3 Years on J&H! [All the Memories]

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by ZeusV, Jan 12, 2018.

  1. ZeusV

    ZeusV Former Moderator Donator

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    I've had a lot of good and sad memories on the J&H network, it's time to share them all.

    January 17th, 2017 - I first joined the server forums. The day I first applied to become a [Helper]. I was very new to these forums and as the days go by, I learned more & more about the forums.

    Over the days on J&H, I made new friends such as @CadeRox and @Frosty and @tacosinmytummy and a bunch of other cool people. As the days went by, new updates have been hatched. Resets were made and lots of new things on the J&H network.

    April 30, 2017 - The day when I become a [Helper], my dream came true. I was very excited to be promoted to [Helper].

    Then came one of the sad things that happen to me on J&H.

    Sept 21, 2017 - Demoted. I know everyone knows about my demotion and if you need more about it, please pm me about anything you want to know about it.

    Although I made my mistake for lying, I used this time as a learning experience and improved myself. I am a proud member on the J&H, young but strong. I will forever be on the J&H network and to see what awaits for J&H.

    Thank you to all of you for making 2017 one of the best years of my life. Thank you to everyone and let's wait for time to tell for what happens next...

    Regards, RaveV.
    [January 12th of 2018]
    sool, Evence, dreamvlle and 3 others like this.