Fancytext without a generator?

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by Costellon, Nov 6, 2017.

  1. Costellon

    Costellon professional Boy Donator

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    The reason there is no fancy text on this thread is because the forum doesnt support the symbols. and most mobile devices that i've come accross dont support them either. They'll appear as �'s.
    the text looks like this.

    Hello. I spent 2 days trying to figure this out so you dont have to. I wanted to be able to type in fancy text without the use of a generator. Seen as i couldn't find a program, i mapped the keys out myself and made it easier to download.

    First thing's first, you need to be able to change in and out of the text easily. To do this, we'll need to enable the language bar. (With windows 7 and below, the instructions may be different.)
    1. Open up Control Panel
    2. Click on Clock, Language, and Region
    3. Click Language
    4. On the tab (far left), click Advanced settings
    5. Enable the "use the desktop language bar when it's available" option
    All done, now that we have the language bar, we need to download the layout. I've put it in a mediafire folder.
    Download that and extract it. Open the extracted file and click "setup"
    It should install. If it was successful, it should show this.
    Now that's done, go to your desktop. The language bar should be found up the top right
    Or on your taskbar
    (If it's on your taskbar, for easier viewing, right click it and click 'Restore the Language Bar')
    Now all you have to do is click on 'EN English (US, Australia)' and select azerbaijan.
    To change it back, simply select EN again.
    To dock the bar back to your taskbar, click the minimize icon on the top right of the bar.

    none yet


    EDIT: If anyone has any font/symbol/keyboard mapping requests, dont be afraid to ask.
    iRachel, Starixty and Phoenix like this.