Comments on Profile Post by FlakyNoodledLlama

  1. FrancescoC2o00
    if the bologna started flying, would the skateboard say 'aghadhb'?
    Jul 15, 2014
  2. FlakyNoodledLlama
    I may depend on whether or not the skateboard was upside-down.
    Jul 15, 2014
  3. FrancescoC2o00
    Well the computer WAS a tetradecahedron, so the chances are dire :/
    Jul 15, 2014
  4. FlakyNoodledLlama
    That explains a lot. It's unfortunate that it has to be this way. I was hoping the glue covered faucet could possibly change the outcome, but to no avail.
    Jul 16, 2014
  5. FrancescoC2o00
    Yeah unfortunately it couldn't, all the the curtain ate the bed and the waffle flew away :D
    Jul 16, 2014
  6. FlakyNoodledLlama
    The waffle flew away! This is like the 5th time this happened this week. I figured the mayonnaise police would prevent this from happening, but they seem to all be catching Swiss cheese in the plastic skyscrapers 50 miles from the tennis racket farm.
    Jul 16, 2014
  7. FrancescoC2o00
    Then tha farm disappeared gg.
    Jul 17, 2014