1. PopeUrbanII

    PopeUrbanII deus vult Donator

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    I'm surprised someone hasn't made a thread about DACA yet.
    If you don't know, DACA is a program that protects "dreamers" (people brought illegally to the USA as young children) from deportion and grants them work permits.
    How do you feel about DACA?
    Feel free to debate but keep it civil :)
  2. Smg

    Smg Retired | Also known as 'Phaithful' Donator

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    idk much bout politics and this sort of stuff but it seems these people who came here without a choice at a younger age are now being forced out after they've created a life for their-self here. I do not agree with it.
  3. PopeUrbanII

    PopeUrbanII deus vult Donator

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    It's up to congress if they want to keep it or not, I expect it to be re written and made more constitutional.
    Smg likes this.
  4. Saul1337


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    They should keep it.
    Nat Geo has a small bit about it, it follows the process of dreamers getting deported and what they do when they arrive in their country of birth.
    Many cases none had any idea what to do, some didn't speak the language so they just resort to stay at the airport and be homeless there. For them it's like one of those drops you do with school for fun in the forest, but then in another country and you have to legally battle to get back to your home.
    Emma and PopeUrbanII like this.
  5. vipa

    vipa the hornace of death Donator

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    DACA does help young illegals that are actually trying to be productive towards the country. The problem is that it presents an opportunity cost: we either focus on helping citizens already suffering in poverty, or help illegals trying to build a life here. These illegals came to the country as young children and have live in the country for most of their life without knowing another, they oftenly didn't come as a conscious choice, but rather brought by parents or etc. DACA should stay, but we shouldn't be entirely focused on it, we have our own citizens to tend to as well.
    noahnoobfax and PopeUrbanII like this.
  6. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    These kids weren't brought to the US by their choice. They've grown up here and to force them to live in a country and speak a language they don't know is cruel. I honestly think that it's only being repealed because the current administration is trying to undo everything the previous administration did. It's not because it benefits anyone.
    YFIOTR, Gooby, Loocy and 1 other person like this.
  7. PopeUrbanII

    PopeUrbanII deus vult Donator

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    I don't think you can say something like that without providing evidence.
    ^ People like Jeff Sessions think that DACA is unconstitutional, and so did Obama.
    noahnoobfax likes this.
  8. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    I don't really need to provide evidence for common sense. They don't know how to speak the language, they know nothing of the country. How is that relevant to being constitutional? Seriously? What else has Trump done that has benefited the entire country instead of his mission of wiping Obama and anything he's done?
    Gooby and PopeUrbanII like this.
  9. iRachel

    iRachel Donator Donator

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    Sweetheart, America was built on immigrants since day one. There is no,"we have our own citizens to tend to as well.". Anyone who crosses our borders and is in need of help should be tended to. I was born in America but I'm not jealous that they're focusing more on people who aren't "our own citizens". People are still human beings no matter what border they cross.

    I agree, I understand that our government functions under a rule that something has to be constitutional to be allowed in this country but we made up that rule. I really don't see a problem with these illegal immigrants that we have now. There are literally illegal immigrants that have gotten scholarships and became valedictorians in their graduations. Most of them probably have a brighter future than an American that has been living here for their whole lives.

    To be honest, I kind of accepted this after a while. It's true that we can't be letting in people, but I don't think we should get rid of the ones we have now. But then I switched back. People are still being deported even though they've lived most of their lives here. I read this story about this athlete in college who got deported to his home country and can't even go outside because it's extremely dangerous. I read this other story about this mother and her children who were driving on a road and had to give up their car because someone threatened them with a gun. I realized after this that these people live in danger every single second that they live in these places. I believe now that we should just let people in if they help.

    When these people come to our country they're forced to change their style of clothing, their religion, language, and probably most of their culture altogether. It's hard enough for them because people judge them on a daily basis for trying to have a better life. They're at the point that even if they do get an education, they probably still won't succeed because of how society views them.

    Half of my family is Dominican. I have cousins and aunts who are illegal. This hits me hard because it breaks up families and my family could be one of those. These people come over here for a better life. They don't come here to steal your jobs or make your taxes go up. They come here because they want the same thing you can have - a successful, healthy, and safe life.
  10. vipa

    vipa the hornace of death Donator

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    If immigrants want to come into our country, they have to go through the legal process. That's what my family did, and now 80% if my family are now legal US citizens. Illegals completely skip all this, and it really pisses a lot of people off. Illegals are illegal, and illegal is bad. I support the deportation of all illegals except those who fit to be part of DACA and the Dreamer's act. Mainly because those people usually are brought into the country without conscious choice. But those who come into the country illegally as a conscious choice should be deported, no exceptions.
    teitan, noahnoobfax and PopeUrbanII like this.
  11. iRachel

    iRachel Donator Donator

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    Okay? Was your family in danger? Were they homeless or had a gun pointed to there heads? Who the fuck is gonna have time to become legal when they can't even feed their families on a daily basis?
    Loocy and PopeUrbanII like this.
  12. vipa

    vipa the hornace of death Donator

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    It doesn't matter, the law is the law. Dura lex, sed lex; the law is harsh, but it is the law. We cannot pick and choose which laws to follow. Illegals came in illegally, and that's why they should be deported. The reason why they live in bad conditions is not our fault, it's Mexico's. Don't forget that we also have citizens that live in an equally bad state. We have to focus on our citizens first.
    KaiserVenom and PopeUrbanII like this.
  13. PopeUrbanII

    PopeUrbanII deus vult Donator

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    Lots of people being deported have committed some sort of crime.
  14. iRachel

    iRachel Donator Donator

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    That's a lie. Do you have any evidence to prove that? No, because Donald has been using that as a way for people to see illegal immigrants as a threat to our country. It's funny how you entirely still listen to the internet these days.

    Okay, let people die and reject them back to their own dangerous country because we need to focus on our white supremacist, homophobes, and sexist citizens. Please, I would rather change my country by allowing these people who need help into our country than waste my time trying to change these bigoted, ignorant, and selfish people. This country is never gonna change. People are always gonna be in poverty and be racist. And you're honestly being a hypocrite because your president hasn't even been focusing on poverty or it's "own citizens". Getting rid of trans people in the military and removing illegal immigrants from our country isn't doing anyone who lives in America a favor. He's just literally taking us on a ride in his time machine and it's not the future nor the present.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
    Loocy likes this.
  15. vipa

    vipa the hornace of death Donator

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    If you don't like what our country is doing, then feel free to leave. It is a democracy, and Trump is the winner. Stop generalizing all American citizens as white supremacists and etc. This is a huge fallacy in your argument. I know a lot of people who've voted Trump and are against illegal immigration. They aren't white supremacists at all, many aren't even white.
  16. iRachel

    iRachel Donator Donator

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    I will as soon as I'm able to travel on an airplane, Toodaloo.
    Loocy and Nicohle like this.
  17. Nicohle

    Nicohle Donator

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    lol another one of these threads. I don't know why anyone bothers with these anymore they almost always create controversy.
  18. vipa

    vipa the hornace of death Donator

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    Maybe because @Mussolini wanted to have a civil debate? Debating isn't a bad thing.
    noahnoobfax likes this.
  19. Nicohle

    Nicohle Donator

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    Don't put words in my mouth. I never said it was a bad thing but I was just saying what it's probably going to turn into if it isn't already. But also there's nothing wrong with having a debate but at the end of the day most of these threads cause drama and accomplish nothing.
  20. PopeUrbanII

    PopeUrbanII deus vult Donator

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    I wanted a civil political debate, so far it has been fine and interesting to see everyone's views. Debate is fun as long as it's civil, please don't derail my thread. Also, if it gets out of hand I could always lock it.