Don't Hate Racists

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by Muffin_Mobber, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. Muffin_Mobber

    Muffin_Mobber Reality Surfer Donator

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    I understand the title was a bit clickbaity, but I wanted to test how my idea would fly amongst a Minecraft server, where the consequences of things like how we're perceived and what people think of us seem far less important, before I mention it aloud in a public place like a school classroom.

    Basically, I'm posting this because of my English teacher. To put it bluntly, he's exactly what one expects of a High School English teacher in California, which, if you're not native to the US, is the most liberal place in the country: he is very thin, 30 years old, bald, and a prime example of what your conservative father hates in an English teacher: a brain-washer. That is the stereotype, just to clear things up. I do, in fact, hesitate to call him something as severe as a brain-washer, but the fact of the matter is is that he really doesn't teach English a lot of the time. He likes to assign readings from short stories and then obscurely relate things we read about to current political issues wherein he gives us his own opinion and then bullies students into agreeing* with him. Anyway, I wanted to give you that much so that you won't be shocked to hear he openly advocates for the hatred of racists: you may not make any kind of discriminatory joke (be it racist, misogynistic, homophobic, or even pertaining to rape) as that perpetuates that thing which you are joking about (I would disagree but that's another discussion entirely), and if you are caught making a joke he will send out the whole class so that he can have a one on one with the culprit student, who is then rammed over and over with virtue, basically, until he's so distraught that he hates himself (granted I'm paraphrasing on behalf of said students but that is the gist). On Halloween you'd be suspended for wearing any kind of cultural garments that weren't of your own (also ironic to me but another discussion entirely), and if you do any of these things he threatens to suspend you and to RESCIND any letters of recommendations he sent to colleges about you. He often preaches of how horrible his family-in-law is due to their racist conversations around the table (I want to mention here that based on his definition of racist it is not actually clear whether or not his extended family is racist at all).Let it be noted these are all things that he has chosen to do, and they are not required of him as far as his role as an English teacher is concerned.

    So that's really the cause for the thoughts I was thinking and, hopefully a relatable thing, when something you think wrong is going on, the first thing you feel is a strange kind of emotion in your heart wherein you know something wrong is going on but you can't put your finger on what it is, exactly. I think I've somewhat found that reason, and I think it has to do with him being wrong on a fundamental level about what he thinks the problem is.

    Given how much he hate-mongers racism and given the way he treats people who exhibit any kind of racism at all, I can't help but realize that he hates racists to the same degree you would expect a racist to hate someone of a different race. Now, what is the problem with this?

    I believe that the fundamental problem with society is not racism, sexism, or homophobia. I believe that the fundamental problem is hatred. I believe that these things like racism, sexism, or whateverthefuck are just outlets through which hatred manifests. Therefore, I find it hypocritical and pointless to hate people who hate, for you are only adding to that fundamental problem of hatred. You are not solving anything by hating racists-if I may be so bold you are actually further alienating them from becoming good people by hating them. How much better would it be to try and exhibit that same self-professed tolerance you claim to feel for other races, religions, sexual orientations, etc., towards those who are racist? I daresay we would actually get somewhere, instead of making it out to be an us vs. them kind of thing.

    "Bigot: a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions."
    I think it is ironic to claim yourself tolerant of all oppositional ideas and yet turn into that thing you hate when you are actually confronted with them.

    Tell me what you think of my thought, my argument-as that is really what it is in reality. If you have a disagreement please share it, as I can better argue my point and/or change my mind. Thank you for reading as I understand I ramble on and on when I make posts.
    We read a story from "The Canterbury Tales", the specific tale being told by Bath's wife. To give you the gist of it, a knight rapes a girl, is sentenced to death, is saved by the queen for one year and only if he can answer her one question: "What is it that all women want?" He, being the honorable knight he is searches to and fro the land, asking relentlessly of all women he comes across what it is. On the final day, disheartened as he is, he walks back to the queen to assume his death, but chances upon a witch of fearsome ugliness and old age who tells him: "That which all women want is to have dominion over their husbands. If this is not the answer than [fuck me, basically]. The only condition is is that if I am correct than you agree to do any thing of my choosing." He agrees, and of course the witch is right, and she asks him to marry her. He is bound by his word and therefore does so, in shame. It came time for them to make love and the knight did not want to. Blah blah blah the witch spits wisdom and the knight agrees to do whatever she wishes and then BOOM: She turns into a young, preeminently beautiful and obeying spouse. There, that's the story: the knight lives happily ever after after learning his lesson. So we read this, and our teacher had written on the board that in our journals we were to have written about: "What did you think of the end of The Tale of Bath's Wife?" Many people gave the expected: "Justice was not had as he was a rapist and basically got off scotch free and got a smoking hot wife." I myself was of the opinion that due to the fact the raped women and her family didn't get justice, he should not have had happily ever after and I therefore disagreed. However, there was still plenty of reason to think that the ending was good. Such was the opinion of my friend, Julio, who liked the ending: "Well, in reality the knight learned his lesson so it isn't like he'll ever rape a woman again. If the purpose of a punishment is to teach a lesson than in this case that was had." And my teacher said: "That was a good joke, now what did you really say?" And my poor friend was pressured into giving in to what he wanted him to say. That made me incredibly mad, personally, as it is so hard to blame my friend for not remaining brave. So many repercussions, would be had, were he to dispute the teacher, some extracurricular, even.
    Davey, ShadowFlames and Soap like this.