
Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by TheMint, Mar 6, 2020.

  1. TheMint

    TheMint Former Mod+ Donator

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    I'd like to share some letters from last summer. They're very dear to me. Enjoy.

    "My Mint, it's so weird to not hear from you every day. I can't imagine what you're going through, I really don't know... in 3 months, when it will all be history, you will tell the stories of your life.
    - Mom."

    "Dear mom,
    I'm writing to you for the first time.
    I can't wait for this to end. This place affects me and I feel it, for better or worse. I'm determined to prove everyone wrong and show them they can't break me.
    I love and miss you all,
    - cadet Mint."

    "Dear Mint,
    I want you to know that no matter how hard these next few weeks will be, they will end, and I'll be waiting for you. No matter what, they can't break you. I'm so proud to be your girl.
    - Lilly."

    "Dear Mint,

    You were home last weekend, you told us about what's going on in there. You look broken, I don't know how you manage to keep that smile on your face...
    I'm proud of you and love you infinitely,
    - Mom."

    "Minty I know you're kind and amazing and you can succeed at anything you put your mind into. You're so strong and you're exactly the kind of person they need. Every situation has a bright side.
    - Lilly."

    "Dear Lilly,
    I think things are going well. My negative thoughts are going away and I'm becoming less doubtful. Apparently, everyone here is doubtful. They keep throwing us into the cold water again and again, but I promise I won't break. I hope they'll let me see you next week."
    Yours truly,
    - cadet Mint."

    "Hello son,

    This is the first time I'm writing a letter in 30 years. You really impress me with how instead of complaining about how your teammates screw you over you view them humanely and understand the difficult situation. That's something a lot of adults can't do.
    I think about you multiple times a day, comparing my problems to yours really puts life in proportion.

    I hope you're doing well, stay the strong and amazing son I know. You can do anything. Love, admire, and always here with you,
    - Dad."

    "Dear dad.
    Believe me, I'm not used to writing letters either. I can hear your voice reading these words to me and the flame in my heart bursts stronger with every letter. Every time I get close to giving up, I can hear you say the words "You can do anything" and it pushes me forwards.

    Nothing will break me, and after this long journey, you will see me at the top. Love and admire, your biggest fan,
    - cadet Mint."

    "I can fullheartedly say, that no matter what the outcome will be, this journey was worth it. Passing was always the dream, but not all dreams come true."


    "I can't describe the feeling I had when I saw my best friend breaking in tears hearing I didn't make it. It hurt more than anything I've ever felt before. It was like a flaming sharp blade cut through our short friendship, from the picture next to the submarine, until this very moment."

    "How am I going to tell everyone? What will I tell Lilly, who said this role's just for me? What will I tell dad, who said he loves and admires me? Will anyone still be proud of me? I just want to get out of here, I want to fly to America and live life like I should. I want to forget about all of this."

    "Whoever you are reading this, I promise you, my life isn't over just yet. My future shines bright like a beacon, and if they couldn't make me give up, nothing will. The journey's just begun.

    - ex cadet Mint."

    May - August, 2019.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2020
  2. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    These remind me of when my brother wrote my Mom when he was in Marine boot camp. <3 <3
  3. TheMint

    TheMint Former Mod+ Donator

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    Same idea but much harder and for a way smaller and specifically selected group of people. Also focuses on a very specific kind of training.
  4. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    My Mom scanned my brother's letters. She gave me some files to hold onto when she was reformatting her hard drive. I'm not sure if there are letters for when he was in Fallujah or not. I don't read them often because they make my heart hurt.
  5. Saul1337


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    how do you guys regularly talk to each other?
    seems very surreal to communicate like this
    TheMint likes this.
  6. TheMint

    TheMint Former Mod+ Donator

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    I received letters and packages every few weeks through a military mailing service. 15 minutes of phone time were given each weekend, usually split between my girlfriend and my family on a shitty public phone that barely worked. Most of the things I showed in the thread were written when I had a few rare minutes of extra time or during lessons or when I faked sleeping, usually in an attempt to keep myself mentally stable by expressing thoughts. A lot of people do it, it really helped out.

    What I wrote here are parts of letters that I translated, but the majority of the texts I wrote there were never sent to anyone and were just self expression. Because we barely had any communication with the outside world, every phone call and every letter felt very very dramatic (I'm usually not such a dramatic or emotional person).

    I recall phoning my family one time and after just a few seconds of hearing each one of their voices I completely broke down. You sort of grow a charge that just becomes heavier and heavier because you can't show any weaknesses, and then suddenly very tiny and irrelevant things just break you up. Even just hearing a song you recognize playing in a party a few kilometers away could bring you back.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2020
  7. Saul1337


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    Understandable. The letters seemed very unnatural, but that clears up as to why they got that dramatic feeling.
    TheMint likes this.
  8. TheMint

    TheMint Former Mod+ Donator

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    I also chose the more genetic parts because most of the rest is just me explaining my family seamanship concepts, specific experiences and my day to day life there. Not too interesting.