Freedom of Speech/Hacking Groups.

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by KaiserVenom, Jul 10, 2016.

  1. KaiserVenom

    KaiserVenom Veteran Donator

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    Warning! Opinions ahead!
    Also, for this one, anyone with Cyberphobia, I suggest you stop reading this thread when I say you should, I do not want to trigger an anxiety attack or anything.
    Today I am discussing Freedom of Speech, also known as the First Amendment for you Americans.

    Hello forum, I am already making another thread for all of you to read, especially for my friends.
    Let me give an actual introduction to this thread.
    Today, I unfortunately found out that a YouTuber who just got a video taken down because he criticized the upcoming Ghostbusters movie.
    This may sound foolish because I am making a big deal about this, because it probably is.
    I am very sick and tired of infringement of freedom of speech on YouTube, so I think it would be a good idea to at least make a few more people aware of this going on.

    So let me get into specifics here.
    A YouTuber known as 'Undoomed' got one of his videos taken down due to him criticizing the new upcoming Ghostbusters movie, (specifically because of the female cast) :
    The suspected reason behind this is that YouTube themselves is taking down 'anti-feminist' videos, because of some unknown reason. Most likely because they are worried for the feelings of feminazies.
    Which is complete bullshit if you ask me.

    The reason that this is a big deal is because this means a lot of trouble for anyone who goes on YouTube and wishes to express their opinion on anything, because if YouTube dosent like it, they can just take it down.
    That is
    This angers me, a lot, and I am very sure all of you are too because this affects all of us somehow, because that means any huge business can suppress your word just because a group of people don't like it.
    This affects me also, considering how I do infact plan on posting videos on my YouTube channel expressing my opinions on things in the near future, and now I have to fear the site itself.
    That is in some forms irrational, but given my case it is understandable.

    Also, any infringement upon freedom of speech makes me angry, considering it is out of anyone's jurdicistion to do so. People, companies, and the government get away with it without punishment for doing so.
    I will leave it up to you on what you gather from all of this.

    Note: I probably will end up editing this post to include an even further rant about this, so stay tuned, I am sick of all of this stupid stuff going on around YouTube and everywhere else.

    Remember my warning from before, if you have Cyberphobia, then I suggest leaving the thread now. Thank you.
    The warning is necessary, please no sarcastic comments about how I had to put this warning here.

    So I am sure all of you have at least heard about all the recent hacking going on literally everywhere right?
    If you haven't, then I suggest you either keep reading or clicking off this thread.

    Apparantly hacking groups, such as poodlecorp, (which is a very odd name, to say the least) and OurMine have been ddosing YouTubers, Twitter accounts, and I believe Facebook accounts.
    Not even mentioning the swatting that is going on because of them.
    This brings the question, is my privacy at risk, no matter who you are?
    Yes, yes it is. But that affects all of us, and the risk increases especially when you are more popular.
    You see, the average user (like yourself) is likely not going to be subject to any mainstream hackers, but even that small chance of viruses, hackers, etc, is scary all by itself.
    I wanted to take the time in this thread to at least give a warning to all of you to step up security, because this stuff happens to everyone, and could possibly even happen to our Owners here.
    So, please guys, think more about this now or in the near future, because I am almost certain you all have Twitter accounts, and everything else, so I wanted to talk about this, even briefly.

    Thanks for reading,

    Another note! I want to say, this is another relatively short thread by me, but I don't care. I still hopefully made my point right?
    Anyway, I would seriously like if you guys posted on this thread, and if you made it this far, don't like this post please, that is not what I'm looking for today.

    A sincere thanks to all of you.
    Umar, SinisterBucky, Miner and 4 others like this.
  2. cingle

    cingle Donator

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    YouTube isn't run by the U.S. Government so they can take down videos for whatever reason they want. I don't see anything wrong with it because f YouTube had no restrictions on what could be posted, it wouldn't be good.
    Not starting an argument, but that's my opinion on it.

    JFMULI Greenest cactus of the world

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    ''This may sound foolish because I am making a big deal about this, because it probably is.''

    I agree with you, I think taking away someone's free speech is bad. Even if you disagree with them... Especially if you disagree with them.
    KaiserVenom likes this.
  4. XxLamprophyrexX

    XxLamprophyrexX 》Faction Veteran《 Playboy

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    They delete the video but DramaAlert is still on youtube. Tf?
    BlakeSenpai, Icy, Umar and 2 others like this.
  5. Braixen

    Braixen The Gay <*w*> Donator

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    Youtube Corp. has been doing stupid moves like this a ton. They neglect their abusive strike system and instead focus on more petty things, like bullying and bad vibes. Instead of cracking down on people literally stealing other's content, they start a premium youtube service which is as useless as spotify's premium service. Instead of giving everyone a chance of getting big, they only promote gamers and anything related to videogames on youtube. And finally, it was the youtube community and the police that cracked down on pranksters.

    Youtube keeps stabbing itself in the chest, and it's only gonna get worse from here.
    dinoceros, Glass and KaiserVenom like this.
  6. MC_Scout

    MC_Scout Fearless Leader Staff Member Manager

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    The chances of an actual YouTube team member taking that video down is close to zero. Most likely it was a massive flag spam, where a bunch of people flag the video so it catches the algorithm and removes it.
    Also you cant ddos Twitter or Facebook accounts. DDOS is not hacking. What ourmine has been doing is actually hacking accounts, beit because of an exploit or whatever.
    Lastly YouTube can make up whatever rules they want within reason. If tomorrow they said that criticism of YouTube is not allowed, then they can do that. The first amendment protects you from Government censorship.
    Braixen likes this.
  7. KaiserVenom

    KaiserVenom Veteran Donator

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    Whether DDOSing is hacking or not, it is still illegal, and that really is not the point of this.
    The point of this is that people are hacking others, and I wanted to talk about it.
    Exploit or not, getting unauthorized access to any account is illegal, especially since it is an invasion of someone's privacy. I am very sure you knew that already though.

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

    It protects you from any censorship, from what I believe.
    The chances of an actual YouTube member deleting that video is possible, but that is also still their fault, because the company should have made a better algorithm to where an actual human being has to review and delete the video, not an automatic system.
    That is either a loophole on their end, or a big mistake, because of the censorship that is going on right now.
    Either way, it still goes back to them that videos like that are being deleted.
    Also, YouTube said themselves that you are able to voice your opinion on their site, so that is a dick move on there part.
  8. Braixen

    Braixen The Gay <*w*> Donator

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    Ahem. I believe it says that Congress will make no law. It doesn't say anything about Corporation. If that was the case, though, then I would be able to say whatever I want here, and staff wouldn't be able to punish me. But of course, freedom of speech does not reach out to privately owned areas, so I got a warning for some content I made here(Even though it wasn't innapropriate but whatev's).

    You must be really naive about Youtube's tendencies. Youtube is like every other business, they aren't going to do anything if they don't have to, and they don't have to do anything because they are the only major video hosting platform with no viable, I repeat - "viable" - competitors. Dailymotion and vimeo are just as bad with their customer service, and they don't get a bazillion of views and ads played every day. It sucks, I know, but there isn't shit we can do about it, including complaining. Unless a good, user-friendly platform rises up and many youtubers start to threaten Youtube that they are going to take their business elsewhere, then we will still be in the same dilemna of Youtube being able to do whatever they please, and nothing can stop them.
    KaiserVenom and MC_Scout like this.
  9. Glass

    Glass what Donator

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    There are literally channels dedicated to episodes of shows, like this one channel has a playlist of unedited steven universe episodes. And of course, people can still flag spam a youtube video bc they didn't like a part of it and it gets taken down. IHE's WHOLE channel got taken down! The whole system where a youtuber can flag a video and claim it as the person stole their content and then MAKE MONEY OFF OF THE VIDEO they flagged! That system is abused so much!
    sss and Braixen like this.
  10. BlakeSenpai

    BlakeSenpai ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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    The biggest problem I have with the new cast is that three of them are from SNL and the last one was from the Spy movie.
    MinSugaa likes this.
  11. Umar


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    he's immortal
    Braixen, BlakeSenpai and KaiserVenom like this.