope you're able to accept the fact that the next few months will be hard for me. I'd like to apologize in advance for any mistakes I may make in the future, and finally, thank you all so much for the support you showed me. It meant a lot to see how much I was accepted and appreciated in this community. I appreciate all of you, and I hope you all live the life of your dreams.

    Finally, I'd like to thank all of my friends who supported me the whole way.

    @Max Neith

    I may return to the staff team one day, but for now, I need to make sure I'm ready for when that time comes. Thank you all so much again, and have a great day/night.

    Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
  2. ThiccTurtles

    ThiccTurtles Builder Donator

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    I'm so sorry sirius... Good luck with your life, I hope you get better. You were such an amazing and kind staff member and I believe you will help many more people in the future

    My condolences
    hologramable, Smg and Syrian like this.
  3. MC_Scout

    MC_Scout Fearless Leader Staff Member Manager

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    You have my Skype, please keep in touch.

    You were a hell of a staff member, and I wish you the best of luck. Stay strong.
    Smg, Syrian and retirednow like this.
  4. Contemptible

    Contemptible | Former Mοd | Donator

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    I'm extremely sorry to hear this sirius, and you have my condolences. I will always be here to help you if you need someone to talk to. I hope things get better for you, and I hope to see you back where you were.

    It means a lot to me how much I mean to you, and the feeling is mutual.

    EDIT: I want to add onto this.

    @Sirius, you have provided me a wonderful experience as your friend and as your colleague. I cannot thank you enough for everything you've done for me in the past, and I will do anything I can to help you all the way through this.

    You're like a brother to me, and I would hate to lose you in whatever ways it may be.

    You have my skype, please keep in contact through this.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
    KaiserVenom and Syrian like this.
  5. Zackery

    Zackery Donator

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    I love you Sirious! You and your family will be in my prayers!
    Syrian likes this.
  6. Zeph

    Zeph KC Donator

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    You are so amazing for admitting your character differences. I hope life gets back on track for you. My condolences are with you. I can't imagine losing my father.. He would be so proud of you right now though; stepping up to help your family. Blessings to your family and yourself. <3
    Syrian likes this.
  7. TheFlamingDragon

    TheFlamingDragon Resigned, Former M.o.d Donator

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    This is heartbreaking to hear. I'm so sorry Sirius, you've helped me through some hard times. You'll always be my best online friend (probably just best friend because I have no irl friends). I really hope everything goes ok with this transaction and I'll continue to pray for you and your family. My best wishes ~Ryan.
    rosellavio and Syrian like this.
  8. Lethalities

    Lethalities Donator

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    Sorry for what happened Sirius. Keep in mind that don't lose hope, it will help you. You got my skype so talk to me anytime. You are the greatest staff member in the server.

    Don't forget me and mostly don't lose hope. We will always support you!
    TheFlamingDragon and Syrian like this.
  9. noah

    noah Moderator Plus Staff Member Mod+

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    You were one of the best Mods I've seen. You're always so helpful and 10/10 at banning hackers. Even though most people didn't know how hard you work, the staff team does and we all appreciate what you've done for this community.
    I'm sorry to hear about your father and I hope you and your mother get through this without anymore harm, best of luck my friend.
    Maybe by the time you come back I'll be able to make you proud <3
    JoeBfLyin_ and Syrian like this.
  10. Smg

    Smg Retired | Also known as 'Phaithful' Donator

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    I just want to say you're an amazing person. Don't forget that.
    Throughout all 2016, you have made it your goal, your desire to make others feel amazing. Including myself.
    Countless times I have seen you go out of your way to talk to someone who's feeling down (myself included), or just simply address something that we are all afraid to speak up about. You're one of a kind.

    You need to make one promise to me, my friend. One promise to all of us.
    You need to stay strong. No matter what.
    We are here for you, remember that. You've done so much to help this community and I can assure that we want to help you back as much as we can. If you need anything, to let something out, you can P.M me on this forums site or on Skype. It doesn't matter.

    It takes a man to do what must be done, to make the right choice. As much as I hate having you leave the team, I think you've made the right choice in leaving the team to focus on life itself. As we all say: IRL comes first, it always has. I am so sorry for your father's loss, and it is really..really such a shame and sad thing to hear. This should be something that will make all of us grateful for what we have, for our family, as it could be taken away from us at any second, any minute, any moment of time. Be grateful, be thankful.

    Stay strong my friend, know that we are here for you if you need anything. No one deserves to lose their father like that, no one. I am with you.

    Truly one of the best members of the team, truly one of the best members of this community. You've done amazing things that I'll never forget.
    Thank you dude, and stay strong.
    Thank you for everything.
  11. Bruhtrash

    Bruhtrash 100% FC!!! Donator

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    You where one of the best staff members I've ever encountered. You did your job well and now you will be an even bigger inspiration to everyone. Things will get better if you continue the battle of sadness. Keep fighting, you will win this battle!
    ThiccTurtles, sss and Syrian like this.
  12. iWolf

    iWolf Retired Donator

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    Love ya man, find a place in your heart for us because we'll always be here for you. Prayers for your father and good luck with everything, and if you need to talk about anything, just remember that we're family too. ❤︎❤︎
    Emma, Kaylyn and Syrian like this.
  13. Praetor

    Praetor Dead| Female Rodent Donator

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    I'm so sorry, Sirius. You're a great person, and you've helped this community a lot.

    I've never lost a loved one, so I can't understand exactly what you're feeling right now, but I still have a humongous amount of sympathy for you.

    You're a great person, and I know you can get through this. No matter how challenging your life becomes, never give up. Life is utter shit sometimes, and it sucks. I haven't known you as long as some of the other people here, but from what I've seen from you, you're an exceptionally great person, and you have a great future ahead of you.

    I really wish you and your Mother the best of luck with everything, as you absolutely deserve it. If you ever need to talk to us, we'll be here to listen.
    Kaylyn and Syrian like this.
  14. Starixty

    Starixty Donator

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    You have my condolences Sirius. I almost cried as I read this and I'm so sorry to hear your father passed away and you have to move. I honestly wish you the best of luck with life and I hope everything gets better.
    Kaylyn and Syrian like this.
  15. momand

    momand ex-god Donator

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    Oh my God, Sirius, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's not easy to experience the death of a loved one, especially your father.
    I hope you and your family recover quickly, and I give my sincerest condolences. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
    retirednow, sss and Syrian like this.
  16. tothemoon

    tothemoon Donator

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    This is so sad to hear. I'm so very sorry for what has happened, I can't imagine what you are going through right now. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here and I promise to listen. Thanks for everything you have done for this community, you were always very helpful to me and I enjoyed working on the team with you for the short time I did. Prayers for you and your family.
    Sofie, taylorr and Syrian like this.
  17. sss

    sss Donator

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    My condolences, Sirius. I'm very sorry to hear about your father. I hope you and your mother are able to recover from this soon and find a nice place to live, and a nice school to go to. If you need anyone to talk to, please feel free to send me a message. Good luck with you and your family. Keep being strong, man. Please know that it will eventually get better, even if the road is bumpy right now, and that's a promise. My prayers go out to you and your family.
    Syrian and momand like this.
  18. dreamvlle

    dreamvlle resigned Donator

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    honestly you're making a great decision because obviously losing your dad could have impacted the way you acted online and also being a staff member. It's very unfortunate what you're going through in which I'm very sorry for your father. You were a great staff member and always will be, but we all have our own problems to deal with in reality. I hope you get through this .
    Syrian likes this.
  19. capsa

    capsa Donator

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    Just by reading this, it put tears in my eyes.
    I support you and your decisions, especially throughout this hard time, Sirius. I can only imagine what you are going through, and no one should have to face that.
    Reading about your father made me cry. I am so sorry for what he went through, and what your family went through. My deepest condolences for you and your family. Stay strong Sirius.
    All of us, the community, are here to support you through this tough time, you are never alone.
    I support your decision in resigning, and I will support any future decisions you make.
    I wish you the best of luck in the future. You are an inspiration to many, and are loved by many. Never forget that, stay strong.
  20. animelover999

    animelover999 Donator

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    I am so sorry for your loss. Losing your dad must be really tough for you even though I do not know how it feels to lose someone that is so important you you. I know it might be a hard trip for you right now but I can tell you you won't be like this forever. I hope you and your mother be strong and that you may have a bright future.

    My condolences.
    Syrian likes this.