Comments on Profile Post by dreamvlle

  1. Praetor
    Interesting opinion, but I am inclined to respectfully disagree. Death is a physical state, not a physical object. While you are technically correct by communicating that death is just another chapter in life, how your statement is phrased causes a good deal of confusion. How can death, a state of being, be unanimous with the adjective alive?
    Jul 15, 2017
    dreamvlle likes this.
  2. Praetor
    It just doesn't make sense. I get where your formulations are coming from, but I have to render your idealogy, at least grammatically, incorrect.
    Jul 15, 2017
    dreamvlle likes this.
  3. dreamvlle
    I'll have you know I graduated the highest in my class. I went to military school for months and worked for the navy. Now, if you're going to tell me being alive is not death, then you are idiotically erroneous. Please recount your calculations this instant. Your conclusion gives me great bewilderment. I am astonished at this development.
    Jul 15, 2017
  4. Praetor
    Welcome to real science!!!!! The home of bill Nye and Kim kardashian. Death is a state, not a physical object!!!!!! How can it be alive???
    Jul 15, 2017
    dreamvlle likes this.
  5. dreamvlle
    how can you be alive!!!
    Jul 15, 2017
    Praetor likes this.
  6. Praetor
    Did you just assume my state if being and sentience? Mind you, I am extremely dead!!!
    Jul 15, 2017
    dreamvlle likes this.