Let's talk a little...

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by Smg, Aug 8, 2016.

  1. Smg

    Smg Retired | Also known as 'Phaithful' Donator

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    It's me, it's me, it's Smg!
    Howdy folks!
    I just want to firstly say that I want this to be positive, not like some of the stuff I have posted in the past. I want to spread the power of positivity! :)

    Today I feel like talking about a topic that some are afraid of, some hate, but some like.
    Before I even begin, I want you all to know that I am making this thread for the greater good. I know a ton of us are bummed about school approaching/etc, so I want to try to cheer some people up. :)

    Alright, let's begin.
    Firstly, no matter how hard we try, there is no avoiding this. There are always those things in life that we have to do, even if we hate it with all our guts.

    Moving on, from past experiences, people seem to not want school to come because they don't want to waste '7-'8 hours on stuff they probably don't care about. I understand, as I have felt that way before.

    But, some people take school for granted.
    The world is a harsh place, you know? Terrorism, attacks, anything you can think of. It's sad to just write about.
    With this, there are children without homes, food, money; children that would do anything to get a simple education. I cannot control how you feel about the school topic, but please understand that there are people that have it much worse than you do. Going to school is a privilege only some have access to.

    Now, let's go on.
    Some people think school is 'boring', and once again, I have felt this way in the past.
    One of the things my dad tells me when I whine about school, and how I think all the topics are boring and useless to be learned-he tells me that school is teaching us how to learn as a whole. How to use our minds, preparing ourselves for when we enter the real world as adults.

    This isn't that big, as I just want to share some positivity. If you're ever feeling down about returning back to school, think of the positives:
    • Get to be around possible 'friends' the whole day!
    • Learning how to use our mind!
    • Meeting new people!
    • Learning about new things!
    • Having the privilege to actually attend a school, when there are people in the world that would give anything to get an education.

    That's all I got to say.
    I hope you remember to stay positive!
    Have a great day/night, and keep being you. :)
    sss, Umar, SinisterBucky and 12 others like this.
  2. Superfrog

    Superfrog Donator

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    Knowledge is power.
  3. Joseph10003

    Joseph10003 hi. Donator

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    even though I hate how school is almost here, I keep telling myself that it is my last year and then I'm done.

    like I am still going to college, but I won't have to deal with highschool drama and bs.
    Disphxrial and Smg like this.
  4. nzoslash

    nzoslash Donator

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    i have school tomorrow lmao
    sss and Joseph10003 like this.
  5. j0sef

    j0sef resigned Donator

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    you lost me at
    sss, trin, katlynn and 5 others like this.
  6. Joseph10003

    Joseph10003 hi. Donator

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    Disphxrial, jessie, Kaylyn and 3 others like this.
  7. gibbson3

    gibbson3 Legend l Gibby

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  8. Kimme


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    kimgle (kimme)
    I love school tbh
    I love taking notes and learning and understanding the world around me better and I want to go to Harvard (i have big dreams lol) and I'm pumped asf to be in a classroom because school and acting are basically the only things I'm good at
    cingle, Joseph10003 and Smg like this.
  9. sebastiann

    sebastiann Donator

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    I love the education part of school. Learning is so much fun. I love being educated but another thing I love is giving to those whom don't have the same opportunities and chances as I. With Random Acts we raised money so that we could build a school in a 3rd world country and it went so well! During gishwhes we did an item that required us to teach something to the less fortunate! It was so much fun and heartwarming.
    I take a lot of AP/Honors classes and I'm always excited to learn new things. I plan on moving to Vancouver for college. I plan on going for two years for acting/directing as I already have experience. I'm also a huge history buff, history/art/drama are my favourite courses in school.
    I really do not like the social aspect of school, as I get stressed easily, have anxiety/panic attacks all of the time(like more than 4 a day), and I'm just super bad at talking to people. and also the fact that I get treated differently like I have to use a different washroom and changing room separate from everyone. I'm not allowed to use the boys room for some reason.
    Enough of me talking,
    Here are some tips for studying, note taking, organization, etc.
    H E A L T H / S L E E P / F O O D
    • put in when you’re going to sleep or when you have to wake up
    • it’ll tell you when to fall asleep / wake up so your sleep cycles aren’t interrupted (therefore you don’t feel groggy and tired)
    1. Get enough sleep. Your brain needs it. Set yourself a ‘bed time’ and fall into the routine of going to bed and waking up at the same times each day.
    2. Drink water and lots of it. Aim for 2 litres a day. This one’s easy, you can do it. Ditch the juices and carbonated beverages, just add a slice of lemon to your water if you feel like something fancy.
    3. Allow yourself to switch off. Don’t be afraid to read books that have nothing to do with your studies. Go to the cinema. Work out. Take your mind away from your workload.
    4. Take care of your skin. Wash your face every morning and night. Moisturize after every shower and bath. Don’t go to bed with your make-up on, no matter how tired you are.
    5. Talk to your friends and family about something other than school. Don’t let your studies detach you from the things going on around you.
    6. Work out. Even just once a week, or whenever you can. Go for a walk or a run, maybe just for 15 minutes. Follow along with a YouTube exercise video from the comfort of your own home or try out some yoga moves.
    7. Make time for your hobbies. Studying is your full time job, but there’s plenty of hours left in the day. Don’t neglect the things you love.
    8. Cook. Sometimes all we have time for is microwave noodles, but don’t fall into the habit of relying on the basics. You’ll feel the difference.
    9. Don’t forget to laugh. Watch a hilarious film. See a comedian at a local venue. Watch funny videos on YouTube. Reminisce with friends. It’ll do you good.
    10. Ditch the caffeine. Don’t rely on Starbucks. It’s delicious but you don’t need it. Save up all the money you’d usually spend on coffee and treat yourself to something instead.
    11. Make your bed every morning. You’ll be grateful at the end of a long day when you can get into a cosy bed that doesn’t look like you just rolled out of it.
    S T A T I O N E R Y / S U P P L Y E S S E N T I A L S

    1. headphones–you do not want to use the crusty, gross school headphones when you have to watch a video in class

    2. pain medication allergy medication–I know most schools tell you to go to the nurse, but I like keeping some with me, I do not keep the whole bottle, nor do I leave them in my locker, I typically keep like 2 ibuprofen in a small ziploc bag

    3. bandaids–I’ve made myself bleed in school on various occasion

    4. a sewing kit–buttons popping off are the worst, especially important buttons

    5. tissues or napkins–if you have allergies do this, but you never know when you have to blow your nose

    6. wet wipes / deodorant–if ya get sweaty you’ll be thankful you had these

    7. perfume/cologne–the same reason as above, plus you’ll smell good too

    8. phone charger–do I really need to explain this?

    9. a shirt–just in case you get a really awful stain

    10. a sweater/jacket–it’s either really hot or really cold in most schools, this is FACT
    Make sure you've got all you need, like pencils, pens, notebooks, books, and all that good stuff!
    if you need help finding things you want/need, feel free to ask me. I know some cool sites with cute supplies.

    + P R O D U C T I V I T Y / M O T I V A T I O N / P R O C R A S T I N A T I O N / O R G A N I Z A T I O N +
    study plans should be tailor made to your liking, but i'm just gonna give you tips and ideas for one.
    Study Plan

    Day 1:

    • make vocab flashcards
    • start writing/highlighting notes
    • read your textbook/chapter twice
    Day 2:

    • review flashcards twice
    • read notes twice
    • read textbook/chapter once
    • create some diagrams
    Day 3:

    • find a video about the topic
    • read your notes aloud once
    • read your textbook/chapter once
    • review diagram
    Day 4:

    • try rewriting you notes from your memory
    • read notes aloud once
    • read textbook once
    • practice vocab flashcards
    Day 5:

    • make a summary of your chapter/lesson
    • go over vocab
    • read notes
    • read textbook
    • find more videos on the topic
    Day 6:

    • try to find an educational song about the topic(trust me, it makes concepts stick in your head)
    • review vocab
    • read notes aloud once
    • read textbook/chapter once
    • go over diagrams or try to redraw them from memory
    Day 7

    • go over your vocab
    • watch another video
    • read aloud notes
    • read material
    • go over diagram again
    • get a good night’s sleep!!!
    Tips for a more productive study session
    1. Tidy up your desk/work area. Believe me, it’s so much easier to concentrate once your surroundings are clean and smell nice.

    2. Wash your teeth and face before every study session. It will make you feel clean and more awake.

    3. Keep a big bottle of water near you and stay hydrated throughout the whole session.

    4. Set a few goals (not very many) to accomplish in your session. Do that in order to set a purpuse, but don’t be overoptimistic, it’s bettr to focus on your priorities.

    5. Put on something that you feel comfortable in. Whatever it is, a onezie, pyjamas, tracksuit bottoms, anything that doesn’t bother you and helps you focus on work.

    6. Take 20 minute breaks every one or two hours (depending on your stress level)

    7. If you tend to play with/pull your hair, try to keep it up in a hairstyle that keeps it out of the way. This goes out to my friends and anyone who obsessively plays with their hair as a way to destress. Just figure out the best way to keep your hair out of your head (haha) for the longest time possible.
    • Use a planner to jot down important deadlines.
    • Toss out dried pens and highlighters from your pencil case.
    • Keep your books according to subject.
    • Use a book binder if you tend to lose papers.
    • Use sticky notes which can be helpful in temporarily marking the important pages for fast revision.
    • Have different bags for school, sports, and tuition class.
    • Have a stationery holder on your study desk, and constantly make sure the required materials are in working condition.
    • Allocate a spot in your house for your backpack, and always park it there every time you come home from school.
    • Clean out your backpack regularly.
    • Prepare a waste paper bin beside your study desk.
    • Get a soft board or white board as an eye-catching reminder of deadlines, “Must Do”, or other checklists.
    • If you are studying with a laptop, get your study materials organized for ease of retrieval.
    • Clean up your study desk every time you are done using it.

    being motivated is the key to being productive and getting things done, so here are my tips and tricks on staying motivated!

    • plan your day

    make a timetable to plan exactly when you are going to do things and how long for. you could use a bullet journal, planner or even a notebook. planning gives you structure for your day and makes you more likely to get things done. (and checking things off a list is the most satisfying thing ever!!)

    • turn off your phone/ other distractions

    if your phone is taking over your life and preventing you from getting things done, turn it off and put it in another room! I also love using the app “forest”, where trees grow depending on how long you have stayed off your phone for. there are many other useful websites which can block social media so that you don’t get distracted.

    • set yourself a goal

    the best way to get motivated is to have something that you want to achieve. be determined to reach this goal, it could be anything from reading a chapter of a book to learning a vocab list. make sure that it is achievable in the time that you have.

    • think about why you want to do it

    make a list of all the reasons you want to do something and whenever you feel unmotivated look at this list and hopefully it will boost your motivation! you could also consider the positive things that will come as a result of doing this thing.

    • establish a routine

    try to build a daily routine centered around what you want to do. for example, instead of going on your phone for half an hour in the morning you could use that time for something else. once you get used to this, hopefully getting motivated won’t be a difficult.

    • track your progress

    try keeping a log or habit tracker to see how often you are doing things that you want to be doing. this may give you motivation to carry on doing what you’re doing and you can see which days you are lacking motivation and try to be more motivated the next day.

    • reward yourself

    for example, if you want to be motivated to get a piece of homework done then say to yourself that if you finish it then you can watch one episode of a tv show, or anything else that you enjoy doing. but remember to be firm, you can only get the reward if you get something done!

    • split big tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks

    + O T H E R B A C K T O S C H O O L P O S T S +

    declutter your room and study space!

    • ok so i can’t stress how important this is enough
    • if you have a really untidy workplace (not like a little cluttered, like suPER untidy), you probably won’t be able to work as efficiently!!
    • you don’t need to worry about buying fancy stationery or expensive organising things, if all you have is a bookshelf and a table, that’s great!! if you have a large desk with built in storage, that’s great too!! make good use of what you have
    • it’s a good idea to sort out what school notes and things you have from the previous year and what might be helpful or necessary for the coming year
    • trash what notes you don’t need and sort out what ones you do
    • personally i like to keep my textbooks from previous years, but this is up to you.
    • make sure you have a space for your timetable, folders, etc
    • make it a happy space to study!
    • i also like to make sure my happy sleepy relax place (probs ur bedroom) is clear from clutter and will be conductive to sleep and relaxation
    • try and keep technology away from this area - i know it’s tempting to watch netflix until 3 in the morning (cough*guilty*cough*) but try to keep this to a seperate area - ur brain knows and will associate this to this area, which isn’t good for when school starts
    TL;DR sort out your study space and your room so that you’re ready and prepared for the school year!

    get ahead!

    • honestly i know it sounds lame to spend your summer holidays doing MORE schoolwork but it really doesn’t have to take up all your time!!
    • pick a subject you found difficult that you’re doing next year, or something you want to revise and get ahead in, and make a plan
    • set aside a certain amount of time during the day that you’ll spend doing some schoolwork
    • it can be half an hour, or 5 hours!! it doesn’t matter how long, it’s still better than doing nothing at all!
    • but don’t stress yourself out. chill, you got tons of time!!
    • so…. “i will do 45 minutes of maths problems every second day until school starts!” or “i will make sure i get 50 xp on duolingo every day until school starts!”
    • make sure it’s realistic for the amount of time you have during the holidays and how much you want to achieve
    • for languages, DUOLINGO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!!
    • honestly it’s free and such a great way to learn new vocabulary and phrases!!
    • also, skim your textbooks, find out what’s in the syllabus, and the assessments for yo subjects
    • if you have any books for english or anything, try to read them - i’ve always heard and abided by the rule that the first time you read a book you’re sort of learning the story and focusing on the plot, but the second time you read it is when you should be looking for literary devices and techniques
    get organized!

    • use a planner/calendar/bullet journal omg, just use one pls
    • or something that works for you!
    • handing assignments in late is literally the worst way to lose marks because you could have had them and saved yourself stress just by handing it in on time
    • you can use a planner!!
    • ofc you don’t have to have an expensive one!! you can make your own using a spare notebook and a pen!! or look at printables
    • also, sort out your school bag/pencil case and make sure you have everything you need for the upcoming year
    get organised…. pt 2!

    • figure out how you’ll organise your subjects and notes and things
    • personally i like to have a binder for each subject for handouts, take notes in a notebook and homework in a separate folder, and have secondary notes on my computer. i also have a have a folder for every class.
    • knowing how you’re going to organise your notes and handouts and assignments before the school year starts is so helpful - meaning you spend less time looking for notes and more time studying!!
    • accordion folders can be really great for taking specific papers or assignments from school to home
    • i personally prefer writing my notes by hand as i feel i take them in better, but writing them on a computer is still ok!! just do what works for you.
    just relax. take time for yourself.

    • honestly after such a big school year too, don’t get too stressed about the coming year. instead look at it in a positive light.
    • yes a little bit of stress helps to keep you on track and make sure you don’t simply say “i’ve got SOOO much time” but too much (as I’m sure you all know!!)
    • so take time out during the holidays to destress and relax at the same time!!
    • you’ve got this!!
    • whether you’re starting year 7 or going into your final year, you can totally do this.
    • i believe in you!!!
    just remember to make your plans, and organize to what is best for you! i hope you all do well this year. also, if you are freshman..get involved in your school. do sports/clubs! you will not regret it.
    I'm starting my junior year this year and i'm actually super excited. i get my schedule tomorrow. if you have any questions for me, feel free to ask.
    Aiden, stupid, Katerina and 13 others like this.
  10. Kimme


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    kimgle (kimme)
    I love you for this. I needed this. I'm going into Freshman year and I'm pretty good with time management, but I've just been really nervous with the amount of work and not getting overwhelmed, because even though I enjoy it,' I get overwhelmed quite easily. I'm taking all Seminar classes (in my school class leveling goes from basic, academic, honors, seminar, then AP, but AP isn't an option for freshmen) including sem chemistry (usually freshmen take biology, but i took it 8th grade so i'll be in a class with sophomores) and I'm planning on taking an online pre-calculus class after the first semester (I'm taking Algebra II in school) and with my electives and everything, I have an 8 credit schedule. Basically, I dropped my lunch period completely, so while some students have lunch every day of the week, or some have it 3/5 in the school week, I'll be in class and they'll let us eat in classrooms but I won't mentally get a break. I'm terrified for this but I'm really excited and this just kind of reassured me that I'd be okay.
  11. KaiserVenom

    KaiserVenom Veteran Donator

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    I still think learning what 'x' is every time I go to school gets a bit repetitive.
    And boring.
    I am the kind of person that is, 'monkey see, monkey do' and making me find 'x' one thousand times does not make me any better at it. Yes, maybe repeating it and reviewing it every once is a while is a good thing, but dear God, every five seconds I am doing pointless alegebra with no context aside from finding different ways to find the damn 'x'.
    Math will be the end of me, and it will only get harder for me in the next few years, I have no idea if I will be able to even comprehend the stuff it is trying to teach me due to my serious laziness and lack of me caring to do so. This post helped a little bit, so did @ImNotOkayy 's, but damn school, give me a damn break and teach me stuff that will help me later in life. Like computer science or something? I don't know.

    Moving on, everything else in school I do not have many problems with, but I will point out a few:
    1. Tuition is too damn high for my school.
    2. Memorization, which I am absolutely terrible at.
    3. Everything else I am too lazy to mention.

    Things like history, English, and sometimes science, I enjoy sometimes, because I love history and I am good at grammar, but the only problem with English class is the fact that I already speak like an adult and learning these extremely long and complex words which I will never ever use or hear ever again outside school grounds.
    I can already get my point across pretty damn well already, I don't need to be the Fuhrer of the Grammar Nazis to communicate with other human beings.
    That is all.
    With the angry rant put aside, I did pick up a few things from your post, and I will more than likely remember them when I finally do get to start school.
    I know this is a lazy response, but it would just be a longer version of me saying thank you :)
    Sakujo, katlynn, Smg and 1 other person like this.
  12. vipa

    vipa the hornace of death Donator

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    I'm actually looking forward to school this year, I'm starting the IB syllabus, and it's going to be very hectic, but I've already prepared for it, since I've finished half of all the textbooks for all my Higher Level subjects over the summer.
  13. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    Superfrog likes this.
  14. stanateez

    stanateez hongjoong enthusiast Donator

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    this is just probs my school but
    its catchy
  15. John_0696

    John_0696 Donator

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    This thread is very true. I am actually looking forward to school starting back up for me cause Im starting my 2nd year of college. But i understand kids really dont like to go back to school.

    The thing is, School is actually a very important part of your everyday life as a kid, You go there to learn new things every day like how our world works, What to do in certain parts of your life, How to take care of yourself when you become an adult and many other things. If people just listened to what the teacher has to say, you might learn something new.

    I know the true reason why kids dread going back to school as ive had experience, are the other kids. Im not talking about Every student at school, but the kids who dont want to learn and try to drag other people's experience down with them. the type of kids who dont give a rat's ass about education and rather spend time with there friends. Those type of people who sear like it's common speech and smuggle drugs into the campuses. You have that at every school, the quote on quote "Popular kids", the Druggies, the Gangsters and the assholes, those are all things that i know every kid who wants to learn dreads when Back to school starts rolling around.

    My advice is dont let others bring down your will to be educated and learn new things, because in the end there are things they teach in school that are vital to your well-being and personality, History teaches you about things and to never repeat history's mistakes. Science teaches you how the world around you works, such as Nature, Biology, Astronomy and so forth. Believe it or not, Even math is important to your knowledge as it helps you manage things like accounting, Balancing money and bank accounts, you name it. English is the most important out of your education as it teaches you how to think critically and speak in todays society.

    To all the younger people here, Your education is important and you should take the opportunity to learn it, Dont let others try to jeopardize your Success as in the long run school will help you immensely. :)
  16. Phoenix

    Phoenix Donator

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    Same. xD

    I honestly don't want to think about school. I know my next year of high school (Year 4 out of 5) is going to be really hard for me. But I'm also looking forward to it, since I've dropped a few subjects. And I'll also go to Paris for a week in November with my friends and classmates, which I'm seriously hyped for, since we're also going to Disneyland c:

    (Also, me and my whole friend group are getting split up. Me in 1 class, all the others in the other class. :c )
    John_0696, j0sef and katlynn like this.
  17. NoahMC


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    just waiting for college lol, high school idk about
    I start high school this year, not sure what to feel on it lol, heard so much stuff on it
    KaiserVenom and Smg like this.
  18. Smg

    Smg Retired | Also known as 'Phaithful' Donator

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    Same, I'm excited...but scared at the same time.
    I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, all my doubt will probably be lost after the first week.
    sss likes this.
  19. BlakeSenpai

    BlakeSenpai ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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    I'm just glad I didn't get held back again
  20. kiraa

    kiraa ugh Donator

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    You sound a lot like my brother.
    x3Kim and Smg like this.